• ベストアンサー



  • eeb33585
  • ベストアンサー率18% (283/1495)

So many students are at this University. の語順をひっくりかえしたものと私は解釈し、受け入れてきました。 ここで、 Thereはare(~が在る)を強調するため(または発音を整えるためだけ)の意味の無い単語。


  • 自然な英文

    このクラスには生徒が何人いますか? の英訳で How many students are in this class. と How many students are there in this class. ではどちらがネイティブの使うような自然な英文ですか?

  • 自然な英文

    このクラスには何人の生徒がいますか? の英訳で How many students does this class have? と How many students are there in this class? どちらがネイティブの使いそうな英文ですか?

  • 対話文の応答で(中学レベルです)

    What time do you get up? -At seven. を1. It is seven. How many students are there in the room? -There're ten students. を2.Ten students are. 3.Ten students are there. 1.2.3.はいずれも必ず間違いでしょうか。 もし間違いなら,その理由を説明したいのですが,上手く言えません。 1.はitが指すものがないから。 2.は? 3.はこのthereがthere areのthereではなく,「そこに」のthere,=in the roomを指すとすれば正解でしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • those who~の修飾

    「この学校には,一生懸命勉強する人がたくさんいる」 このとき[those who]は使えるのでしょうか? There are many those who study hard at this school. しかし,many が直接those whoにくっつくのは見たことがありません. そこでThere are many people who study hard at this school.はどうでしょう? しかし,「~する人々」はthose whoのような気もします. どちらかあっていますか?

  • 中三です英語の質問っす。

    中三です英語の質問っす。 間接疑問文の質問なんですが ☆Do you know what [this is] ではthis isで肯定文っぽいのに ☆How many students [are there] in the school ではare thereで疑問形っぽいのになってるのは なんでですか?

  • 英語の問題((長文です

    本文 1 "Mom, my car Dosen't move,″a boy said. 2 His mother answered, "Don't worry. 3 Let's take it to the toy Hospital. 4 Students at Omori Gakuen High School in Tokyo repair toys. 5 They open the "Toy Hospital″ at their school once a month. 6 They use techniques learned at school. 7 Through this service the students learn the spirit of saving things, and they pass on the same spirit to many children. 8 At this school, the students also volunteer for repairing wheelchairs and some other activities. 9 Students enjoy their volunteer work. 10 In Nepal many children cannot study because there aren't enough school. 11 In 1998, students at Nagayoshi High School in Osaka heard about this. 12 That summer, they ren five hundred kilometers for six days through many cities and towns, and collected money. 13 Since then, many students have run for the same purpose. 14 As a result four schools were built in Nepal. 15 But recently, they heard that some children living near the schools could not go to school because they had no money. 16 So the students started to run for a different purpose for these children. 17 Their goal has no end. 18 In Japan, many students are active in various kinds of volunteer work like the students from these two school. 19 How about your school? 次の質問の答えを本文から探して英語で書きましょう。 (1) What do the students at Omori Gakuen High School use to repair toys? (2) How many schools were built in Nepal through the volunteer work by the students at Nagayoshi High School? (3) Are many students active in volunteer activities in Japan? 次の英文を和訳しなさい (a) There is someone waiting for you at the station. (b) Andy likes the singing birds. 本文の訳はいいのですが、 問題が分かりません。。。 どうかお願いします。

  • センターの会話問題です。

    A: I get so annoyed watching TV these days. B: ( ) There are too many quiz programs. A: Yes, and there are so many commercials. 1. Me, too 2. Oh, are you? 3. Oh, did you? 4. So I do. Bは同意していると思うので、1か4だと思うのですが。 もう一問 A: Look at this old coin you have here. B: It looks rather old, but I don't know whether it's ( ) much. 1.useful 2.valuable 3.excellent 4.worth Bの会話文の最後のmuchはどういう役割ですか。valuableではなぜいけないのでしょうか。

  • there is, there areについて

    こんにちは。 英語で、there areの後には複数名詞が来ると習いましたよね。そして、there isは単数名詞ですよね。私もずっとそう思っていました。 例)There are so many people in Tokyo. しかし、ネイティブの方が、 There's so many people in Tokyo. のような使い方をするのを本当によく聞くのです。 これはなぜなのでしょうか?そして、もしこのような言い方をすることがあるのであれば、それはどのような時に起こるのでしょうか。 ご存知でしたら教えてください、よろしくお願いします。

  • There are を文末に持ってこれますか

    There are so many people. 「たくさん人がいる」という意味ですが、これを So many people are there.  と表現することもできるでしょうか。 ご回答よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語日記22 日本の大学

    日本の大学 今回は日本の大学について書いてみました。 最近誰も回答してくれないのですが。英語のためがんばります。 実際僕も大学生の年齢なので、よく大学のことはわかるつもりです。 ちなみに20です。 すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです。 I would like to talk about university in Japan. It is said that university in Japan is difficult to enter it, but it is easy to graduate from your university. How about foreign universities are. In the USA, on the contrary, it is easy to enter a university and difficult to graduate from it, so many student in the USA drop out from their university. I have friends who are university student in Japan. This is in my opinion, I think that my friends who are university student don’t trend to study hard. I am not criticizing them just because there are many temptations so many university students yield to temptation. I think if I were a university student in Japan, I would not study hard. This is because I tend to puzzle from surrounding environment. However, I like people who are university student !!!