substantial minority
The Panel considered several situations in which
OKBIS might be used with the aim of improving
survival, but did not endorse such treatment for this
purpose in any group, though a substantial minority felt that
premenopausal patients receiving an LHRH agonist plus
OKTAM or clearly postmenopausal patients might derive
benefit from such treatment.
閉経患者やLHRH agonist+OKTAMを投与された閉経前患者はたとえOKBISによって改善されるかもしれないと考えるa substantial minority(いくつかのグループ)がいるかもしれないが、
a substantial minority
in any group=a substantial minority?or 閉経患者やLHRH agonist+OKTAMを投与された閉経前患者?