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 「このようなより緩やかな集団保障の考えが、どの国が戦争に反応し、どの国が1945年以後の平和とセキューリティーを脅かすかを国連を含む他の機構によって、よりよく察知できるけれども、総じて安全保障の組織のプラスになり得るかは疑わしい。」 でしょうか。もっと簡単で「A は B だが、C は疑わしい」でしょうかね。


  • 次の訳が分りません。

    次の訳が分りません。 Collective security as defined here is distinct from, and more ambitious than, systems of alliance security or collective defence, in which groups of states ally with each other, principally against possible external threats. です。 ここで定義される集団安全保障は、全く異なっており、than以下より野心的である。」が文の骨格でしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳お願いします

    英語やり直し組です While it cannot defend against external threats to the nation, particularly along the borders of Syria and Iran, it is able to do more each day responding to threats along the lines of internal security. 最後のmore each day以降がよくわかりません。 お願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします!!

    Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, archbishop of Washington, D.C., said Monday that the Catholic Church responded too slowly to the crisis of clerical sexual abuse, and the heat is on bishops to fix it now ここのand the heat is on bishops to fix it now と McCarrick said in a wide-ranging discussion with the USA TODAY editorial board and reporters ここのwith以下のところをどうやって付け加えるのかがわかりません~[壁]/_;) シクシク よろしくお願いします

  • 次の英文の訳し方を教えてください

    A man who is held up to the best and finest of his nature while on the court go off it and be a mucker.

  • 次の英文訳をお願いいたします。

    Anyone can die like a dog but true courage is to live when it is right to live and to die only when it is right to die. ご面倒おかけしますが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    The more cultured among them show a genuine curiosity about '' our kind'' . Other mask their fear with jokes and frustrated questions along the lines of :'' Why every time a bomb goes off , a Muslim person is behind it?'' Yet others try to be unnaturally polite, likely suppressing undesirable emotions.

  • 次の文でよく分からないのですが、

    To Osakans, being irachi simply reflects a desire to not waste time and instead use it for other useful activities. ここで、to not waste は、not to waste ではないかと思うのですが、to不定詞の否定形ではないのでしょうか?

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    To be honest, I have Todd, but I don't have too many other friends that I can talk to openly. I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. いつもお世話になっています。アメリカ人からのメールです。 I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. この部分をうまく訳せません<(_ _)>誰か手伝っていただけないでしょうか??being passed なんてどう訳していいか全くわかりません。お願いします。

  • うまく訳ができません。よろしくお願いします。

    The U.S. government and many opposition leaders there say it's Burma. A military dictatorship changed the name 23 years ago to Myanmar, which many other nations accept. And the news media has been stuck with marbles in its mouth, divided over equally tongue-tying options: Myanmar "formerly" or "also" known as Burma. Diplomatic tempers at places like the United Nations boil over the difference, while locally, blood has spilled. It would all be farcical, if it weren't already tragic, and it gets worse.

  • 日本語訳を教えてください!

    At stake is a plan to expand the Pell Grant program, making it an entitlement akin to Medicare and Social Security. という文章の、,以下をどう訳せばいいのかがわかりません。このitは何を指しているのでしょうか?entitlementの適切な訳は何でしょうか?