
  • The need for alternatives to pills for treating depression
  • The importance of psychological therapies for mental illness
  • The wellbeing agenda and its focus on the root causes of social stress
  • ベストアンサー


大学の授業の予習なんですが、訳すことができません。わかる方よろしくお願いします。 One answer is to look for alternatives to pills, taking the patients seriously. According to the Mental Health Foundation, only 42% of people visiting their doctor for depression were offered counselling, though twice that proportion would have been willing to tryit; more than half of doctors think a talking cure works best for moderate depression, yet more than three-quarters prescribe antidepressants instead. They don't have the resources. It takes just a couple of minutes to write out a prescription, and the patient leaves the surgery satisfied. It would take much longer to engage in a real exploration of what is causing the patient's symptoms and to discuss ways of dealing with the root of the problem. That shouldn't stop us trying. In a thoroughly sensible and useful intervention, the new Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, is now calling for the health service to guarantee that nobody waits longer than 13 weeks for their first treatment when they report mental illness, with much more money for psychological therapies. this, say Clegg, would help grapple with our“prozac nation”atatus. He is absolutely right, and other studies on wellbeing show it. I would be very surprised if the government's new cabinet committee on well-being, chaired by Ed Miliband, doesn't grapple with the same failure. Yet even this is about hou to deal with the symptoms of social stress, not the cause. The wellbeing agenda is about higher employment rates, better education, less social exclusion, more support for carers and getting people off benefits. It is also about time━giving people time to see their families, to have a social life and to take part in order activities than just work. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#1.です。「補足」の訳です。 奇妙なことです。 より裕福になるにつれて、将来に関して、我々はより自信がなく、楽観的でもなくなりました。我々の増加した物質的競争力は、我々をより幸せにはしませんでした。私たちの狂ったような活動は私たちをストレスまみれにしています。 自由市場理論家が、民営化によって、私たちが、解放され幸福になるだろうと信じていた日々は遠くの世界の事の様に思えます。答えはかつての答えと同じです。有名なスローガンを改作するために、政府は、薬物常用に厳しく、薬物常用の原因にも厳しくする必要があります。プロザックは強力です。しかし、政治ほど強力ではないのですから。 *** 有名なスローガンとは、「プロザック国民」のことを言っているように思います。 それから、「訳」の、「プロザック国民」の地位、の「の」が抜けていました、訂正お願いします。

その他の回答 (1)

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1つの答えは、真剣に患者を受け止めて、錠剤とは別の手段を模索することです。精神衛生財団によると、鬱病のために医者を訪れる人々のわずか42%しか、カウンセリングは提供されませんでした、その割合の2倍がカウンセリングをためす気持ちがあったにも関わらずです;カウンセリングによる治療が中程度の鬱病のために最も効果があると、医者の半数以上は、思っています、それでも、4分の3以上はカウンセリングの代わりに抗鬱薬を処方します。 医者には、十分な対処能力がありません。処方箋を書くためにはほんの2,3分しかかりません、そして、患者は満足して診療所を去ります。患者の症状を引き起こしている物は何かと言うことを本当に調べることに取り組み、問題の本質に対処する方法について議論するにははるかに長くかかるでしょう。 だからと言って、私たちは試みをやめるべきではありません。ちゃんとした思慮のある有益な介入として、新しい自由民主党のリーダー、ニック・クレッグは、現在、心理療法のための予算を増額することと引き換えに、患者が精神病をうったえるとき、だれも13週間以上、最初の治療を待たなくてすむことを公共医療が保証することを求めています。これは、我々の「プロザック国民」地位と取り組むのに助けとなる、と、クレッグは言っています。 彼の言うことは、正に正論です、そして、福祉に関する他の研究もそのことを示しています。私は、エド・ミリバンドが議長を務める福祉に関する政府の新しい内閣委員会が同じ失敗に取り組んで苦労しないならば、非常に驚くことでしょう。 しかし、これでさえ、社会的ストレスの症状に対処する方法についてであって、原因に対処するものではありません。福祉の課題は、就職率を高め、教育を改善し、社会的排除を減らし介護提供者に対する支援を増やし、人々の暮らし向きを向上することです。それはまた時間にかかわることでもありますー人々に家族と顔を合わせる時間、人と交わる生活を持つ時間、仕事以外の活動に参加するための時間を与えることでもあるのです。 <注> プロザック:イーライリリー社が1988年に米国で発売を開始したSSRI型の抗鬱剤。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/prozac/UTF-8/?ref=sa



