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  • 単語は調べたのですがうまく訳せません。わかる方教えて下さい(><)

    Joe Jr., favorite son and the rising star of the Kennedy family, has a tough time adjusting to boarding school. ★adjust…慣れる ★boarding school…寄宿(全寮制)学校

  • 単語を調べ、途中まで訳してみたのですが、うまく訳せません。わかる方、教えて下さい(><)

    By the time Jack wallks onto the campus at Choate, a thin willow of a boy among the sturdy elms, in the fall of 1931, Joe Jr.has not only found his stride, but he's looking like one of the best student-athletes the school has ever seen. ★By the time…その時までに ★onto…~の方へ、~へ ★campus…構内 ★willow…ヤナギ ★among…~の間に、~の中に ★sturdy…たくましい、丈夫な ★elm…ニレ ★stride…大股、進歩 ★athlete…運動選手 その時までに、ジャックはChoateにあるキャンパスの方へ歩く 1931年の秋に、少年の間の丈夫なニレの薄いヤナギ ジョーJr.は しかし彼は

  • 単語は調べたのですが、訳すことができません。教えて下さい。

    Joe Sr. frequently calls Jack out for his sloppiness and disregard for finances or any kind of responsibility. ★frequently…しばしば、頻繁に ★disregard…注意を払わない、~を無視する ★finance…財産

  • 単語は調べたのですが、全く分かりません。翻訳お願い致します。

    The school's dual focus of brains and brawn appeals to Joe Sr. That, plus the fact that his boys would now mingle with the privileged children of Boston's wealthy elite, which is something Joe never had even though he attended the Boston Latin School and Harvard. ★dual…2つの部分から成る、二重の、2の ★focus…焦点 ★brain…脳 ★brawn…たくましい筋肉 ★mingle with…~を混ぜる、~を混ぜ合わせる、混ざる ★privilege…に特権を与える ★wealthy…富裕な、裕福な ★even though…though(けれども、にも関わらず) ★attend…出席する ★Latin…ラテン

  • 単語は調べたのですが、うまく訳せません。わかる方翻訳お願い致します。

    When Joe Jr. is caught playing rough in the halls by senior classmates(known as sixth formers), they paddle and swat him hard enough to raise blister on his backside. ★rough…ざらざらした、粗野な ★senior…上級の ★former…~年生 ★paddle…かいでこぐ、たたく ★swat…ピシャリト打つこと、強い一撃 ★blister…水ぶくれ、まめ、はれ ★backside…後部

  • 英文の間違いを直してください

    Do you ever late for school? Are you the kind of person who difficult to get up? Your problem will disapper with the Dash boots. Dash boot help you not late for school. All you have to do is put on one's shoes,and then you run fast. Dash boot are only \5000. Dash boot also have accelerat to 50 killometers. on top of that,they are lightweight and come in many different size. Dash boot is perfect for people who need to run fast You will feel so confind when you use Dash boot

  • 単語は調べたのですが、訳せません(><)教えて下さい!!

    Rose looks at her son Jack and this is what she sees: a narrow face and ears that stick out a bit, and his hair―well, that seems to have a life of of its own. ★narrow…狭い、細い ★stick out…目立つ、~をやり抜く、あきらめない

  • 訳せる方、翻訳お願いします。

    Where home and school ways of knowing and speaking are significantly different, differences in ways of using language can be perceived as representing a difference in the ability to think. 翻訳お願いします。 また、翻訳のための文法的な補足もあればお願いします。

  • 単語は調べたのですが、訳せません(><)教えて下さい!!

    A few years later, when one of Jack's teachers is due at the house to report on Jack's behavior at school, he tells his parents, "You know I am getting on all right and if you study too much, you're liable to go crazy." ★a few years later…2,3年(数年)後 ★due…到着予定で、予定されて ★report on…報告する、報道する ★behavior…ふるまい、動作 ★all right…申し分ない、満足な、信頼できる、うまく、よろしい ★liable…~しがちである、~しやすい

  • 英文メールを翻訳して頂けませんか。

    英文メールを翻訳して頂けませんか。 Her sweater/jacket in the first picture has a nice print, like it! and it seems she's wearing her school uniform in the 2nd one, maybe? I was wondering, are these 2 models popular or recognized over there? hirose alice and sakata rikako, it's kinda hard to find info about them, I'll appreciate any information.