• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

allowが動詞でしょう。カッコを補ってみました。 Special addressing schemes {that, for instance, exploit the fact (that some elements in a video image do not change from frame to frame)} allow these LCDs to display moving images.





  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。そこはオリジナル商品を作ってくれるお店で、特別に小物をオーダーしようとお願いしていました。そのことで注意メールが来たのですみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Please note that these are Special Order produced only for you. We request / recommend you to take these items since it will not be re-produced unless it's requested as Special Order. Please remember that if you wish to buy these items next time, you'd have to make a special order with required quantity ONLY (about 2 per SKU). Also, remember that item from LA are cheaper than item from NY at this time.

  • Neuroaestheticsについての文です。

    Neuroaestheticsについての文です。 The blurred imagery of Impressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain's amygdala, for instance. Since the amygdala plays a crucial role in our feelings, that finding might explain why many people find these pieces so moving. these piecesとは何を指しているか、教えて頂きたいです。 お願いします!

  • 英文について教えてください

    ドナルド・キーン の「JAPANESE LITERATURE」からの英文です。(INTRODUCTION) The literature contains some of the longest novels and plays in the world, some of them of high literary quality, but the special Japanese talent for exquisite and suggestive detail has not been matched by a talent for construction. The earliest novels, if so we may call them, were often little more than a number of poems and the circumstances which inspired them. 【Such unity as these books possessed came from the fact that all the poems were credited to one man, or to one Emperor's court, but no attempt was made to connect the amorous adventure which gave rise to one verse with the adventure on the following page.】 【】の中の英文について 夢中になったこれらの本のようなまとまりは、すべての詩は一人の男性(人間?)、もしくは一人の天皇の宮廷に帰(き)せられていたという事実から来ていた。 しかし、企ては以下のページ上で、冒険を用いた一つの詩歌を人に生じさせた恋愛の冒険を結び付けることはなかった。 と訳しました。 (意味がよくとれていません) these books possessed ・・・夢中になったこれらの本? all the poems were credited to~ ・・・credite toで~に帰する? but no attempt was ~・・・noが付いた主語で受動態の文を訳すのが難しいです。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    My cat died on this day. I wrote this in memorial to him. Why do we allow ourselves to love when we know for a fact that, that soul will eventually leave us? why do we allow ourselves to love やwhen we know や for a fact that のところの訳がつかめません。宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    It stands to reason, then, that if the ratio of the masses of different elements in a given compound is fixed, the ratio of the atoms of these elements in the compound also must be constant. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 英文の意味の取り方を教えてください。

    英文の意味がよくわかりません。 It is difficult to change someone's opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able to perceive that no one likes being nagged. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself.の個所について質問があります。 *この英文はwhen節が2つ出てきていると思うのですが、 彼の母親が家の骨を折る仕事の援助を何か彼に頼んでいるときと 彼が自分自身のことを何かやりたいときが重なっている、という感じなのでしょうか? *for some special privilege→つまり、彼は自分のことを優先させたい、ということですか? * “get off his back” →「彼を非難することをやめる」という意味ですか?            それとも「彼に構わない」という意味ですか? お手数ですが教えてください。

  • 英文の構造と邦訳

    I have said that these contributions have transferred to financial markets some of the recent critiques of Bayesian theory of individual and market behaviour. ここでのtransferred to financial markets some of the recent critiques of Bayesian theory of individual and market behaviour.の構文と意味を教えて下さい。

  • 英訳お願いします。(ニューロン系の話です)

    One knows so little about these small companions to the neurons that the most diverse theories are possible and at present cannot be disproved. One should, however, keep in mind the fact that glia cells increase greatly in number whenever the nerve tissue becomes functionless due to a lesion or an interruption of the blood supply that has caused many neurons to die.

  • 英文和訳

    前置詞の論文を読んでいて、今atに関するところです。 (19) the cafe is at the highway. (20) the cafe is on the highway. という例文があり、次から解説があります。 その解説文が上手く訳せないので誰か教えてください>< at first sight,(19) appears to constitute a counterexample to the claim that "at" involvese the constual of the two elements involved in the relationship as geometric points, since this seems incompatible with the fact that a highway is a long, straight object, more natually conceptualised as a line in geometric terms. in fact, the typical context of use for (19) is when i am moving along a path (for example, driving a car) and i say that the cafe is located at the place where my oath intersects with the highway at the same point ahead- a location that is quite naturally conceptualised as a point. Similary, there is an implicit notion of path in each of the following. お願いします><

  • 至急、英文を和訳して頂きたいです。

    和訳お願い致します>< The fact that some languages limit the freedom of relativization leads to a disturbing question. How do languages manage without some kinds of relative clauses? Does this example suggest that some languages are richer in expressive power than others? To an English speaker it may seem harshly restrictive to forbid relativization on some kinds of noun phrases. Surely everyone must occasionally need to say things like the woman who(m) the student saw , in which a direct object is relativized. How do people manage when their language forbids this?