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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:わからない英文があります。)

What is the meaning of the phrase 'by means of which his judges expected to force from him the confession of his alleged plot against William of Orange'?

  • Learn the meaning of the phrase 'by means of which his judges expected to force from him the confession of his alleged plot against William of Orange' and its significance in the story.
  • Discover the significance of the phrase 'by means of which his judges expected to force from him the confession of his alleged plot against William of Orange' and its impact on the character.
  • Uncover the meaning of the phrase 'by means of which his judges expected to force from him the confession of his alleged plot against William of Orange' and its role in the plot.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

 「オレンジ公ウイリアムズに対して企てたと言う容疑の告白をさせると裁判官たちが期待した方法で」  最悪の犯罪人のように、ジョン・デ・ウィットは町の監獄の一室で、オレンジ公ウイリアムズに対して企てたとされる容疑の告白を強要できると裁判官たちが期待した方法で、準備の拷問を受けなければならなかった。  「こうすればゲロを吐かせられる、と裁判官が思った方法(=拷問)で」ということでしょう。



  • 英文でわからない部分があります。

    There were times when Ruy wished to embrace his friend and to tell him of the love and admiration he had for him, which exceeded that expected of a servant for a royal master. ※Ruyは臣下で、his friendは王子です。 後半のwhich exceeded that expected of a servant for a royal masterがどのような英文構造になっているか、理解できておりません。 下記のように補ってもいいなら、まだわかるのですが。 which exceeded that ( which was ) expected of a servant for a royal master お手数かけますが、上記の英文構造につきまして、ご教授賜りたく、何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • この英文の‘n‘はなんでしょうか?

    Victoria (Beckam) seemed to have far too great a say in his life, choosing clothers for him and getting him to dress in his ‘n‘ hers outfits, although ironically enough, the one area in which David (Beckam) was prepared to stand firm was the matter of his career.

  • 英文の和訳の問題です。3

    キリスト教英語の問題で、トーマス・オーデンの書いた聖書解説の文章が解りません。 It would have been more worthwhile to inform him by confession of the things that were wrong with himself instead of keeping his wounds secret and having the nerve to crow over the scars of others. 1行目の inform him の『him』 は誰か、が問題です。この文章の前に、He came to a doctor. がありますので doctor ではないかと思います。和訳は、(罪の告白よりも痛みを医師に話すほうが価値がある)のような雰囲気ですが、難しいです。ここにも省略とかありますか。どなたか教えてください。 明日の朝見ますので今日はもう寝ます。

  • 英文の邦訳をお願いします。

    I have always regarded his statements in regard to the Treatise as unreliable. The effect of the violent disappointment he had about that was to arouse a complex in him which prevented him from being sensible on the matter for the rest of his life; his chief object being to cover up and to excuse. On looking into Birkbeck Hill I find that I am not alone in attributing this side to his character. Hill writes on page viii of his preface: “Hume, with a levity which is only found in a man who is indifferent to strict truthfulness. . .”. 上記英文の邦訳をお願い致します。

  • 和訳お願いします

    his new belief encouraged him to return to the practice of medicine which he did for the benefit of his patients, to以下の部分が特に意味不明です。 あとこの場合のwhichは関係代名詞だと思いますが何処を指しているのでしょうか?

