• ベストアンサー




  >申請者の居住国に所在し、申請者の身元情報を保証できる連絡先(知り合い)を、最低二名、記載せよ(列挙せよ)。 Applicant's Country of Residence は、「群所有格」と呼んだか、「申請者の /Country of Residence/ 」のような所有関係で、country of resicence とは、「居住する国=居住国」です。 verify は、「事実であることを証明する」という意味で、information about applicant は、「申請者の身元情報」ということになります。List は、記載場所が、リストの形になっているはずなので、単に「記載せよ」で十分です。  


  • DS-158の記入方法について

    明日アメリカ大使館でF-1ビザの面接を受けます。 DS-158の記入方法について一つ質問です。 「7. List at Least Two Contacts in Applicant's Country of Residence Who Can Verify Information About Applicant(Do Not list immediate family members or other relatives. Postal box numbers are unacceptable.)」 と二名の連絡先を求められていますが、家族以外に書ける人は特にいません。友達や親戚といっても、お願いすれば気味悪がられるのでお願いしたくもありません。 これは必須でしょうか。項目を空白にして提出すると、棄却されたりするのでしょうか。お手数ですが、ご存知の方ご教示頂きたく宜しくお願いします。 以上

  • アメリカF1学生ビザ更新 DS-160記入方法

    アメリカのF1ビザ(学生ビザ)が切れたので、一時帰国の際に日本で再申請します。今、DS-160に記入している最中です。 >Additional Point of Contact Information >NOTE: You have indicated that you will be studying in some capacity while in the United States. List at least two contacts in your country of residence who can verify the information that you have provided on this application. Do not list immediate family members or other relatives. Postal office box numbers are unacceptable. この部分には、「居住国の家族・親族以外で私の留学のことを知っている人を2名書く」ようですが、 1.既に留学中である私の場合、「居住国」というのは、アメリカになるのですか、日本になるのですか? 2.1でどちらの国になった場合でも、どんな人を書けばいいのか分かりません。経験者の方、どんな人を2名書いたかお教え下さい。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • この文章、どうやって翻訳したらいいですか?

    Please understand that language has a evry important role in this international society of ours. You should realize that a language is not only a tool that you can communicate your thoughts and disires with, but also the base from which you can learn about a nation's culture. The great variety of words and expressions represent the culture that gave rise to that language. New worlds can be discovered through language; a different culture and an encounter with a different sense of values can lend you to have a sense of solidarity with people in faraway countries. Because of the long recession, Japanese people nowadays tend to be mostly concerned with domestic affairs. However, Japan cannot survive without being based on an international foundation. Many countries of the world place high hopes on Japan, not only for economic reasons, but also because they want Japan to play a stronger leadership role. To carry out what the world expects of us and make Japan a country that is held in respect by others in the world community, I hope students make strong efforts to develop their intellecutual curiosity. を日本語にしたいのです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の文章です。

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の文章です。 Computation refers to the processing that can be done in a unit time. Using processors in parallel can increase computational power (as can waiting for a year or two― a reasonable rule of thumb is that computational speed doubles every 18 months!). We measure computation in millions of instructions per second (MIPS). We assume here that every instruction takes the same time to execute, which is more or less true for reduced-instruction-set (RISC) processors. In mid-1996, even low-end Intel 80486-class microprocessors processed about 30 million instructions per second. At the high end, Alpha processors from Digital Equipment processed more than 500 million instructions per second. With operating-system overheads, however, only about 80% of this rate is available to applications.

  • 「cityより下の住所」の英語表現は?

    米国からのメールで、ある書類に、ある参考人の"residence information"として、c/oの会社の住所"care-of mailing address"でなく、"actual address" が必要で、"actual city and country of residence"が必要だとありました。 つまり、米国からのメールでは、"residence information"として、"actual city and country of residence"が必要としています。 ということは、日本の住所でいうと、千葉県船橋市だけでよく、船橋市より小さい情報(○○町、○丁目、○番地など)は必要ないのでしょうか? また、このことを、米国にメールで質問しようと思いますが、「cityより下の住所」という英語は、どのように表現したらよいでしょうか?

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    In 1913, the Belgian government created the Company of Aviators (Compagnie des Aviateurs), the antecedent of the Belgian Air Force, just two years after the inauguration of the country's first airfield at Brasschaat in 1911. Attached to the fortresses, the Company was equipped with a total of 16 Maurice Farman biplanes. The Belgian army also had had four observation balloons which, like the aircraft, were also attached to the fortresses, and two small airships.

  • 「at least」の使い方

    みなさんこんにちは。 本の中で、「Can I at least watch when you make the comercial?」という文を見つけたのですが、 このように「at least」を使うと、どういうニュアンスが出せるのですか? 「それは出来ないのは分かったけど、これなら出来る?/これならしてもいい?」みたいな感じの時に、「at least」を使うのですか? I drink at least two liters of water every day for my health. I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, but at least I'm all right now. これらの使い方は解るのですが、、、 よろしくお願いします。

  • すみません、お手数ですが和訳お願いします。

    すみません、お手数ですが和訳お願いします。 何が言いたいのかいまいちわかりません・・・・ hi Could you also kindly provide the following information for me at least two referees of customers you have worked with in Zimbabwe; a photo of the Chassis number, and also the dents which are referred to in you description Please recommend at least two clearing agents you have worked with in Durban, so that i am also able to get quotation for port clearance. and also how much will it be CIF

  • この文章を翻訳していただきたいです!

    この文章を翻訳していただきたいです! よろしくお願いいたします。 “Radar is not affected by rain,fog,dust,smoke or even bright sunlight,which can be a problem for video-based detection systems at tunnel portals” Although video-based incident detection is a big trend in the ITS industry,it is not the only solution capable of achieving good results in this field, and the adoption of radar-based systems is testament of this. Often proven in equally challenging surveillance applications in the industrial and security sectors,radar is fast becoming an indispensable component of ITS. Navtech Rader is a UK organization capitalizing on this movement. Dr Stephen Clark, the company's co-founder and director of incident detection systems,explains how the company became involved in the traffic market:"Our background is in industrial automation,but a while ago we moved into the security market with a wide-area surveillance system.This received a lot of interest from customers wanting to detect traffic flow,stopped vehicles, pedestrians, debris on the road, and so on.The first traffic project we did was a trial on the M4 motorway for the Highways Agency(HA).We subsequently worked on a number of motorways conducting trials that were a mixture of incident detection across the whole carriageway and hard shoulder monitoring for managed motorways” At the end of 2008,the HA requested that Navtech demonstrate the abilities of its solution in a tunnel environment.A trial in Southwick Tunnel using two radars has now led the HA to order six ClearWay radar systems in each tunnel bore for the new Hindhead thnnel on the A3 in Surrey.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 We can represent information in either analog or digital form. Traditional representations are usually analog. For example, an invoice printed on a sheet of paper represents the information content of the invoice in analog (paper) form. Similarly, we can use celluloid film to create an analog representation of the information content of a motion picture. Digitization is the conversion of an analog representation to digital format using zeroes and ones, or bits. For example, optically scanning an invoice creates a digital bitmap that has almost exactly the same information content as the printed original(excepting quantization errors). Similarly , scanning each frame of a motion picture results in a digital representation of the information content of the film. Another way to view this dichotomy is to say that information stored in analog form uses atoms, but information stored in digital form uses bits [Negroponte 95].