• 締切済み


英語を教えてください!! 今回、電化製品を個人でレンタルする事になり、レンタル会社から契約書が届きました。 契約書の最後に下記の通りの署名するところがありましたが、何を記入すればよいのでしょうか? SIGNED BY      ) *自分の名前?            ) Authorised signatory ) *正式サイン? For and on behalf of ) 山田花子         )  in the presence of :-   *?? __________________ Witness           * 立会人のサイン?? SIGNED BY      )            ) Authorised signatory ) For and on behalf of ) 株式会社ABC     ) in the presence of :-                     ) __________________ Witness 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3



英文契約書の典型的な署名欄のフォーマットです。 SIGNED BYは署名人のサインが入ります。 Authorized Signatoryは署名する人物を特定せず、あえて「署名をする権限のある人物」といった意味になります。 For and behalf of 山田花子となっていますので、山田花子様の代理人として署名を執行可能な権限をもった方の署名が必要です。 (例:会社の場合、稟議を通して署名・捺印ができるレベルの社員=社長、会長、部長、取締役、など) 個人の場合、代理としてここに弁護士あるいは所属事務所などが署名する場合もあります。 In the presence ofは「署名の証人」といったもので、署名人以外の人物(例:弁護士)が立会いとしてここに名前を記入し、その下の「Witness」の上にサインをします。


  • 英文の意味が良く分かりません。

    会社の解散に関連する取り決め事項なのですが、 和訳がうまくできません。 どなたか助けて頂けると幸いです。 IT WAS FURTHER RESOLVED that each of the director of the Company be and is hereby severally authorised for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver all such other documents and generally do all such other acts and things and that any two directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver all such deeds as may be required or otherwise regarded by any of them as necessary or desirable in order to give effect to the striking off of the Company.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    President Grant signed the park into existence on March 1,1872. The national park concept has endured for a century in spite of the pressures of resource exploitation and irrational demands for inappropriate use by the very people for whose benefit the national parks and monuments were set aside. 特に最初のsigned the park into existence と後半のby以降がうまく訳せません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 特許の英語

    お世話さまです。 特許関連の英語なのですが、訳し方がまったく分かりません! いったいどういった意味になるのでしょうか。 ご回答もしくは解説よろしくお願いいたします。 原文 Another party is represented by agents authorized by the another party to act on behalf of the another party in respect of contracting power transfer.

  • 英語の意味を教えてください。

    If your are comfortable with the security conditions in your neighborhood and it would be acceptable and safe for the UPS driver to leave your package at your door without being signed for, then choose "Ok to leave at my location without being signed for" Otherwise, choose "Someone will sign for this when delivered". The courier will not leave the package unless it is signed for. We are not responsible for costs of packages returned to us that were never signed for or pickup up by the addressee. Note: If you choose to not have the package signed for and its lost or stolen from your property, its your responsibility. Once its been delivered and a tracking number shows it delivered to your location, its out of our hands.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Treaty of Lausanne (French: Traité de Lausanne) was a peace treaty signed in the Palais de Rumine, Lausanne, Switzerland, on 24 July 1923. It officially settled the conflict that had originally existed between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied French Republic, British Empire, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Romania since the onset of World War I. The original text of the treaty is in French. It was the result of a second attempt at peace after the failed Treaty of Sèvres, which was signed by all previous parties, except the Kingdom of Greece, but later rejected by the Turkish national movement who fought against the previous terms and significant loss of territory. The Treaty of Lausanne ended the conflict and defined the borders of the modern Turkish Republic. In the treaty, Turkey gave up all claims to the remainder of the Ottoman Empire and in return the Allies recognized Turkish sovereignty within its new borders. The treaty was ratified by Turkey on 23 August 1923, Greece on 25 August 1923, Italy on 12 March 1924, Japan on 15 May 1924, Great Britain on 16 July 1924. The treaty came into force on 6 August 1924, when the instruments of ratification were officially deposited in Paris. After the withdrawal of the Greek forces in Asia Minor and the expulsion of the Ottoman sultan by the Turkish army under the command of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Ankara-based Kemalist government of the Turkish national movement rejected the territorial losses imposed by the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres previously signed by the Ottoman Empire. Britain had sought to undermine Turkish influence in Mesopotamia and Kirkuk by seeking the division of Kurdish populated regions in Eastern Anatolia, but secular Kemalist rhetoric relieved some of the international concerns about the future of the Armenian community that had survived the 1915 Armenian genocide and support for Kurdish self determination similarly declined. Under the Treaty of Lausanne, signed in 1923, Eastern Anatolia became part of modern day Turkey, in exchange for Turkey's relinquishing Ottoman-era claims to the oil-rich Arab lands. Negotiations were undertaken during the Conference of Lausanne, where İsmet İnönü was the chief negotiator for Turkey. Lord Curzon, the British Foreign Secretary of that time, was the chief negotiator for the Allies, while Eleftherios Venizelos negotiated on behalf of Greece. The negotiations took many months. On 20 November 1922, the peace conference was opened and after strenuous debate was interrupted by Turkish protest on 4 February 1923. After reopening on 23 April, and following more protests by the Turks and tense debates, the treaty was signed on 24 July as a result of eight months of arduous negotiation. The Allied delegation included U.S. Admiral Mark L. Bristol, who served as the United States High Commissioner and championed Turkish efforts. The Treaty of Lausanne ローザンヌ条約

