• ベストアンサー
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Surviving in a Polluted City: Sally's Story

  • Sally, a young girl living in a polluted city, shares her story of survival and the challenges she and other children face.
  • Despite the difficult circumstances, Sally and her friends try to maintain hope and find ways to survive, such as working odd jobs for food.
  • Sally invites a newcomer, Ru, to meet her friends and hopes to learn new skills from Ru.


  • ベストアンサー

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申し訳ありません。 一度はやってみましたが自分の力ではちゃんとした文章として構成する事が出来なかったのでこのような我が儘な投稿を致しました。 不快に思わせたのなら謝罪致します、すみません。 しかし、此処にいる方に翻訳してもらうと、とても読みやすく英文章を構成して頂いたので今一度投稿しました。 すみませんが、御了承下さい。



  • すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、英語の得意な方、宜しく御願い致します。 Live to Tell 60 After some time: Vulpa:Ru, I know that you like that dress very much, but it's very torn and dirty now. It'll be better if you change your dress now don't you think? We have plenty of spare dresses for you to wear! Ru:NO!!!! I'm never changing this dress!!!*sob, hic!* This was the last dress that mommy bought for me!!!! *sob, sob!* Vulpa:*sigh* Ok, ok! I'm only trying to give you advice...Thinking: This damn kid and her whims!... Hey we've arrived at the city! Ru:*sob...* Uh! H-hey! Isn't that the city where Spinel was living? Vulpa:Yes, it is! Looks like Omega didn't destroy it yet! Perhaps we can buy or find something useful here! But it's strange... it looks a little different than the last time I visited it with dad! Like it's polluted or something...

  • すみませんが此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、宜しく御願い致します。 Live to Tell 63 Ru:Well, this is my answer, you bad man! Pedophile Pimp:Gllllh!....* Ru:You thought that you could fool me, pretending be nice huh? My sister told me about bad people like you already! I hope after this you will learn your lesson and never bother any more innocent girls like her again! Wolufu:Are you okay? Little Kemono Girl:Yes, thank you! Thank you very much! You can think of yourselves as my brother and sister now! Ru:I'm glad that we got here just in time before that bad guy did bad things to you and polluted your soul too! Vulpa:Oh! So you here are! Ru! Wolufu! How many times have I told you not to go far away from me! You scared me! Grrrr! Ru:Oh! Sorry sister! Let me explain, we saw that girl in trouble and we were in a hurry to help her and we... forgot to warn you... heh... Wolufu:Uh Oh! Looks like your big sister will tell us off again! Little Kemono Girl:Ru?! Where have I heard that name before...? Hey!....

  • すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、英語の得意な方、宜しく御願い致します。 Live to Tell 66 Sally:We are very close now, I can't wait to present you to my friends... Ru:Tee hee... Sally:Gasp! Oh no! I didn't think that they would ever come here! They're the Killer Fists! One of the more violent gangs in the city! B-but what are they doing? Oh my! They're beating Josh! One of Spinel's friends!...

  • すみませんが此処の文章を翻訳して頂けませんか?

    すみませんが此処の文章を翻訳して頂けませんか? Live to Tell 64 Little Kemono Girl:Yes! You are Ru, Vulpa's sister!Spinel told me about you! Ru:Y-yes my sister is Vulpa! but how do you know about her? Little Kemono Girl:Oh and then you must be Vulpa, Spinel's girlfriend! He told me a lot about how strong you are but I never thought that you'd look so strong too! Tee hee.... Vulpa:Yes! I'm her big sister... But what is your relationship with Spinel that you know about us? Thinking: Hey, wait a minute... She looks very much like him! I wonder if... Little Kemono Girl:Oh sorry, tee hee, I didn't introduce myself yet! I'm Sally, Spinel's little sister! I'm pleased to meet you! Tee hee hee.... Vulpa:OH! Woooow!!!! This is a big surprise; I'm pleased too! Hehe... Thinking: Please, I hope she won't ask about her brother! Wolufu:Great!Thinking: Oh no...! If she asks about her brother she's going to be very sad! Sally:I was very worried about him! Two and half weeks have passed since he left from here to meet with you and see if everything was alright in your town. He wasn't back yet, but now that I see you here I bet that he met with you and you decided to come back with him to the city, right?! I can't wait to see my dear brother again, where is he...? He's with your group, right? Wolufu:... Ru:... Vulpa:Hm... Sally, I don't know the best way to tell you this... Anyway, we can't lie to you and in a moment you'll know anyway... Sally, your brother died fighting against Omega... Unfortunately Omega attacked our village the same day that Spinel came there. Our parents, friends... all the people of the village were killed. We are the only survivors and we are now on a journey to defeat Omega and save this world. I know this must be hard for you, but you must be strong and overcome this... I bet that Spinel would wish that of you... Sally:Wh... *sob. sob*....

