• ベストアンサー


Victoria (Beckam) seemed to have far too great a say in his life, choosing clothers for him and getting him to dress in his ‘n‘ hers outfits, although ironically enough, the one area in which David (Beckam) was prepared to stand firm was the matter of his career.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

   男女お揃いの、という意味で his and her (look) > his 'n' her (look) (日本式にいえばペアードルック)が使われ、この文のような着る服だけでなく、食事のナプキン、バスルームのタオルまで「お揃いルック」が流行った事があります。    ベッカムさんは、こと自分の専門分野に関する限り、決定権の主張をしたが、その他の事は、彼女任せだった、という事でしょう。




その他の回答 (2)


and のことです。 rock'n'roll = rock and roll です。 イコールというより,成り立ちの説明であって,実際には 'n' の方で慣用的に用いられます。 his'n'her outfits で,いわゆる「ペアルック」の意味です。




  • DJ-Potato
  • ベストアンサー率36% (692/1917)

and の省略形ですかね。 チップとデール、みたいな。





  • 下の英文で間違っているところ、不自然な表現、あまり聞かない表現などがあ

    下の英文で間違っているところ、不自然な表現、あまり聞かない表現などがあればおしえてください。 One Saturday evening my boyfriend Hiroshi and I went to a concert. On our way to a concert hall, we met a foreigner having(carrying?) a traveling bag. He was looking around for something with a map in his hand. He seemed at a loss for which way to go. Then I went up and talked to him. He told me he was looking for a hotel, showing me the map.I I knew where the hotel was and suggested to him that I take him there. Hiroshi seemed worried about whether we could arrive before the starting time for a concert. But I couldn't leave him as he was a total stranger here and couldn't understand Japanese at all. We walked to the hotel for a while, and arrived there. He deeply thanked me and we separated. Meanshile, Hiroshi seemed so irritated because it was almost seven o'clock when the concert was scheduled to begin. After leaving the hotel, we went to the concert hall in a hurry. When we got to the hall, it was fifteen minutes past seven. Unfortunately we were not allowed to enter the inside by a hall clerk. Naturally, Hiroshi got mad at me.

  • 翻訳;ビクトリア→デビッドベッカムにインタビュー

    よろしくお願いいたします。テレビ番組(Victoria's secret)でビクトリアベッカムが夫のデビッドにインタビューしたときの描写です。 David answers in monosyllables-because as Victoria explains to the camera, she had told him that makes him very hard to interview. Victoria managed to land herself in deep water yet again by making a few unguarded remarks in the making of Victoria's Secrets, although for once it resulted in public favour swinging in her direction-because the object of her tactlessness was the model Naomi Campbell, who is famous for her temper tantrums, rather than poor old David. *長いので省略しましたが、この前の文はVictoriaが「I can't do this!」とpatient voiceで言って、デビッドのハグを押しのけてsolemn faceでchatを続けた。という下りがあります。

  • 英文について質問

    The bullet penetrated his chest,leaving him in critical condition 質問:この例文に対応した単語に「be in... condtion」というものがありました。でもこの例文ではbeがありません。それどころか、leavingがあります。何故ですか? 分詞構文であることはわかるのですが、、beが無いのがひっかかりました。、 質問2:The bullet penetrated his chest,leaving him in critical conditionの文を分詞構文でない形に書き換えたら、 The bullet penetrated his chest and was leaving him in critical conditionですか?つまり、be 動詞ingのように過去進行形を作れ、それを分詞構文の形書き換えたのが例文ということですか? 質問3:この英文のinは、「((状態))…の状態で」のように状態を表す用法ですか?

  • 英文で分からないところがあります。

    It was, admittedly, a risky book for him to write given his own place in the industry, but that also makes its message much more interesting to discuss. 上記の文ですが、解釈がよくわかりません。 「これは彼にとって、業界の中での彼自身の地位を与えた危険な本だったのは確かだか、しかしまた、そのことがその本の主旨をより興味をもって議論されるようにさせている。」 でよいですか? given がどうつながるかが、良くわかっていません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の邦訳をお願いします。

    I have always regarded his statements in regard to the Treatise as unreliable. The effect of the violent disappointment he had about that was to arouse a complex in him which prevented him from being sensible on the matter for the rest of his life; his chief object being to cover up and to excuse. On looking into Birkbeck Hill I find that I am not alone in attributing this side to his character. Hill writes on page viii of his preface: “Hume, with a levity which is only found in a man who is indifferent to strict truthfulness. . .”. 上記英文の邦訳をお願い致します。