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Kerensky declared freedom of speech, ended capital punishment, released thousands of political prisoners and did his best to maintain Russian involvement in World War I, but he faced many challenges, most of them related to the war: there were still very heavy military losses on the front; dissatisfied soldiers deserted in larger numbers than before; other political groups did their utmost to undermine him; there was a strong movement in favour of withdrawing Russia from the war, which was seen to be draining the country, and many who had initially supported it now wanted out; there was a great shortage of food and supplies, which was very difficult to remedy in wartime conditions. All of these were highlighted by the soldiers, urban workers and peasants, who claimed that little had been gained by the February Revolution. Kerensky was expected to deliver on his promises of jobs, land, and food almost instantaneously, and he had failed to do so.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On 30 October, before the battle but due to communications delays too late to have any effect, Admiral Jackie Fisher was re-appointed First Sea Lord, replacing Prince Louis of Battenberg, who, along with Churchill, had been preoccupied with fighting to keep his position as First Sea Lord in the face of widespread concern over the senior British Admiral being of German descent. Battenberg was a proven and reliable admiral but was replaced to appease public opinion. The crisis drew the attention of the most senior members of the Admiralty away from the events in South America: Churchill later claimed that if he had not been distracted, he would have questioned the intentions of his admiral at sea more deeply. A signal from Cradock was received by Churchill on 27 October, advising the Admiralty of his intention to leave Canopus behind because of her slow speed and, as previously instructed, to take his remaining ships in search of Spee. He re-stated that he was still expecting reinforcements in the form of Defence, which he had previously been told was coming and that he had given orders for her to follow him as soon as possible. Although Defence had once been sent to reinforce Cradock, it had then been recalled part way, returned to the Mediterranean and then been sent again to form part of a new squadron patrolling the eastern coast of South America. A misunderstanding had arisen between Cradock and the Admiralty over how ships were to be assigned and used. Cradock believed he was expected to advance against Spee with those forces he had, whereas the Admiralty expected him to exercise caution, using Canopus for defence and merely to scout for the enemy or take advantage of any situation where he might come across part of the enemy force. Churchill replied to the signal, telling Cradock that Defence was to remain on the east coast and that Cradock was considered to have sufficient forces for his task, making no comment about his plan to abandon Canopus. Churchill had passed on the message to the Admiralty staff, saying he did not properly understand what Cradock intended. Cradock probably received Churchill's reply on 1 November with the messages collected by Glasgow at Coronel, giving him time to read it before the battle. Thus, Cradock would have taken the message as final confirmation that he was doing what was expected. Departing from Stanley he had left behind a letter to be forwarded to Admiral of the Fleet Sir Hedworth Meux in the event of his death. In this, he commented that he did not intend to suffer the fate of Rear Admiral Ernest Troubridge, a friend of Cradock, who at the time was awaiting court-martial for failing to engage the enemy. The governor of the Falklands reported that Cradock had not expected to survive, as did the governor's aide.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The news of the battle reached him during his 52nd birthday celebrations at his headquarters in Kreuznach. He wrote: "I had looked forward to the expected offensive with confidence and was now deeply depressed". He telephoned each of his commanders and "gained the impression that the principles laid down by OHL were sound but the whole art of leadership lies in applying them correctly". (A later court of inquiry would establish that Falkenhausen had indeed misunderstood the principles of defence in depth.) Ludendorff immediately ordered reinforcements. Then, on 11 April, he sacked General von Falkenhausen's chief of staff and replaced him with his defensive line expert, Colonel Fritz von Lossberg. Von Lossberg went armed with a vollmacht (a power of attorney enabling him to issue orders in Ludendorff's name), effectively replacing Falkenhausen. Within hours of arriving, Lossberg was restructuring the German defences. During the Second Phase, the Allies continued to press the attack east of Arras. Their aims were to consolidate the gains made in the first days of the offensive; to keep the initiative and to break through in concert with the French at Aisne.

  • 英文解釈に関しての質問です。

    When she had time to spare,she attended to her garden, out of which she often gathered a few herbs to present to her father for his supper. という文で 2行目の「out of which」の役割が良く分かりません。 which が her garden を指すのであれば、 out ofはいらなくても良いのでは?と思ってしまいます。 out of whichでなくてはならない理由を教えてください。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    With British support, an initial attack led by Hussein's son Feisal was launched against Medina in October 1916; however, the Arabs were repulsed with heavy losses by the Turks, who were heavily-entrenched and armed with artillery, which the Arabs lacked. As the Arab Revolt slowly spread northwards along the Red Sea (ultimately culminating in the seizure of Aqaba), British and Arab strategy for capturing Medina changed, and Faisal and his advisers was determined that the Arabs would gain an advantage by leaving Medina unoccupied; this would force the Turks to retain troops to defend Medina, and to protect the Hejaz Railway, the only means of supplying the city. For this purpose, Nuri as-Said set about creating military training camps in Mecca under the direction of General 'Aziz 'Ali al-Misri. Using a mix of Bedouin volunteers, Arab officers and Arab Ottoman deserters who wanted to join the Arab Revolt, 'Aziz 'Ali created three infantry brigades, a mounted brigade, an engineering unit, and three different artillery groups made up of a patchwork of varying cannon and heavy caliber machine guns. Of his total force of 30,000, 'Aziz 'Ali proposed that it be divided into three armies:

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  • 秋入学(卒業)の場合、新卒の4月入社とは異なり、就職までの期間にタイムラグが生じる場合があります。
  • 大学院に進学する場合は、就職までの期間を有効活用して就活することも考えられます。