  • すみませんがか此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんがか此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、宜しく御願い致します。 Live to Tell 62 Wolufu:Ru! Look there! Ru:Hey! We should do something! Little Kemono Girl:*Hic, sob!* No, please stop! Leave me alone! *sob, sob!* Don`t touch me there! Pedophile Pimp:C'mon, cooperate and I will be nice to you, he he he he! Ru:Hey! Can't you hear her? She told you to leave her alone! You're a bad person and I won't let you continue with this!!!! Pedophile Pimp:What the fuck?! Who dares to meddle in my business? Uh...! Thinking: Hmm, she's a very nice one and looks very healthy! She must be a peasant or something, I could probably take advantage of her very easily, he he he he! Oh excuse me little girl... Hey I like your attitude, you're very pretty! Ru:Uh?! Oh thanks, but... Pedophile Pimp:Oh please let me finish. I have a proposal for you. Would you like to work for me? I can buy nice things for you, sweetie! What do you think? he he he he...

  • すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、英語の得意な方、宜しく御願い致します。 2/4 Usually the adults, young adults and some elders too, with poor willpower. Only the children, some youngsters, or the elders like me with enough strength and hopes for the future were able to not be polluted. Because of this pollution, the majority in this city started to lose their hope and their ethical beliefs. The food, richness, and welfare started to be distributed in an unfair way because of several kemonos with selfish desires for power, comfort, and dirty pleasures. They started to control almost everything here with mafia and gangs. The adults spend all day using drugs, drinking, or having dirty intercourse without love, and neglect their children and the environment. Because of that this city is so dirty now... making people beg, or worse, tell their children to prostitute themselves or steal to get more drugs or alcohol in the name of their selfish desires. All because their souls are poisoned... I never saw such behavior in the kemonos before!

  • すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、英語の得意な方、宜しく御願い致します。 3/4 I was one of the members of the council of this city! But when Omega's pollution came here the adults and young adults started to lose their respect for the elders and treated them like useless things, making them feel left out and mistreating them. That makes me feel very sad a lot, but mainly I feel sad seeing how the children here are neglected and mistreated. Sometimes I feel like crying, seeing these things happening! I can take care of a few children, but sadly I can't care for them all... You look like a very pure and good hearted group! I'm glad that there are still good, healthy youngsters like you living in this world! Vulpa:Can we help you with something? Old Beggar Kemono:Heh, no it's ok. You don't need to bother. Anyway, if you intervene with the things that happen here, you could have trouble with the gangs! Oh and one last bit of advice! It'll be better for you if you get out of here as soon as you can, because the local gangs might detect your presence and try to steal your belongings.

  • すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、英語の得意な方、宜しく御願い致します。 1/4 Live to Tell 61 Vulpa:N-now I understand why Omega didn't destroy this place yet; it isn't necessary! What the hell happened here?! I don't remember this place being so dirty or the kemonos being so violent and gloomy the last time I visited! Ru:Sister, this place is starting to scare me! And the air here smells very bad! Wolufu:Yeah, this place is very polluted! Vulpa:Perhaps if we ask somebody... Hey, there's an elder! Uh, excuse me... yes you, mister! Could you tell us what happened here? I remember visiting this place two years ago and it was very clean, with very friendly people back then! Old Beggar Kemono:I can't believe it...! It's the first time in so long that a young one spoke to me with such good manners, and didn't call me an old bastard or something! You must be new here! Well, as you can see, the majority here are behaving very strangely; that's a result of the pollution that Omega is spreading in this world. This is one of the many ways that Omega is trying to destroy us; this pollution poisoned the kemono's souls!

  • すいませんが、翻訳お願いします。

    すいませんが、翻訳お願いします。 thank you for your cooperation and we have submitted them to our Product Department. We will keep you informed as soon as we have any news, all right? Please allow us some time handling this for you, okay? Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated. Any further questions or needs, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Happy Birthday in Heaven My friend! Wish we could go play some paintball today... Love and miss you.

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