• 締切済み


Now, if you bought a PlayStation 3 last week, today you might be kicking yourself. Sony has just revealed a new, smaller and lighter version of the PS3.But, just as importantly, it's also 100 cheaper, selling in the U.S. at 299.It's set to hit store shelves worldwide in the first week of September.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

さて、もしあなたが、先週プレイステーション3を買ったのなら、今日、あなたは自分自身を蹴っ飛ばしている(後悔している)かもしれません。 ソニーは、ちょうど今、PS3の新しくて、より小型で、より軽量のバージョンを発表しました。 しかし、同じくらい重要なのは、それはまた100ドルも安いのです。そして、299ドルで米国で販売されます。 9月の第1週に世界中の店頭に並ぶ事になっています。


  • 冠詞・不定冠詞の用法 a PlayStation3

    ある文法書の説明に【通常、固有名詞には冠詞はつかないが、不定冠詞がつくと「~のような偉大な人物」「~の作品」「~という人」「~の家の人」という意味を表す。】との説明がありました。以下の英文ではいづれの用法も当てはまらないと思います。 文章はニュースのスクリプトで、ある教材からの抜粋です。 Now, if you bought a PlayStation 3 last week, today you might be kicking yourself. Sony has just revealed a new, smaller and lighter version of the PS3. a PlayStation 3, the PS3 とそれぞれ不定冠詞、冠詞がつく理由を教えていただけないでしょか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を! 7-(2)

    お願いします。 (5) When the scribe out your name, you are afraid you heard wrong. Your knees feel a little weak. You've never left your village before. What will the world be like in the north across the Nile from the capital? (6) You rush home to pack your things. While piling your clothing in a square and tying it into a bundle, you suddenly feel too old for your mother's kisses. She's weeping behind you. But when you turn you see the pride in her eyes. Maybe she is thinking that if you help build the king's pathway to the heavens you will get to journey to the afterlife, too. (7) The barge is waiting by the dock. You and several others from the village hurry to board. The boat is already loaded with young men from villages even farther south. As the river currents carry you swiftly northward, you watch your village grow smaller and smaller until you aren't sure if you can see it. The ship is noisy with bragging men who have worked many flood seasons at Giza. Their voices fade, because suddenly you wish you were back in your village, watching your mother weave reed sandals, and not on a barge among men you don't know. (8) What was it like for young people who worked on the pyramids of King Khufu and the pyramids of his sons? To come from small farming villages, float up the Nile to the Giza Plateau and live in a barracks town of thousands? As they approached Giza, the Great Pyramid must have appeared to thrust out of the plateau as if it would pierce the sky. The monument was so massive that it took more than 4,000 years for humans to build anything taller. Until the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1889, the Great Pyramid was the tallest building on earth. What would it have felt like to a simple Egyptian peasant to be part of such a huge project? How would you have felt that first day at Giza?

  • 2センスある日本語訳できますか?

    2センスある日本語訳できますか? What do you think about the tend for women bodybuilders to alter the natural body line with breast implants? - I think it’s a very unfortunate trend. I t looks to me line the women are being manipulated by men’s wishes. It’s like a fitness version of playboy. I think that in Japan, especially, women have a very narrow concept of themselves. What do you think? - You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do.

  • この英文を日本語訳にしてください。

    Hello Yai, Are you traveling soon to the US? You go to Virginia. I went there for vacation few years ago, to Virginia City. Very crowded and long beaches. There are many interesting places there, I hope you like the American style of life, it's very different from Canada. Keep in touch Yai, Cheers, Beto

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    Hey! It's Emily. I absolutely love your art, especially the colorful deer one! I'd really like to try illustrated art in our store (shirts & tanks) to take it to the next level with unique drawings of landscapes, animals and even some badass characters. All within this wild west, southern living story. We run hundreds of dollars of ads each week and I can tag you in everything you make so you'll get exposure for your work too. Lmk what you think! We'd love to feature some of your work! Work like this is something we are looking for.... Would you like to work together? We could try the deer first?

  • 日本語訳を! 2-(1)

    お願いします。  If you had an important story to tell, but most of your audience couldn't read, you might tell the story by drawing it in pictures. If you wanted the story to last a very long time, you might draw those pictures in stone. That's what an Egyptian storyteller did, and his work has lasted more than 5,000 years. It's the story of the first king of Egypt. And the stone is called the Palette of Narmer.  Long before the first king, before there were people of great power, before there were towns to lead, before there were villages with headsmen, the people of Egypt lived like all prehistoric peoples. They lived in small groups on the move. They followed the food.  Ten thousand years ago the area around the Nile hadn't dried up into desert yet. Rain fell more often and fields of grass grew. Elephants plodded about, flapping their ears in the heat. Giraffes nibbled on thorny trees. Vultures rode the warm air currents in search of something dead to eat. The people of Egypt hunted gazelle and dug root vegetables.  By 6,000 years ago, the people of Egypt had begun to herd cattle. When the Nile swelled and flowed over its banks, the people would follow their cattle away from the river. Extended families sometimes joined other groups while the cattle munched in the grasslands. By the end of summer, the heat and the lack of rain shriveled the grass, and the herderr brought the cattle back to the edge of the floodplain―back to the Nile. They planted seeds and grew an early form of wheat called emmer. They grew peas, barley, and melons.  Small villages began to crop up along the Nile, just out of reach of the floodwaters. When the people argued, someone from the group would step in to solve the problem. Pretty soon they would look to that person to solve all of the problems. Power was born.

