• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:これはどういう意味ですか?)



  • ベストアンサー

東京海上日動で出しているゴルフのホールインワン保険プランの案内ですね。 ホールインワンというのは、保険会社が『(急の高すぎる)支出への対策』として提示(商売)するくらいの意欲を掻き立てるものらしい。 この理念の実例として、例えば東京海上日動では、(受取額上限)30万円のホールインワン保険プランを 出している。 年間掛金7000円で(この)ホールインワン保険に入ることが出来る。


  • これはどういう意味ですか?

    これはどういう意味ですか? A hole in one can be such an expensive ambition to realize that insurance companies even offer cover against the expenses.

  • コレはどういう意味ですか?

    コレはどういう意味ですか? Cover against hole-in-one expenses for an annual premium of \7000.

  • 和訳がわかりません

    下記の文書なのですが、香港の賃貸契約書の一部なのですが、前半部分はなんとなく分かるのですが、後半fees as からの文がまったく分かりません。どなたかお教え願えないでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。 To keep the Premises insured (subject to such exclusions and limitations as are imposed by the Insurance cover being obtainable from an insurance company of good repute) against such risks as may be determined by the Landlord (which risks being referred to in this Agreement as “an Insured Risk”) with an insurance company of good repute in such value as the Landlord shall determined including such Architects’ Engineers’ and Surveyors’ fees as the Landlord may determine and other incidental expenses under the provisions of this Agreement Provided always that the Landlord shall not be obliged to insure any fixtures and fittings which may be installed by the Tenant and which may become Landlord’s fixtures and fittings.

  • 英語のエッセイの問題文の意味について

    学校の英語のエッセイの課題が出たのですが、質問の意味が 読み取りづらくわかる方がいましたら、教えていただけますでしょうか。 下記が問題文です。よろしくお願いいたします! ちなみに、最初のsummaryはライターの意見に対する反対の意見を書けば 良いという認識で大丈夫でしょうか。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write two different summaries of David Zinczenko's "Don't Blame the Eater" . Write the first one for an essay arguing that, contrary to what Zinczenko claims, thereare inexpensive and convenient alternatives to fast-food restaurants. Write the second for an essay that agrees with Zinczenko in blaming fast-food companies for youthful obesity, but questions his view that bringing lawsuits against those companies is a legitimate response to the problem. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • offerの用法についてお尋ねします。 insur

    1My father offered to cover my medical treatment fees in/with his insurance. 2My father offered me to use his insurance for my medical bills. offerの用法ではhttps://okwave.jp/qa/q6669040.htmlの説明のように〔他の人のために~しようと〕提案する、という用法であれば1及び2はofferの用法として適切でしょうか?また1の前置詞はinまたはwithどちらが適当でしょうか? 1父が保険で私の治療費を賄うと言ってくれました」 2父は私の医療費に彼の保険を私に使うよう提案してくれた/言ってくれました。」 また、「保険で支払うという」という表現を下記の文で教えていただけますでしょうか? 「(車の物損事故で相手に対して)壊れた部分(壊した部分)は保険で支払います。」 単にcompensate A for~ in/with one's insuranceでも大丈夫でしょうか?少し硬い印象を受けるのですが。他の表現の表記もお願い致します 宜しくお願いします。

  • 新聞記事の和訳をお願いします。

    2009/8/4のワシントンポストなのですが We can't eliminate all disease. But through health reform, we can give every American access to quality, affordable health insurance so that if they do get sick, they have the best chance possible of getting better without bankrupting their families. The current health-care system gives insurance companies all the power. They get to pick and choose who gets a policy. They can deny coverage because of a preexisting condition. They can offer coverage only at exorbitant rates -- or offer coverage so thin that it's no coverage at all. Americans are left to worry about whether they'll get laid off and lose their insurance or wake up from surgery with a $10,000 bill because they didn't read the fine print on their policy. 長いですがこの和訳をお願いできますか? よろしくお願いします!

  • 次の英文の意味

    Everyone who publishes in this review has to agree in advance that if a poem is printed in one of its regular issues, the magazine also has the right to reprint it, without monetary compensation, in its annual anthology. This review makes enough money from sales of its anthologies to cover most operation expenses. So, if your magazine also published an anthology of poems first printed in your magazine, you could depend less on donations. After all, most poems published in your magazine are very similar to those published in this journal. 出版業・事情に詳しくなくどういう事を言っているのか混乱しました。publish in reviewは出版ではなく著作を載せることでしょうか? printが出版?(印刷?)でしょうか。 後半のSoからが特に混乱したんですが、ざっくり訳していただけることは可能でしょうか? 前半は、自分のかいた詩がマガジンに載せたらそのマガジンはアンソロジーにさらに載せる権利があって、特に補償の必要がない、という事だと思いますが。。

  • to would?

    英語やり直し組です 連投申し訳ありません American and African diplomats have tried without success to work out an agreement between President Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga to would end the violence. (1)to wouldについて このようにtoの後ろに助動詞という言い方は可能なのでしょうか? 副詞ならわかるのですが助動詞は初めて見ました。 多分意味は「恐怖を終わらせるだろうキバキ大統領と反対派リーダーの間の…」という感じで確定していない出来事だから使われているのだと思いますがこういう言い方は可能なのでしょうか? Protesters say they will switch tactics and launch economic boycotts against at large companies such as Equity Bank and City Hoppa transport owned by Mr. Kibaki's supporters. (2)againstの後ろの省略について 多分againstの後ろにはMr. Kibakiのようなものが省略されているのだと思いますがagainstまで書いているのならMr. Kibakiもあっていいような気がします。 それでもこの場合は省略が普通なのでしょうか?省略されていないと変なのでしょうか? お願いします。。。

  • 英訳をお願いします.

    保険の内容なのですが、英訳をお願いします。 1.○○ shall, without limiting its obligations or liabilities herein and at its own expense, insure its operations under a policy of Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $5,000,000 inclusive per occurrence against bodily injury, personal injury and property damage and including liability assumed under contract. ○○ is to be an additional insured under this policy. Such insurance shall include a cross liability clause and shall be primary and not require the sharing of any loss by any insurer of ○○. 2.○○ and ○○ shall, upon request, provide each other with evidence of all required insurance prior to the commencement of the contract. Such evidence of insurance shall be in the form of a completed Certificate of Insurance. All required evidence shall be endorsed to provide the other party with 30days advance written notice of cancellation or material change. 3.○○ will indemnify and save harmless ○○, its employees and agents, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, actions, causes of action, costs and expenses that ○○ may sustain, incur, suffer, or be put to at any time either before or after the expiration or termination of this agreement, where the same or any of them are based upon, arise out of or occur, directly ore indirectly, by reason of any act or omission of ○○ or of any agent, employee, officer, director, or subcontractor of ○○ a pursuant to this Agreement, excepting always liability arising out of the independent negligent acts of ○○.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いいたします。↓ ・What are the main things that Japanese companies look for in an employee? ・Many people have to work very long hours, and many of those are unpaid. ・Japanese companies often make their workers from taking long holidays together. ・Japanese, it seems, strongly discourage their workers from taking long holidays. ・Some Japanese companies expect woman to leave and get married when they reach about 25, so even highly qualified women don't get such good jobs. ・Should workers have to socialize with their bosses? ・Should workers try to keep their personal life separate from their work? ・What things make for good boss? 以上です。よろしくお願いします。