• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:どなたかこの歌を聞き取れる方いますか?)



  • ID10T5
  • ベストアンサー率31% (732/2313)

Get out last night, I'm waiting for the special day. There's coming a sunny covert paradise sunset beach. I ( ) to see her face. She makes me ( ) won't you try to me. ここで降参。すいません。難しいです。



おおおお! すごいです。ありがとうございます。 参考にさせてもらいます!!


  • 意味の違いについて

    1) I left my car keys behind in the office. 2) I left behind my car keys in the office. 3) Do you want me myself to tape it? 4) Do you want me to tape it myself? 5) Do you want me to tape it by myself? 1)~5)までの意味のちがいについてです。 1) = 2)だと思っています。 3) = 4)= 5)だと思っています。 違いはありますか?

  • hopeとwantについて

    ネットで色々調べてもわからなかったので教えてください(>_<) 1.We hope to see you soon. 2. We want to see you soon. 1のhopeと2のwantを比べるとhopeの方が客観的で、 それほど「望み」を前面におし出していない。 とありました。なぜ客観的と言えるのでしょうか?? お願いします(>_<)教えてください!!

  • 翻訳あっていますか?

    We can. Do you want it shipped by sea still? Thank you, Mindy 私たちはできる,(できます、。)と訳していいんですか?

  • この歌の歌詞を訳せる方いないですか?

    この歌の歌詞を訳せる方いないですか? Here's another morning without you Here's another day; will I get through it Without breaking down? Haven't seen the sun since you've been gone Like my heart, I lost it when you left me And it can't be found How can I go on? Baby, I'd be living on memories Of you and me All the love we made All those tender nights And those endless days They're all here inside Baby, can you stop the rain from falling? Won't you chase my clouds away? I'd give anything to see the sun again Only you can stop these tears from falling I can't face another day Baby, can you stop Can you stop the rain? Ev'rywhere I go, I feel you there Following my footsteps like a shadow Of my broken heart Sometimes, it's a pair of passing eyes Or it's just the way someone is talking And there you are Am I all alone? Don't you ever wake up And reach for me Where I used to be? Is there any chance? I just can't believe You're not lonely, too Just for me and you Baby, can you stop the rain from falling? Won't you chase my clouds away? I'd give anything to see the sun again Only you can stop these tears from falling I can't face another day Baby, can you stop Can you stop the rain? If you were here for only one night Baby, I know you'd remember 'Cause loving you once wasn't time enough I know we can make it together Together Baby, stop the rain Won't you chase my clouds away? I'd give anything to see the sun again Only you can stop these tears of mine from falling I can't face another day Baby, can you stop Can you, can you stop the rain? How can I live without you, baby? How could I let you go?

  • Red, red is the color I see.. 歌を探してます

    Red, red is the color I see, If you are wearing then show it to me. Stand up and turn around.... こんな感じの歌詞の子供の歌です。 CDを使って歌いたいので、入っているCDを探しています。 よろしくお願いします。

  • will と be going to の違いをわかる方お願いします。

    will と be going to の違いをわかる方お願いします。 以下___のところにwill か be going to を加えて完成させてください。 少し問題が多いですが、わかるのだけでかまいません。 お願いします。 答えをなくしたので困っています。 My bag is so heavy Give it to me.I______(carry) it for you. What are you doing tonight? We___ (see) to see a play at the theatre. ↑特にこの問題はわかりません。突然聞かれたのでwillでもいけそうですが、前々から計画してたとも考えられるので・・・・ You can tell me your secret.I_____(not tell) anyone Congratulations!Ihear you____(get married) Now holiday. Where ____( you go) this year? We don`t know yet. I bought some warm boots because I____ (go) skiing.

  • うまく英文に出来ません。。

    私の友達が英文になおしてくれって頼んできたのですが上手く英文になおせません。。アドバイスいただけるとうれしいです。 まず、彼女は外人と付き合っています。でも彼女は勉強でいそがしいそうです。それを上手く外人に伝えたいそうです。彼女自身はできるだけ勉強に専念していたい反面、彼はそんなに勉強ばかりする人達と付き合ったことがないらしくちょっとした行き違いが生じているそうです。 [あなたも大切だけれどいい成績を取らないと行きたい大学にいけないからがんばらなくてはいけない。毎日会うのも素敵だけど、たまに会うとまた新鮮でもっとあなたに会えた喜びを感じれるしあなたにもこの気持ちをわかってもらいたい。] I would love to see you every day, of cource, but i need to mainitain having good grades otherwise i can't go to the university that I want to. It is also very great to see you in a little while because it makes me more excited to see you. I hope you understand my situation and I don't want you to give up on me just because we can't see each other very often. なんか上手く直訳できないのでニュアンスがかわりましたが、 久しぶりに会うともっとあなたに会えた時うれしさを感じれる、という所がなんかちょっとうまく英文化されていない気がします。。 それと、勉強している間、あなたにもうすぐ会えるとおもってそれを励みにがんばれる。 It encourages me to study when i think about seeing you soon. も、こんな感じでよろしいでしょうか?? 訂正お願い致します。。

  • ALT

    I understood. You are a temporary teacher. Will many foreigners come to your school? I think you and I can have beautiful children. (closed eyes smile) It will certainly be great. I want to see you so much. I think and hope to see you soon. I want it. I know that we will succeed. Do you want to see me? 話をして居たのですが、 なぜか私が期間契約先生になっています。 ALTとは、各公立の小中学校に来る外国人講師(期間契約)が私と思ってます。違う!!!!NOですと言ったのですが、うまく伝わりません。ALT自体を知らないと思います。どう説明したら理解できるでしょうか。

  • 英語 の質問です。

    You know my way I want you Gettin' your love Sounds good to me You will take me with desire In the flame of fire Get in on you see my burning light uooh! You know my way I want you Gettin' your love Sounds good to me You will take me with desire In the flame of fire Get in on you see my burning light In the f lame of fire This is all for you you got me ある歌の歌詞ですが、日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 自分で訳すと何だかしっくりこなかったもので…m(__)m

  • 英語が堪能な方 訳をお願いできますか?

    I: We hung out about six months ago or so. CS: I was like I've been here before and I came in the back way. I: You did exactly the same thing. And the last time you were here, I think you had about a hundred thousand followers on Twitter. CS: Yeah I'm at like 500 and it goes up like 5,000 a day and I'm like wow. I: At the Cody Simpson, talk to me about how this happened. Of course you were found on YouTube by mediators. CS: Yeah I was found I think it was two thousand and was the end of two thousand and nine. Um like October 2009. I had this producer was just like send me messages to Myspace I think it was and he was just like I think you're really talented why don't you come over and record some songs for me. So he flew me and my dad over and we just gotten in a studio and see what happen and.. I: Next thing you know. CS: Yeah it just it just went like that. I: And you teamed up with Flo Rida with..