  • 英文について教えてください。

    Moreover-taking the word "tragedy" in its most ordinary modern sense-it is Gretchen who suffers the tragedy, which Faust takes in his stride. We never see him hunted by the furies, like Orestes: no sooner has Part Two begun than spirits "remove the burning arrows of remorse, and cleanse his mind of memories." And though he dies blind like Oedipus, (1)【he does not blind himself with clasps plucked in a passion from the corpse of his beloved, resolved to live in infamy and night.】 Rather, he loses his sight when he is a hundred years old, just before he dies in a moment of elation. Faust's sufferings are incidental. He is not a tragic hero like Orestes, who is called upon to kill his mother, or like Oedipus, who owes it to his city to find out who killed his predecessor and who thus discovers that he killed his father and is wedded to his mother. In Faust, tragedy engulfs not the hero but representatives of unheroic, non-outstanding, suffering humanity: Gretchen, Philemon and Baucis, Gretchen's mother. The death of Philemon and Baucis in the fifth act of Part Two involves no tragic conflict in Faust's mind: he has given different instructions; their death is a hideous surprise to him; but again he takes it in his stride.(2)【 It is another episode, no more.】(3)【 In retrospect we realize, if it was not clear to us all along, that Gretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episode.】 The drama is epic, the effect cumulative. 『Goethe's Faust by Walter Kaufmann』 上記の英文の(1)【】、(2)【】、(3)【】の部分について質問です。 (1)【he does not blind himself with clasps plucked in a passion from the corpse of his beloved, resolved to live in infamy and night.】 *clasps pluckedとはどういう意味にとればよいのでしょうか? *全体はどういう訳になりますか? (2)【 It is another episode, no more.】 *これはどういうことを言っているのでしょうか? another episodeとは? (3)【 In retrospect we realize, if it was not clear to us all along, that Gretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episode.】 *文の構造がよくわかりません。 if節があって、帰結はGretchen's tragedy, too, was a mere episodeだと思うのですが、Gretchen's tragedyの前にthatがついているのがわかりません。 *また、it was not clear to us all alongのitは何をさしているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    So far as the Chamber was concerned, his success was complete. But the acceptance of a position in a bourgeois ministry led to his exclusion from the Unified Socialist Party (March 1906). As opposed to Jaurès, he contended that the Socialists should co-operate actively with the Radicals in all matters of reform, and not stand aloof to await the complete fulfillment of their ideals. He himself was atheist. He became a freemason in the lodge Le Trait d'Union in July 1887 while the lodge didn't record his name in spite of his repeated requests. The lodge declared "unworthy" to him on 6 September 1889. In 1895 he joined the lodge Les Chevaliers du Travail that was established in 1893. Briand served as Minister of Justice under Clemenceau in 1908-9, before succeeding Clemenceau as Prime Minister on 24 July 1909, serving until 2 March 1911. In social policy, Briand’s first ministry was notable for the passage of a bill in April 1910 for workers' and farmers' pensions.

  • (1)以下の英文について教えてください。

    There were six of them, the best and bravest of the hero's companions. Turning back from his post in the bows, Odysseus was in time to see them lifted, struggling, into the air, to hear their screams, the desperate repetition of his own name. The survivors could only look on, helplessly, while Scylla "at the mouth of her cave devoured them, still screaming, still stretching out their hands to me in the frightful struggle." And Odysseus adds that it was the most dreadful and lamentable sight he ever saw in all his "explorations of the passes of the sea." We can believe it; Homer's brief description (the too poetic simile is a later interpolation) convinces us. Later, the danger passed, Odysseus and his men went ashore for the night and, on the Sicilian beach, prepared their supper—prepared it, says Homer, ‘expertly.’ The Twelfth Book of the Odyssey concludes with these words. “When they had satisfied their thirst and hunger, they thought of their dear companions and wept, and in the midst of their tears sleep came gently upon them.” この英文について質問があります。 Turning back from his post in the bowsというのは、bowsが「矢」で、postが「持ち場」の意味になるのでしょうか? Later, the danger passed, Odysseus and his men went ashore for the night and, on the Sicilian beach, prepared their supper—prepared it, says Homer, ‘expertly.’ ここのsays Homer, ‘expertly.’というのは、Homerが"Odysseus"を上手く書いた、という意味ですか? また、prepared their supper—prepared itのハイフンの意味がよくわからない感じです。言い換えているのはなぜなのか?? お手数をおかけしますが、よろしくお願いします。 (2)に続きます。 ---------------Tragedy and the Whole Truth: Aldous Huxley

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The news of the battle reached him during his 52nd birthday celebrations at his headquarters in Kreuznach. He wrote: "I had looked forward to the expected offensive with confidence and was now deeply depressed". He telephoned each of his commanders and "gained the impression that the principles laid down by OHL were sound but the whole art of leadership lies in applying them correctly". (A later court of inquiry would establish that Falkenhausen had indeed misunderstood the principles of defence in depth.) Ludendorff immediately ordered reinforcements. Then, on 11 April, he sacked General von Falkenhausen's chief of staff and replaced him with his defensive line expert, Colonel Fritz von Lossberg. Von Lossberg went armed with a vollmacht (a power of attorney enabling him to issue orders in Ludendorff's name), effectively replacing Falkenhausen. Within hours of arriving, Lossberg was restructuring the German defences. During the Second Phase, the Allies continued to press the attack east of Arras. Their aims were to consolidate the gains made in the first days of the offensive; to keep the initiative and to break through in concert with the French at Aisne.

  • 正文か否文かについて教えて下さい。(tough構文)

    His girlfriend was hard to please. →彼の彼女を喜ばせるのは難しかった。 で、深層構造では、 It was hard to please his girlfriend. 次に、 →彼が彼女を喜ばせるのは難しかった。 It was hard for him to please his girlfriend. この文のpleaseの目的語を主語に繰り上げると、 →His girlfriend was hard for him to please. このように、for himを明示しても、正文ですか? そして、その理由も教えて下さい。 次に、「彼女が彼を喜ばせるのは難しかった。」 It was hard for his girlfriend to please him. これを書き換えると、 →He was difficult for his girlfriend to please. この文は、正文ですか? そして、理由も教えて下さい。 続いて、 「彼女が彼を喜ばせるのに一生懸命だった。」 →She was hard to please him. この文は否文ですか? もし、この文が間違っているなら、なぜいけないのか説明して頂けないでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。