  • 英語→日本語の翻訳をお願いします!

    マイケルジョーダンにファンレターと似顔絵を送り、今日、ラッキーなことに直筆サインと行政アシスタントの方から手紙をいただきました。 最後の文章の翻訳がいまいち分からず、解読できません。 【全文】 How are you? On behalf of Michael,we are acknowledging the gift of your original drawing. It is obvious that you are a very talented artist. Michael has personally signed the photo you sent with your artwork,and it is being returned to you with this letter. Thank you for your continued interest. We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. 【翻訳をお願いしたい文章】 We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の文章を訳して下さい。

    Joffre began to dismiss commanders in early August, beginning with the VII Corps commander Bonneau and by 6 September had removed two army, ten corps and 38 divisional commanders, by transferring them to Limoges ("Limogé"). The VII Corps in the south was reinforced by two divisions, a cavalry division and the First Group of Reserve Divisions. The corps was renamed the Army of Alsace, to relieve the First Army of concern about Alsace during the operations in Lorraine. Two corps were removed from the Second Army and became a strategic reserve. Joffre met Sir John French on 16 August and learned that the British could be ready by 24 August, Joffre also arranged for Territorial divisions to cover the area from Maubeuge to Dunkirk. The German siege of the Liège forts ended on 16 August and the 1st and 2nd armies with twelve corps and the 3rd Army with four corps, began to advance behind cavalry screens. On 18 August, Joffre ordered the Fifth Army to prepare for a German offensive on both banks of the Meuse or to meet a small force on the north bank. The Fifth Army began to move towards Namur, in the angle of the Meuse and Sambre rivers on 19 August, which required a march of 100 kilometres (62 mi) by some units.

  • 訳してください

    全文訳していただかなくて大丈夫です。 This option would reform medical malpractice suits by capping awards of noneconomic damages at $250,000, capping awards of punitive damages at $500,000, and creating a statute of limitations of one year for claims brought by adults and three years for those brought on behalf of children. These limitations would reduce the cost of medical malpractice insurance, and the practice of "defensive medicine." The result would be lower costs for Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. 「非経済的損害賠償額?(訳し方が間違っていたらすみません)250,000ドルを上限で支払い、懲罰的損害賠償額?を50万ドルで上限にする。」 その後の「and creating a statute of limitations of one year for claims brought by adults and three years for those brought on behalf of children. 」がどういうことかわからないのですが、この部分を簡単でいいので訳していただけないでしょうか? おそらく、このコストを削減することでデメリットがあると思うのですが、どんなデメリットになるのでしょうか? 日本語で理解できればいいので、一語一語訳していただかなくて大丈夫です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    以下の問題の解答を教えて頂きたいです。 和訳もお願いします><。 【 hypercholesterolemia  hyperlipidemia  anorexia nervosa  obesity  malnutrition  alcoholic dependency 】 1. (    ) is a medical term for a condition caused by an improper or insufficient diet. 2. (    ) is a phychiatric eating disorder characterized by low body weight with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. 3. (    ) indicates the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. 4. (    ) means the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despire the health problems and negative social consequences. 5. (    ) is the presence of raised or abnormal levels of lipids or lipopoteins in the blood. 6. (     ) is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that may be hermful to health.

  • 英語和訳お願いできますか?

    お世話になります。 ある商品を購入する為の条件なのですが、和訳お願いできますでしょうか? A service charge of 2% per month (24% annual) will be charged on any and all invoices which have not been paid within the 20 day period. When signed by Customer, this Order shall constitute a contract for sale on the terms stated above. お手数をお掛けします。