早速回答ありがとうございます。質問に入りきらなかったんですが以下の英文も訳していただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 It's odd. As we have grown richer, we have become less confident and optimistic about the future. Our increased material competitiveness has not made us happier. Our frenzied activity leaves us stressed. The days when free-market theorists belived we would be liberated and happy through privatisation seem a world away.The answers are the same as they ever were. To adapt the famous slogan, the government needs to be tough on pill-popping, and tough on the causes of pill-popping. Prozac is powerful.But it isn't as powerful as politics.


  • 英文の和訳を至急お願いします。

    次の英文の和訳を至急お願いします>< In japan,businesses like to foster team spirit,so workers are encouraged to go out together to eat and drink.Students or groups of friend like to do things with large numbers of their friends not only because they find it more fun.It may seem curious to Americans,but we feel that there is a lot of freedom in groups.We can blow off steam,drink a little too much,and someone is there to take care of us.Plus,within groups,women and man are freer of social restrictions that would hinder them if they were alone. Japan is a small country with a large population.Our whole social mechanism is set up to swiftly and efficiently handle large groups.It works for us. 明日テストがあるので。。。 良い回答お待ちしております。

  • 英文をお訳し願います。

    A world of craft production and barter would have little use for the quantifier’s tools, and would be impervious to them. It has been urged that accounts have less to do with representing conditions than with guiding behavior in large firms. This is undoubtedly so, though there is more than a hint here of a false dichotomy. Numbers that have no credibility as truth claims will be less effective also at projecting power and coordinating activity. 上記英文中の,It has been urged that accounts have less to do with representing conditions than with guiding behavior in large firms.をお訳し願います。

  • 次の英文の解釈の仕方を教えてください

    本に次の記述がありました The goal is to have more accurate information about who is listening to broadcasts and when. But the industry may have got more than it bargained for with a recent innovation that is challenging long-held beliefs about listener habit. 訳は 目標とするのは、放送を聴いているのは誰で、いつ聴いているのかという点について、より正確な情報を得ることである。だがこの業界は、聴取者の習慣的聴取行動について長らく信じられてきたことに挑む最近の技術刷新を使えば、予期した以上のものをえるかもしれない です。 疑問点は、get の用法 と with の用法 です。(~ get more than it bargained for with ~ の部分) 私は、始めにgetは自動詞の用法で使われていると考え、than it bargained for(予想以上に) with 以降のものを伴って手に入れたと解釈しました。これは、get の自動詞は、ほとんどがイディオムであることと with の用法が 訳を見る限り、”最近の技術刷新を使えば”と仮定法的な使われ方をしているので違うと考えました。 次に getをSVOの用法で使われていると考え、 get more than it bargained for → get it であり、it を説明するものとして more than や bargained が付いていると考えました。 これでも、with の使われ方に疑問が残ります。 with を仮定法的な用法として使うには With a pen, I could take a note などのように could や would が必要な気がしています。 どうにか、しっくり来る解釈の方法はないでしょうか?教えてください よろしくお願いします

  • この英文の意味を誰か教えて下さい。

    アメリカ大統領選のトランプ氏に関する英文記事を読んでいたんですが、この英文の意味がどうしてもよく分かりません。 Violence is not a forgone conclusion, he said, but in a country with more guns than people all it takes is an armed, angry lone wolf Trump supporter for tragedy to occur. 参考になるように、前後の文を下に載せておきます。↓↓ But if there is a drum roll of anticipation to see, with Trump’s poll numbers tumbling, if Clinton becomes America’s first female president, there is another triggered by his unsubstantiated claims of electoral shenanigans. “I think Trump is playing with fire and he has been playing with fire for many, many months,” said Matt Dallek, associate professor of political management at George Washington University. “And I think it is coming to a crescendo,” Dallek added. Violence is not a forgone conclusion, he said, but in a country with more guns than people all it takes is an armed, angry lone wolf Trump supporter for tragedy to occur. Trump’s blustery, law and order campaign has appealed heavily to frustrated middle class and less educated whites and criticized immigrants, Muslims and other minorities. どなたかどうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • この英文を訳してください!!

