• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語から英語へ訳して頂けますか?)

Can you translate from Japanese to English?

  • I would like to have my email translated from Japanese to English, but not just a direct translation, if possible. I tried to do it myself, but it didn't go well.
  • I've been feeling down since I came back to Japan and various things have been happening around me. I'm tired because I'm always the one people come to for advice. I'm even more sad because my time in the US was so much fun. I want to have fun emails with you, but I've been thinking that you wouldn't enjoy emailing with me now because of how I am. So I couldn't send emails. I'm feeling weak now, so I don't want you to dislike me... I'm wondering if it would be better not to email anymore... That's what I've been thinking.
  • I'm glad the Christmas card safely arrived with you. I'm anxious because I chose the gift based on my taste, so I don't know if you will like it. If our tastes don't match, you don't have to use it forcibly, but if you like it, please use it as an accessory. I'm sorry if this email is dark. But this is my honest feeling right now. We email each other every day, and I didn't want to lie and send a cheerful email.


  • ベストアンサー

俺が伝えるとしたらこんな感じ。このカテゴリの他の回答者に比べると下手かもしれないけど多分意図は伝わる。 #それにしても、feel downの一つ覚えで今ひとつ綺麗じゃないんだよなー。 #あと、I'm...の形式が多くて、接続詞で流れを作ることが下手だ、俺。 ================================ 実は日本に帰ってきてから私の周りで色々な事が起きてて、ちょっと元気が無いです。 いつも周りから相談される役だから、しんどくなってきちゃって。 アメリカに居た日々が楽しすぎたから、余計に今辛いんだよ。 私はあなたとはいつも楽しいメールをしたい。 でも、今の私とメールしてもあなたは楽しくないんじゃ無いかな?って考えてしまって、 それでメール出来ずにいました。 私は今弱ってるから、あなたに嫌われたら嫌だな...とかもうメールしない方が良いかな... とか考えてしまうんだよ。 in fact, I'm back japan busy surrounded by many thing and I'm feeling down a bit. I'm often in the role of advisor here, and that push me down. I really enjoyed the days in America and that also makes me feel harder. my heart is now in weak condition, and I'm likely to think "I don't want him to hate me." or "it would be better not sending e-mails anymore." I'm sure we want to enjoy our e-mail communication, but I often think you would not enjoy it with me being upset. and that has made me hesitate to send you e-mails. クリスマスカードがあなたに無事に届いて良かった。 プレゼントは私のセンスで選んだから、あなたが気に入るか不安です。 センスが合わなかったら無理に使わなくて良いけど、 もし、気に入ったらアクセサリーとして使ってね。 I'm happy to hear you received my christmas card without any problems. I hope you like my present and use it as an accessory. (but I'm not going to force you to use it, if you don't like it.) 暗いメールになってごめんね。 でも、これが今の私の素直な気持ちなんだよ。 あなたとは毎日メールしてるし、嘘ついて無理矢理元気なメールしたくなかったんだ。 sorry for making you feel down with this mail, but this is what I really feel now. we are mailing each other every day. and I did not want to fake you by showing in the mails myself pretending to be happy.



本当にありがとう御座います。 私がいつも送っているメールに比べたら雲泥の差です... (but I'm not going to force you to use it, if you don't like it.) の一文がとても私の気持ちに的確で嬉しかったです。 私も英語の学習頑張ります。

