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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英文の和訳をお願いします。辞書などを引き各単語の意味はわかりました)

Nanotechnology: Revolutionizing Manufacturing, Medical Diagnosis, and Drug Production


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ナノテクノロジーは人間存在を再設計すものではないが、数十年の内に製造行程や医療診断や薬剤生産に革命をもたらす可能性のあるような電子部品を生み出すのだろう。 *1 mayは必ずしも「~かもしれない」と正確に訳し出すことはありません。 *2 may wellは「~なのはもっともだ」という訳がよく知られていますが、「おそらく~だろう」という推量の意味もあります。ここではそれで訳しています。 *3 couldは仮定法なのか可能性なのか悩ましいところです。ここでは可能性で訳してみました。 IBMの科学者達は導線の代わりに電子の波動性を使って、情報を伝達するナノスケールでの方法を既に開発していると言っている。 *1 関係代名詞thatの掛かる場所は直前のinformationではなく、wayであることに注意です。それに伴って、訳もそれが分かるように明示するために少し手を加え、「波動性を使って」という様に手段の形で訳しました。





  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    If the frequency of photons is such that hν is exactly equal to the energy that binds the electrons in the metal, then the light will have just enough energy to knock the electrons loose. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • この英文を和訳してほしいです。

    Therefore, Thomson proposed that an atom could be thought of as a uniform, positive sphere of matter in which electrons are embedded like raisins in a cake. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 それと、各問の主語も教えてください…。 1.By far the fastest of the living terrestrial animal species,the cheetah can run at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. 2.The normal human blood pressure range can vary depending on what age you are. 3.There is evidence that this medication may cause abnormalities in the embryo. 4.If I may ask, how did you come to the conclusion that testosterone may play a role on hair loss?

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Climate change is often associated with extreme weather events, melting glaciers and rising sea levels. But it could also have a major impact on human, animal and plant health by making it easier for diseases to spread. Various germs and parasites may find the coming years a time to live longer and prosper. Rising temperatures are changing environments and removing some of their natural impediments. Sonia Altizer is an associate professor at the University of Georgia’s Odum School of Ecology and lead author of the study. She said it’s a review of research done over the past 10 years to see what trends and new information on climate change have emerged. “One of the big themes that has emerged is that there’s a lot of diseases, especially in natural systems, where there as a pretty clear signal that either the prevalence or severity of those diseases has increased in response to climate change.” She said some of those natural systems where the signal is strongest are in the arctic and in warmer oceans. “So in the arctic there are parasitic worms that affect muskox and reindeer, for example, that are developing faster and becoming more prevalent and expanding their ranges. And then in tropical oceans, like Caribbean coral reefs, there’s a large amount of evidence that has mounted that shows that warming interferes with the symbiosis of corals – makes them more vulnerable to disease and at the same time increases the growth rate of some lethal bacteria,” she said. But a second theme emerged indicating that sometimes climate change may have no effect at all. “The other main point that we focused on is that knowing why different pathogens respond differently to climate change is what’s needed to help us predict and ultimately manage disease outbreaks in people and animals and plants,” she said. Some countries will be much better prepared to handle the disease threat than others, like those in Europe and North America. . “Surveillance, vector control, modern sanitation, drugs, vaccines can be deployed to prevent outbreaks of a lot of diseases, especially vector borne disease or diarrheal disease that are much more problematic in the developing world. And so these can counter the effects of climate change and make it hard to detect increases in those pathogens,” said Altizer. Controlling vectors means controlling such things as mosquitos and ticks, which can carry malaria or dengue fever. In developing countries, pathogens affecting agriculture and wildlife could adversely affect food security and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples. So how concerned should health officials be? Altizer said there’s no simple answer. “I think that the answer to it really depends on the location. So where, when and what pathogen? So I think we’re at a stage now where in the next five to ten years scientists will be able to move towards a predictive framework that will be able to answer questions about where in the world and what pathogens are responding and will continue to respond most strongly to climate change.” Altizer says the effects of climate change will unfold over decades. So it’s vital to follow long-term standardized data for many diseases and pathogens. She said crop management may be a good example to follow. It has a long history of tracking disease outbreaks, forecasting potential threats and responding to those threats early.

  • 英文和訳

    members of the same category may differ from each other quite markedly with respect to the characteristics that qualify them for their membership. を訳したら 「あるカテゴリーの一つとしてみなす特徴に関しては、同じカテゴリーのメンバーはそれぞれかなり明白に異なっているかもしれない。」 となったのですが、もっと綺麗に和訳できないでしょうか??

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Not too long ago, most people thought that contracting HIV was a certain and swiftt death sentence. After several decades of experience with this deadly disease, however, medical scientists have found drugs and treatment strategies that now allow HIV patients to live years or even decades with the disease. It is essential for those who have contracted HIV to be diagnosed early so that monitoring and treatment can begin as soon as possible. The scientific community has accepted that the cause of AIDS is HIV. Once an individual has been infected with HIV, the virus quickly attacks the infection-fighting soldiers in our immune system, called T-cells. Damage to these cells slowly destroys the body's ability to fight disease. After infection with HIV, a person may be symptom-free for years, but eventually the number of HIV viruses in the body(his/her "vital load") will increase, while the number of his/her T-cells will decrease, weakening the person's ability to fight disease. Advanced HIV infections (OIs), which are serious infections from bacteria, viruses, or fungi that our body would normally be able to fend off. Through research and experience, scientists have learned the importance of tracking the viral load of HIV in the body as well as the patient's T-cell count. It is essential to suppress the viral load early in the disease cycle while maintaining and boosting the level of T-cells, allowing patients to fight off OIs. There are powerful drugs and drug mixtures now available that are doing this with increasing effectiveness. With this therapy, many patients with HIV have been able to live long periods of time without developing ALDS. Some of the drugs that have been effective in fighting AIDS are: zidovudine(AZT), nevirapine, and a class of drugs known as HIV protease inhibitors. Although these new drug therapies can delay the advance of HIV in the body, the virus will eventually overcome the immune system and the patient will develop AIDS and die. Today's science can only slow the progression of the disease. However, with each new day, new discoveries are made and patients are living longer and longer. Doctors are hopeful that in the near future HIV-infected people will be able to live a totally normal lifespan.

  • この文章の意味がわからないです(和訳お願いします。)

    Work is so much a necessity of existence that it is less a question whether, than how, we shall work. というフレーズなんですが、whetherやthan howっがどこにかかっているのかが全く掴めず、文章全体の大まかな意味もわからない状態です。 どなたか和訳お願いできないでしょうか?またできれば説明も加えていただけるとありがたいです。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    It has been starting over the years to see what even a little private ownership will do.When three decades ago China granted highly diluted rightsof ownership to the rural residents who tilled vast communal-owned agricultural plots, yield per acre and rural standards of living rose significantly. And it was an embarrassing stain on the Soviet Union's central planning that a very substantial percentage of its crops came from so-called “privately owned” plots that covered only a small fraction of tilled land.

  • 次の英文を訳してください

    Fancy living 100 years more? Some experts say scientific advances will one day enable humans to last decades beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span. An American professor says advances in manipulating cells and genes as well as nanotechnology will make it likely that humans will live much longer in the future. Many other scientists specializing in aging are skeptical of such claims. They explain that the human body is not designed to last more than 120 years. They add that even with healthier lifestyles and less disease, failure of the brain and other organs will eventually condemn all humans.

  • 和訳してください!

    Thus,I am saddened that school are giving to the skill of handwriting,putting greater emphasis on developing keyboard skills instead. この文の和訳をお願いします!