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  • How do you Tiger-proof an entire co

    How do you Tiger-proof an entire corporation? At Accenture, you start by telling employees to tear down all the posters that say, now somewhat awkwardly, that “we know what it takes to be a Tiger.” (試訳) 会社をタイガーから守るにはどうすればいいか?アセンチュアでは、「タイガーになるために欠かせないことがある」と書かれた、今ではちょっと不適切なポスターを引きはがすよう、従業員に指示することになる。 訳は合ってますでしょうか?

  • Accenture, however, is already prep

    Accenture, however, is already preparing a new ad campaign. Jon Swallen, a senior vice president for research for TNS Media Intelligence, said it seemed notable that the consulting firm chose not to hide under a no-comment cloak or hire a new celebrity spokesman; instead, it separated from Mr. Woods publicly and swiftly. (試訳) 一方、アセンチュアはすでに新しい広告キャンペーンの準備に取り掛かっている。TNSメディアインテリジェンスのジョン・スワレン研究担当副社長は、コンサルティング会社が逃げずにコメントし、新たな有名人を起用することは注目に値すると述べた。彼らは公然とタイガー・ウッズにあっさり別れを告げたのだ。 訳はたぶんめちゃめちゃだと思います。文中の instead はどう訳せばいいのでしょう。

  • far more than for...

    far more than for... But it takes time to erase the golfer’s identity completely. Accenture spent $50 million on advertising in the United States last year, and Mr. Woods appeared in 83 percent of the company’s ads ? far more than for any of his other major sponsors ? according to TNS Media Intelligence. (試訳) しかし、タイガーのイメージを消し去るには時間を要する。TNSメディアインテリジェンスによると、アセンチュアは、昨年、合衆国だけで5000万ドルの広告費を費やし、広告の83%でタイガー・ウッズが使われているという。これは彼の他のスポンサーと比べてもずば抜けている。 訳は合ってますでしょうか?

  • 訳を見てください

    訳を見てください By Monday afternoon, Accenture staffers had swept through the company’s New York office and removed any visible Tiger posters. The next day, marketing and communications employees around the world were asked to turn in any remaining Tiger-emblazoned posters and other materials. Accenture marketing employees did not respond to requests for comment about the Tiger purge on Wednesday. (試訳) アセンチュアの社員は、月曜日までにニューヨークオフィスの隅々をチェックし、目に触れるタイガーのポスターをすべてはがした。次に日には、世界中のマーケティングおよびコミュニケーションチームの従業員が、タイガーが描かれたポスターなどを一つ残らず提出するように求められた。マーケティングチームの従業員は、水曜日に「タイガーの浄化」についてコメントを求められたが、応じていない。 訳は合ってますでしょうか?

  • 和訳を教えてください

    和訳を教えてください 1) He made it known that he had no intention to enter politics. 2) We hear it always said that we live in a computer age. 3) I saw him put the key in the lock, turn it and open the door. 4)This statue looks out over the open sea, and anyone on a skip entering or leaving the harbor can see the torch lifted hight in the air. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします!

    次の英文の和訳お願いします(>_<) His jaw is set hard. Comments like "It is not what you said but the way that you said it," or "Why did you say it like that?" or "Obviously it's not nothing; something's wrong," are responses to metamessage of talk. Such requests as "Skip the small talk," "Get to the point," or "Why don't you say what you mean?" may seem to be reasonable. お願いします。

  • 和訳の確認をお願いします

    is that what you said or someone els but you thought it wass cool? but ya it got to me... 「それは君が言ったか誰かに言われてカッコイイと思ったの?確かにカッコイイね」 という訳であっていますか?

  • 話法を変えるにはどうしたらいいですか

    話法を変えるにはどうしたらいいですか 1 Their father told them not to go too far away or they would get lost 2 To my surprise he said to me, "I've sold all those you gave me yesterday." 3 Yesterday my friend said to me,"will you help me?"  "Yes," I said,"but not until tomorrow. 4 he said to me ,"Let me do it." 和訳も教えていただければ嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします!!

  • よろしくお願いします

    Do you think it is possible to change how you react internally to something? Examples being: a spouse who has quirks, a co-worker who talks too much or a neighbor who does noisy yardwork at a time when I want things quiet. Examples beingのbeingはどのような意味(役割)でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Mr. Glenn said the European Union not only enabled CH2M Hill to hire for Britain from the Continent but also let the company easily move employees to other European countries once projects were finished. That helps it retain skilled engineers. “The skills base we are talking about and the scale of the programs require us to be able to move folks around,” he said. “The visa issue is significant.”