  • 日本語訳を!!c7-7

    お願いします!!続き Was there anything especially interesting in the debris?One thing was kind of cool.They melted their metal in clay containers called crucibles.But this clay melts at a lower temperature than metal,so they figured out how to temper the clay by adding straw.The straw insulated the clay so that it didn't melt.Adding straw also reduced the cracking that happens when you fire pots.The straw burns away,and there's room for the clay to expand where the straw used to be,so it doesn't crack.We also found some little dish things with powdered steatite on it.We think they used it kind of like Teflom.Steatite doesn't melt at these temperatures,so whatever was on it would slip off instead of melting together with clay. What do you like best about being an archaeologist?I like the combination of physical work and mental work and plain old accounting.I like that sometimes you're inside,sometimes you're outside.Sometimes you're being very scientific.Sometimes you'se just standing there,shoveling dirt.But mostly it's solving puzzles.We all like working out puzzles.I've noticed that a lot of archaeologists like murder mysteries.It's all about curiosity.That's the real draw-you're curious about people that lived before. What do you not like about it?I've managed to avoid all the things I was sure I wouldn't like,like working in swamps and stuff.It's not easy for me to write,but writing is a very important part of what I do,so I'm comstantly trying to be a better writer. What has surprised you the most about being an archaeologist?What I had to get accustomed to is that you never find out the answer,because there are always more questions.And if you don't like surprises,you won't like being an archaeologist.It's one surprise after another.

  • 日本語訳を!

    (4) Considering that 19 types of excrement are mentioned in the cures, from fly excrement to ostrich excrement, it's no surprise Egyptian doctors had a problem with disgruntled patients. They handled malpractice efficiently, though. Diordorus writes,  If they follow the rules of this law as they read them in the sacred book and yet are unable to save their patient, they are absolved from any charge; but if they go contrary to the law's prescriptions they must submit to a trial with death as the penalty. If you're a physician and you follow the rules, all's well. But get creative with your treatments and you won't be treating anyone, unless it's in the afterlife. (5) Just as medical doctors do today, in ancient Egypt doctors specialized. The Greek historian Herodotus writes, "The practice of medicine is so divided among them that each physician treats one disease and no more. There are plenty of physicians everywhere. Some are eye-doctors, some deal with the head, others with the teeth or the belly, and some with hidden maladies...." The Ebers Papyrus even had a section on psychiatry, directing doctors on how to diagnose and treat depression. (6) The Egyptians had a cure for the common cold that was probably as good as anything you can find in a pharmacy today. It required a dose of the milk of a mother who had given birth to a boy, while chanting the spell, "May you flow out...who causes the seven openings in the head to ache." The Egyptians understood injuries caused by an accident, or in battle. They understood parasites and worms such as tapeworms, which they called "snakes in the belly." But for germs that couldn't be seen, Egyptians believed demons were responsible. There's nothing like a good spell to rid the body of evil spirits. The Ebers Papyrus states, "Magic is effective together with medicine. Medicine is effective together with magic." And so many medical treatments were odd combinations of science and magic.

  • 日本語訳を!!c7-8

    お願いします!!続き Do you feel that you get to know the people who lived in the places you are excavating?You really do.For one thing,there are fingerprints all over everything.You know,they're patting the clay and them it gets fired.And even though Harappa is a pretty disturbed site,every once in a while you stumble on something that is obviously just the way someone left it.We were digging in this little alley behind a house and found a little pit someone had dug,with some river mussels in it.It was their leftover lunch.And the Harappa are very creative people.Their figurines have a lot of character.It's hard to see humor across the centuries,but I certainly see people having a lot of fun with those figurines.Or maybe having a connection would be a better way to say it,since some of them are scary.Plus,my colleague is very good at that sort of thing.We'll find a pendant and he'll say someone must have been really upset to lose that. If you could have one question answered about the sites you've excavated,what would it be?I think I would probably want to know how the five great cities of the Indus were connected.Were they independent?Did the same family rule them all?That's what I'd lile to know. I think the really important thing about archaeology is that it connects people with the past.It's something we all share.No one in my family came from South Asia,but now I feel like that's a part of my heritage,too.Knowing about how those people solved their problems of living together in cities makes me think about the ways we try to solve a lot of the same problems in our cities today.The Indus people were so creative.I feel a lot of respect for them.And I feel like I share something with my colleagues in Pakistan.I think people need to appreciate each other's history.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    West of the Rockies line one of the most exiting cities in Canada,Vancouver.Crowds come out at night to sample the fun and temptation of its night life.But the lights of the night give way to sunrise,as the morning warmth blankets the mountains surrounding the city.Vancouver probably has the mildest climate in all of Canada thanks tn the influence of the Japanese Current,a submarine river of warm water that flows just offshore.That may help explain why Vancouver is the largest city in British Columbia,and the third largest in Canada.On the other hand,it may be the setting.Poised at the edge of the Pacific with forested mountains in the background,the city takes full advantage of all its possibilities.“l’ve been living here for two and a half years and the parts l like about it are the weather,the people,the business that is going on here.The climate is fantastic,you can sail one part of the morning and then ski for the afternoon and then,you know,be out partying and having a good time in the night.So it’s a lot of fun.”And of course Grous Mountain and its skiing are only fifteen minutes from downtown.With one thousand acres of sun-filled gardens and cool,dark forests,Stanley Park is the largest Park in Vancouver.Accessibility for everyone makes a beautiful day all the more special. Even a stroll along the seawall can provide a good chance of seeing seagulls migratory ducks,or a great blue heron.Tucked into a corner of Stanley Park is the Vancouver Aquarium.More than 9,000 aquatic animals call the Aquarium home, including beluga and killer whales. Under the Granville Bridge is the Granville Market,a huge public market overflowing with the bounty that comes from the combination of rich soil and a beneficent climate. All the best of the West Coast is sold in its season.The challenge is choosing! 全然わからなくて(;_;) お願いいたします...