ハッセンタイチ カイエン ヲ ヤクシテ コトセイ センセーショナル ナ タイトル ヲ サンジュウモンジナリ セイ

  • 訳して下さい!明日までなのですが全く意味が分かりません。なるべく自然な訳にしていただきたいです。お願いいたします。
  • Gestures are a means of communication. For instance, a visitor may ask you in English,you can point in the right direction with your finger.In this way,gestures can be a helpful International language.But you must remember that gestures can mean different things to different people.If they are not used carefully, misunderstandings can occur.
  • ベストアンサー


訳して下さい! 明日までなのですが全く意味が分かりません。 なるべく自然な訳にしていただきたいです。お願いいたします。 Gestures are a means of communication. For instance, a visitor may ask you in English,you can point in the right direction with your finger.In this way,gestures can be a helpful International language.But you must remember that gestures can mean different things to different people.If they are not used carefully, misunderstandings can occur.

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

ジェスチャーは、コミュニケーションの一つの手段です。例えば、誰かが英語で、あなたに(道を)尋ねたとき、あなたは、指を使って、右の方角を指すでしょう。このように、ジェスチャーは、有用な国際的な言語です。しかしながら、異なる(国の)人には、(一つのジェスチャーが)違った意味になることがあることを覚えておくべきです。注意深く使用しないと、誤解を招くでしょう。 意訳です。どうでしょう。

その他の回答 (3)


まずポイントを説明します gestures 身振り手振り、ボディラングイッジ、ジェスチャー a means of ~の手段 for instance 例えば in the right direction 正しい方向 (右ではありません) mean different things to different people 違う国民には違うことを意味する 全体の訳は、 身振り手振りはコミュニケーションの手段です。例えば、観光客があなたに英語で尋ねてきたとすると、正しい方向を指で差すことができます。このようにして、ジェスチャーは役に立つ国際言語です。 しかし、気をつけて使わないと身振りは国民により違うことを意味することがあり、誤解が生じることがあることを覚えていなくてはなりません。 *gestures を3通りの訳をしていますので、自分自身でしっくりいく訳にしてください






  • 角度などの表現

    以下の文章ですが、形にして頭で想像できない箇所があります。 一文ずつ画像で想像するならば、どうなるでしょうか。 (1)“Lateral files” are a kind of file drawer – file system where the files are facing either left or right. (2)Normally when you have a file cabinet, you pull out the drawer and the files are all facing you. (3)In other words, they are in a direction so you can read them easily. (4)To have a “lateral file” means that the files are basically at 90 degrees from where you are so that they don’t face the same direction as the drawer pulling out, they face in a perpendicular direction. 以上です。 (1)の文ですが、 the files are facing either left or right は、どういう状態でしょうか。 (2)の文もface という動詞が出てきます。 the files are all facing you (3)の文章は(2)を言い換えていますが、 they are in a direction  はどういう状態でしょうか。簡単に読めるように in a direction になっているようですが・・・ (4)は “lateral file”を説明していますが、  at 90 degrees from where you are というのがどうも想像できません。   そして、なんのために90度の角度かというと、they don’t face the same directionのためと書いて  ありますが、又face が出てきて想像できませんでした。 “Lateral files”と、ノーマルのfile cabinetを比較している文章だと思いますが、 絵に浮かべなくています。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    after following the steps on creating a new profile, you'll have to head to the dashboard and grab a new bot. The bot settings are saved individually to each Chrome profile/instance so you can change the settings to whatever you like. You can then use this method to have each bot run a different Proxy.

  • desirable の意味と訳し方

    "desirable" の意味と訳し方 次の英文の後半(except in advertising を含めた後半部分)の意味を教えていただけませんか。特に、desirable の意味は見当もつきません。  In view of such profound differences in values, it is natural that misunderstandings and irritations often occur, especially in areas where being precise is important such as the negotiation of contracts. A Mexican has said, "With us a business deal is like a courtship." Americans lack this grace, but, on the other hand, you can usually count on their word. You know where you are with them; except in advertising, they will not be "whispering sweet nothings" that they do not mean in order to make you feel desirable.

  • 英作 短い 

    添削おねがいします★ よく知っているはずの街並みが、普段とは別の方向から眺めただけで、一変することがよくある。 when you see the usual streets in a different angle it often comes out in a strange view. streets i ought to know well often seem to change when they are seen from an unusual direction. 2文つくってみました。

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。bully Syu

    I have a different viewpoint, but until now all of you white people have been in a position to bully for a long time , are not you? I think that it is good to stand in a position to be bullied occasionally. If it is not it can not stop bullying with pain. ここでの英文ではare not youでなくhaven't you,だと考えるのですが、またIf it is not it canの各itがどこを指しているのか掴みにくいのですが、ご説明いただければ幸いです。

  • 高校英語教えてください。

    1.We are going to have the house ( ) this weekend. (1) to be painted (2) to paint (3) painted (4) painting 2.Read this book ( ). (1) as carefully as you can (2) as carefully as you possible (3) so carefully as possible (4) so carefully as you can 3.I heard somebody ( ) Lydia about the news,and I noticed that it upset her. (1) talked (2) tell (3) say (4) saying 4.彼は全力を尽くしたが、結局何も得られずに終わった。(適語を入れよ) He did as much as he could, but he got nothing in the ( ). 1.2. 3.は(1)~(4)から選び、日本語訳、4.は( )の中に適語を入れる問題です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この文の意味とcanの使い方について

    Which can of person are you in a work environment? この文を訳してください。 また、この文の Which can of person はどういう意味なんでしょうか? can の使われ方がわからないので教えてください。 さらに、この文のcanと同じ使われ方をしている例文などがあったら教えてください。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • People in Okinawa

    What do you think the PRPBLEM of Okinawa? Are people in Okinawa different from you? Thank you in advance.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Most institutions in the United States have tutorial support available for students. Sometimes the tutorial support is located in one place and sometimes there may be more than one place students can go to get help. Typically, peer tutors are available to help with studying for tests, problem solving, difficult homework assignments and writing. At most institutions, this service is free. Some institutions also have this support available on line.  Writing at American institutions is very different. Professors pay attention to plagiarism and also are very particular about formatting requirements. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can even result in expulsion from an institution. You should always credit the source whenever you use someone else's ideas in a paper. Typically, Professors will ask students to write in either the APA or the MLA format. These formatting requirements are complex and can change from year to year. These are all reasons why it is helpful to have a peer tutor look at your writing. Tutors can help you with formatting requirements and also help make sure you are not plagiarizing when you are writing. Most students do not intend to plagiarize, so it is very important to understand exactly what plagiarism is.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Most institutions in the United States have tutorial support available for students. Sometimes the tutorial support is located in one place and sometimes there may be more than one place students can go to get help. Typically, peer tutors are available to help with studying for tests, problem solving, difficult homework assignments and writing. At most institutions, this service is free. Some institutions also have this support available on line.  Writing at American institutions is very different. Professors pay attention to plagiarism and also are very particular about formatting requirements. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can even result in expulsion from an institution. You should always credit the source whenever you use someone else's ideas in a paper. Typically, Professors will ask students to write in either the APA or the MLA format. These formatting requirements are complex and can change from year to year. These are all reasons why it is helpful to have a peer tutor look at your writing. Tutors can help you with formatting requirements and also help make sure you are not plagiarizing when you are writing. Most students do not intend to plagiarize, so it is very important to understand exactly what plagiarism is. 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。