
  • 満員電車の中で主人公が自分のかばんが足の間に挟まれて取れなくなる恐怖体験をした。
  • 主人公は通学路の普段の道を15歳の時に通っていた。ブルックリンからマンハッタンへ向かう満員電車に乗っている最中、ポールにつかまっている人々の中心で自分のかばんが足の間に挟まれていることに気付く。かばんを取ろうと腕を動かすが、圧力は残ったままであった。恐怖の中で身動きが取れなかった。
  • 満員電車の中で主人公がかばんを足の間に挟まれて取れなくなり、恐怖に凍りついてしまった。
  • ベストアンサー


翻訳してもらえませんか?? I was 15 years old. Taking my usual route to school, I was riding a crowded express train to Manhattan from Brooklyn. At the center of a crowd of people holding onto a pole, I became aware that my lether purse had been pressed betrween my legs. I moved my arm to remove it but the pressure remained. I stood frozen in fear. という文章なんですが、主人公は自分のかばんが満員電車の中で自分の足の間に入って、それがとれなくて怖がっていたということなんでしょうか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • katelot
  • ベストアンサー率42% (3/7)

はい、そんな感じです。主人公が、自分のかばんが満員電車の中で自分の両足に挟まれていたのに気づいて、かばんを足の間から取ろうと思い腕を伸ばしたが、挟まれたまま抜けなかった。そして主人公は恐怖のまま立ち尽くした、というような訳になるでしょう。 たぶん、この主人公のかばんの中には何かつぶれては困る大事なものが入っていたのだと思います。そしてそれが満員電車の中で自分の足につぶされるのを怖がっていた、という感じでしょう。 他の皆さんの意見の参考程度に。





  • 過去完了について

    I used to believe courtesy was a thing of the past. Very seldom have I encountered a courteous human being in this modern era of the so called Gen X. Recently, I had to change my thinking, when I came face to face with just such a human being. I had gone to a happening coffee place, with two of my grown up daughters. The place was crowded with the usual loud crowd and we had to climb a steep flight of stairs in order to find an empty table. I had goneのところはなぜ単純過去ではダメなのでしょうか?なぜ過去完了なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    翻訳お願いします。長文で申し訳ないです。 英語が苦手すぎてうまく訳せないためお力をお貸しいただけたら嬉しいです。 会話文です。 Bye-Bye Ok, I'm off to Rockefeller Center. Well, what do you have up there: one of those job interviews you were talking about? Yes, as a matter of fact. The Center is south of us, right? Actually, it's west. You can probably walk there, since it's less than a mile away. A mile in Manhattan? Hmm... A taxi, then? Too expensive. And surface traffic is too heavy this time of day for that-or a bus. Take the V train. You can board at 51 Street then you've gone too far. I did that my first week in New York. I wound up all the way in Brooklyn before I realized my mistake. Oh, and don't spend too long looking for the building address. Sometimes it's on a different entrance. It's just easier to try to find the right entrance. Yeah, sometimes it's better to know the building itself rather than look for the entrance address. OK, thanks a lot! Bye. Bye. Good luck! Have fun. Bar?

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    You brought a shining light of hope to my life and saved me when I was having trouble.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    There's been a lot of times though in the band situation where there's been some deep wounds. Like that press conference they put together in 1996, after canceling three shows. The same stuff was going on with certain members of the band, that I was doing at that time. That was that time, I'm not making an excuse for it, it was a horrible time in my life. As well there were a lot of great things going on in my life, but that part of it was miserable. But I don't think at all that there needed to be a press conference to out me publicly, that was my own business.

  • 翻訳(和訳)をお願いします。

    While Smith had the musician impressed, he revealed that his mind was somewhere else at the time. “My concern was that I was going to get killed,” the King Richard star admitted. “That was my concern when I was trying to spit my game, but I ain’t really have nothing.” "I was always faked like I had game. I didn’t really have game,” he added. “I was always in this full-on, trying to give the wildest flavor of having game, but that might have been the most terrified I had ever been trying to shoot my shot with Pepa. And I didn’t believe I had a real shot.” 翻訳サイトを使っても意味がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The evening ended with a romp through the tune that introduced many to STP in the first place, "Sex Type Thing," which was played with much more of a punk rock flair than the original gargantuan metal riffing. At its climax, smoke blew onto the crowd from machines up in the lighting truss. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』はアーティスト名、『Sex Type Thing』は曲名です。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    all i was telling you is a package was sent back to me from 3 months ago...it wasnt a big deal, just was showing you because that was not my fault . you did not understand my email.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Simone was extremely warm-hearted, kind and polite to me when I met her. Her kindness made a deep impression on me, which I still recall to this day. All the things that made me happy that day remain one of my best memories, which I will remember for the rest of my life.

  • 過去完了 had gone について

    https://okwave.jp/qa/q9362255.html こちらで質問されている以下の英文中の過去完了 had gone について質問します。 I used to believe courtesy was a thing of the past. Very seldom have I encountered a courteous human being in this modern era of the so called Gen X. Recently, I had to change my thinking, when I came face to face with just such a human being. I had gone to a happening coffee place, with two of my grown up daughters. The place was crowded with the usual loud crowd and we had to climb a steep flight of stairs in order to find an empty table. 上記の質問では、大過去、という回答に向かわないのはいいと思うのですが、 完了時制の中でも経験という回答がなされています。 どうも、今の時点からみて「行ったことがあった」で通じるためであると推測はできますが、 過去完了でいう経験は、今から見てはいけないと思います。 実際には、完了、さらには結果と言われる、行ったまま、その場にいる、 という用法だと明白だと思うのですが、ご意見をうかがいたいと思います。 上記質問で議論をすると、同じ者同士の言い合いで結果は見えてますので。

  • 翻訳してください。

    During my first space sleep, I discovered that my arms and legs moved automatically into a ''sleep position.'' Instead of hanging at my sides, as they would have on Earth, my arms drifted out in front of me, motionless, at about shoulder height. It was strange to open my eyes and see my arms dangling in front of my face.