以下の英文を和訳しているのですが、特に"reharsed"、"share"、"theology student"の単語をうまく訳せません。また、文を解釈するための和訳ではなく「翻訳文」として、他の人に読んでもらい、理解してもらうようにきちんとした日本語で訳さなくてはならないのですが、そういう場合、直訳すぎても意訳すぎてもいけないと言われ、その加減がわかりません。翻訳技術がある方がいらっしゃればご指導いただきたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。
During the first year of my stay in the United States, I started a seminar for which I randomly picked dying patients, from the very young to the very old. I never rehearsed, I just went in, told them about my interests and asked them if they would share with me, in a private room but seen and observed by a lot of medical students and theology students, what it's like to be dying. What can we do for a person when medicine cannot really do much more? It was like opening flood-gates. They started to talk and to share. It was very moving. The nurses and the medical students and the theology students were deeply interested in it, because nobody had ever taught them what you can do to help dying patients.