• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • kotopon
  • ベストアンサー率43% (18/41)

こんにちは。 which(full insurance contributionが)gives them(彼女たちにもたらす) independence(独立を) from their husbands(彼女たちの夫からの)という構成です。つまり、保険料を全額支払えるその事実が、彼女たちの夫からの独立(この場合、彼女たちが夫に関係なく保険金を請求できるということ)をもたらしている、ということです。 こんな説明でわかっていただけたら、うれしい。





  • 長い1文で・・・・

    I was distressed to hear Anne Symmers support the view that women in our armed forces should be allowed to serve in combat positions, because otherwise their career paths are blocked. This is another example of women being asked to adapt to rigid(man-made) institutions, instead of the structures of such institutions being altered to offer women career paths with status abd financial rewards equal to those available to men, but for jobs that women do well, as women. なんですが、This以降である2文目がよくわからなくなってしまいました。特にbut forやasの意味がわかりません。

  • 英作文の問題です よろしければ添削お願い致します

    英作文の問題です よろしければ添削お願い致します (簡単なご指摘で大助かりです) - テキストの正解: More and more women have their own careers and are economically independent of their husbands. Now a days marriage is not necessarily a must for women. ※今日では、きちんとした職業を持ち、夫に経済的に依存する必要がない女性が増えているので、結婚は女性にとって必ずしも当たり前のものでなくなってきている。 私の文: Now a days the number of woman who works and doesn't need to depend on her husband economically is increasing.. That is why marriage comes to be not necessary to women. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    First, wives tend to be younger than their husbands, by an average of two or three years (Troll, 1975), and thus would naturally be expected to outlive them. Second, women have a longer life expectancy than men all over the world. Finally, elderly widowers are more likely to remarry than elderly widows. Widowers have more to gain from remarrying than widows because husbands often depend entirely on their wives for males, housekeeping, and homemaking, hence their lives are disrupted in major ways by loss of their spouse (Lopata, 1975). In addition, wives often are responsible for maintaining contact with relatives, hence the widower loses contact with them. Finally, husbands do not expect to outlive their wives, hence are not psychologically prepared-socialized-for the loss (Treas, 1975). お願いします。

  • 次の文の"edge"はどのように訳されますか?

    "I could sleep with a bloke today" he told one interviewer. "But I actually don't want to. I might to do it tomorrow. I've no qualms" And so on in that vein, which led, absolutely, inevitable, to speculation that Robbie was gay. Robbie was totally straight but couldn't resist edging the speculation along. 「僕は今日男と寝るかもしれない。」彼はあるインタビュアーに答えた。 「実際はしたくないけど、明日そうすることもあるかもしれない。良心の呵責はないね。」 そしてそんな虚栄心(?)などが完全に、必然的にロビーをゲイであるという推測に導いた。 ロビーは全くストレートだった。しかし、・・・・・・・・せざるをえなかった。

  • 一部分、訳し方を教えてください。

    Married women felt they were spending a greater share of their time working than their husbands, since in addition to their paid jobs, they were also responsible for most household chores. since in addition to their paid jobs, この部分、とくにsinceはどう訳したらいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の日本語訳

    But the biggest threats to the panda now are loss of habitat as the bamboo forests are cut down and loss of their food supply as the arrow bamboo on which they depend dies off every 60 to 100 years. の訳がわかりません。誰か訳をお願いします。

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。和訳は正しいでしょうか?

    First consider how many of them there are. More than one-quarter of the women over 30 years old in Japan are single and this portion continues to rise each year. Many of them have jobs and apartments of their own. On the other hand, married women often have to rely on their husbands for money. The independence of older, unmarried women suggests the opposite. Rather than being losers, they represent a type of winner. 日本語訳 まず、未婚の女性がどれ程の数になるか考えてみましょう。日本では30歳以上の女性の4分の一以上が独身であり、この割合は毎年増え続けています。そうした人達の多くが仕事をもち、自分の為の住まいを持っています。一方結婚した女性は多くの場合経済的に夫に依存しています。未婚で年取った人の自立についての有り方は(考え方は)正反対のことを示唆します。敗者というよりむしろ、彼女達が勝利者の一つの形ということを示しています。

  • 新聞記事の和訳をお願いします。

    2009/8/4のワシントンポストなのですが We can't eliminate all disease. But through health reform, we can give every American access to quality, affordable health insurance so that if they do get sick, they have the best chance possible of getting better without bankrupting their families. The current health-care system gives insurance companies all the power. They get to pick and choose who gets a policy. They can deny coverage because of a preexisting condition. They can offer coverage only at exorbitant rates -- or offer coverage so thin that it's no coverage at all. Americans are left to worry about whether they'll get laid off and lose their insurance or wake up from surgery with a $10,000 bill because they didn't read the fine print on their policy. 長いですがこの和訳をお願いできますか? よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語について

    教えてください (1)To不定詞を副詞で修飾する場合、  A:to+副詞+do  B:副詞+to+doのどちらでしょうか? (2)「,but which+are+~」になっている文があるのですが、関係代名詞の非制限用法においてはbutは消去されるべきではないでしょうか?

  • 訳と文構造を教えていただけますか

    what they were supposed eat ,would order the children to do so or tell them that they ought to eat it because it was good for them. Japanese mothers would ask their children a question,such as "How do you think it makes the man who grew these vegitablefor you to eat feel when you reject them?"Thus from a vegetables for you to eat feel when to do, while Japanese children are encouraged not only to consider other persons'feelings but also to contoral themselves as a result of their own considerate. もし可能であれば、訳のポイントを教えて下さい。 お願いいたします。