    こんにちは この英文を訳してください!! Is there something that you would like from Belgium that I can buy and than my mother can take it with her and give it to you? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味の取り方を教えてください

    The great man is too often all of a piece; it is the little man that is a bundle of contradictory elements. He is inexhaustible. You never come to the end of the surprises he has in store for you. For my part I would much sooner spend a month on a desert island with a veterinary surgeon than with a prime minister. (The Summing Up by W. S Maugham) 最初に出てくる"The great man is too often all of a piece."について質問があります。 偉大な人間はあまりにしばしば断片のすべてである・・・・・? *ここはどうやって意味をとればよいのでしょうか? 断片を統合したような人物、という感じですか? *また、too oftenのところがわからないのですが、 The great man is all of a piece.にするのとどういうニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか? 以下は前文です。 *************** I have been more concerned with the obscure than with the famous. They are more often themselves. They have had no need to create a figure to protect themselves from the world or to impress it. Their idiosyncrasies have had more chance to develop in the limited circle of their activity, and since they have never been in the public eye it has never occurred to them that they have anything to conceal. They display their oddities because it has never struck them that they are odd. And after all it is with the common run of men that we writers have to deal; kings, dictators, commercial magnates are from our point of view very unsatisfactory. To write about them is a venture that has often tempted writers, but the failure that has attended their efforts shows that such beings are too exceptional to form a proper ground for a work of art. They cannot be made real. The ordinary is the writer's richer field. Its unexpectedness, its singularity, its infinite variety afford unending material.

  • 次の英文の訳を教えてください!!

    ・Whether it be in politics or voluntary organizations, successful people show the public their willingness to give and to volunteer, and the lack of such spirit would instead prpve them inappropriate to be social leaders. ・Other than a few tense moments of excitemwnt or silence, the audience is generally more relaxed. ・Because of this huge investment,he was given the nickname "Dice-K", a play on words with how the team threw dice and the letter K, a symbol in baseball that stands for a strikeout. .・Happy enthusiasm mixed with toughness can even be seen in the name of the Major League team Nomo played for first, the Los Angeles Dodgers. ・Just as a ball that flies out of the ballpark is outside the range of the field,something that costs above the budget gose beyond what was planned.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    以下の5文を訳してくださいm(__)m ▼Here in this area of overlap between the playing of the child and the Playing of the other person there is a chance to introduce enrichments. ▼The teacher aims at enrichment.By contrast,the therapist is concerned specifically with the child's own growth processes,and with the removal of blocks to development that may have become evident. ▼It is psychoanalytic theory that has made for an understanding of these blocks. ▼At the same time it would be a narrow view to suppose that psychoanalysis is the only way to make therapeutic use of the child's playing. ▼It is good to remember always that playing is itself a therapy.To arrange for children to be able to play is itself a psychotherapy that has immediate and universal application,and it includes the establishment of a positive social attitude towards playing.

  • 英文について(訳してください)

    The Social Security system provides benefits to all who pay into it, including very high earners. This option would reduce benefits for couples making more than $120,000, a reduction that increases linearly up to a maximum benefit cut of 50 percent for couples making more than $360,000. ここではどのようなことが言われているのでしょうか? 「高額所得者、$120,000、$360,000を超える社会保障制度に加入している夫婦?は、50%まで利益?をカットする」ということでしょうか? 利益というのは給与…ではないですよね? 分かる方、こちらの文章を簡単で結構ですので訳してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳お願いします。

    英文和訳お願いします。 In general, my music is just quiet because it’s not the kind of music that is supposed to be loud, there is not really anything more to it than that. It would be pretty silly to blast strings and piano at 105db. こちらなのですが、英文和訳をお願いします。どうもthere is not really anything more to it than that.のあたりが不明で・・・。