• 締切済み




「ジェームス・ディーンは、銀幕上の才能と悲劇的な死を思い起こさせる俳優です。」 不自然ですかね?


  • 訳お願いします。

    As the train lurched away from Port Huron,little Al would walk down the aisles with a huge basket,calling out his wares:"Newspapers!Apples!Candy!Peanuts!Sandwiches!" He was tiny,loud,and so successful that he started engaging in other business on the side. He bought produce in Detroit for his fruit-and-vegetable stand in Port Huron,as well as papers for his newspaper stand. He bought berries and butter from farmers at the depots,selling them to customers in Port Huron or to railroad employees' wives. He even hired other boys to help him. Hemade as much as eight dollars a day,but saved most of his money and gave a dollar a day to his mother. 長くてすいませんが発表しなきゃいけないのでどなたか力を貸していただけないでしょうか><

  • 訳がわかりません。

    His blue bag lies on the hall floor where he dropped it, about four short steps into the house. Last night he slept in Paris, and the twenty nights before that in various beds in England. And Scotland, but evidently he postponed as much sleep as he could; after he walked in and said hello and how much he'd missed home, his electrical system suddenly switched off, and he headed half-unconscious for his bed, where I imagine he may break his old record of sixteen hours. 長いですが訳してもらえるとありがたいです。

  • 18-4日本語訳

    お願いします。 He told his people that he wanted them to live in a way that would lead to an“increase of their inner worthiness.”Ashoka also promoted the teachings of the Buddha and sent missionaries,including his son and his daughter,to lands as dar away as Sri Lanka so that his people would not make the same mistakes he had.As he said,“All men are my children.As for my own children,I desire that they may be provided with all the welfare and happiness of this world and of the next,so do I desire for all men as well.”  As part of his reforms,Ashoka banned the sacrifice of animals.This confused and angered many of his people,especially the Brahmins who made their living by performing animal sacrifices.The Brahmins were powerful enemies,break away from the Mauryan Empire after Ashoka's death.The last Mauryan ruler was assassinated in 185 BCE by one of his generals-who was,not so coincidentalky,a Brahmin.Although other kings would follow,no ruler would be strong enough to unite the many different people of the subcontinent into a single political state for 1,600 years.

  • 15-1 お願いします

    日本語訳を!!  In 1819,a young man named James Prinsep boarded a ship near his home in Essex,England,and set sail for India,half a world away.His father,John,had made the family's fortune manufacturing indigo there 40 years earlier,and James had grown up listening to his father's romantic stories of the faraway kand.James had raced through his educatiom as quickly as he could,eager to get to India and see it for himself.Now 20 years old and fully qualified as an architect,he was at last on his way.  John Prinsep,James's father,had brought the first Western-style coin-making machinery to India in 1780 and manufactured copper coins to make doing business easier.(Before this,each India state had made and used its own hand-stamped coins.)James got a job in Calcutta at the mint his father had estabtlished.He was good at his job.He reformed the system of weights and measures and introduced a style of coinage that came to be used by the entire country.  In his spare ime,James became interested in archaeology.His love for old coins and enthusiasm for anything to do with ancient India was contagious.Many Englishmen living in India began to study Indian history more seriously(including a young man named Alexander Cunningham,the same Alexander Cunningham who would later discover the ruins at Harappa.)Soon James had friends,both English and Indian,sending him old coins and copies of inscriptions from all over India.  James spent hours admiring the portraits of long-for-gotten kings that decorated his old coins.Some of his oldest coins dated from the time of Alexander the Great,when the Indo-Greeks ruled northern India and Pakistan.Those coins had inscriptions in ancient Greek on one side,which he could decipher.But the meaning of the inscriptions on the other side,which were written in a mysterious squiggly alphabet scholars called Brahmi,baffled him.He thought they probably repeated the Greek information,but until someome could read Brahmi,there was no way to be sure.

  • vestの意味は?

    下記の意味はあっているでしょうか、教えてください。 CEO James Kilts, for one, stands to make an estimated $123 million from selling his firm to P&G, based on last week's stock prices and options that will vest when the ink on the deal dries. 「CEOのジェームズ・キルツは、P&Gに会社を売却して、個人で推定1億2千300万ドルを得るが、(その推定は)先週の株価と契約成立後にキルツに帰属するオプションを根拠としている。」 vestは帰属する、所有するというような意味でいいのでしょうか?また、optionsとは何なのか良く分かりませ。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳を教えてください

    私の低い英語力ではどうにも訳せないので、どうかお力をお貸しください!お願いします! Wilde was baptized by his father’s brother Ralph in St Mark’s Church, Dublin, on 26 April 1885. Five or six years later he was baptized into the Roman Catholic church, at his mother’s onstance, by the Revd L.C. Prideaux Fox, chaplain to the juvenile reformatory at Glencree, co. Wicklow, where the family were on holiday. Wilde violated no Irish protestant taboo as great as that broken by his mother for him in thus perverting him (as her relatives would have termed it). During the great Irish famine William Wilde had directed the census from local medical reports giving him unique mastery of famine mortality and his folklore researches showed its cultural toll, while Jane Elgee as poet and polemicist on the Dublin Nation declared that the million-odd victims owed their fate to her fellow protestant landlords. Wilde’s dialogue between Death and Avarice in ‘The Young King’ (Lady’s Pictorial, Christmass 1888) echoes her indictment while his Ballad of Reading Gaol has recollections of her poem ‘The Famine Year’. He would have understood the symbolism of her consecration of her sons to the church whose children had died in such horror and such numbers. He reaffirmed her defence of the Irish revolutionaries of 1848 when lecturing in San Francisco in 1882. Filial devotion made him a rebel, with some uncertainty as to his cause.

  • クリストフ・ウォルツのスピーチ

    イングロリアス・バスタードで組合賞の助演男優賞をとった クリストフ・ウォルツのスピーチで意味がわからないところがあります。 どなたか分かる方、お知恵を貸して下さい。 終わりの方の、after the rude awakeningとは どういう意味でしょうか? そして続く、We work towards what can only be hoped for in utmost secrecy.も意味がわかりません。 嫌な出来事があっても演技を続ける。 秘密に望まれることを目指している。 というようなことかな?と思っているんですけれど…。 どうぞよろしくお願いします! CHRISTOPH WALTZ: Thank you so much. A stage actor acts on a stage. But a screen actor doesn’t act on the screen. The stage actor just walks on by himself, but the screen actor is put on by projectionist. Yet we dedicate our lives to our contribution of the whole, and yes in occasional fits of megalomania we consider ourselves worthy of a script like “Inglourious Basterds,” or a director like Quentin Tarantino, or men like Harvey Weinstein, or David Linde, or a studio like Weinstein or Universal. Or partners like Brad or Diane, and back-up personally like Adam Schweitzer and Lisa Kasteler. But after the rude awakening, we just carry on with our lives. We work towards what can only be hoped for in utmost secrecy. This is what I was granted by working with Quentin Tarantino on “Inglourious Basterds.” For this I’m indebted and grateful to all of you, for this as well. To all of you, including the projectionist.

  • 科学の訳

    Revised six times, its abstract, On the Origin of Species, it best viewed as the forerunner to a dazzling sequence of books which both provided further evidence for evolution and drew out its consequences. という文のas以下の “ the forerunner to a dazzling sequence of books which both provided further evidence for evolution and drew out its consequences.” の部分の訳を直訳したところ、 “進化のための証拠以上に提供し、またその結果を伸ばした目がくらむほどの本の連続の前触れとして” という意味不明な訳になってしまいました。種の起源の要約の修正を6回行ったことは分かります(出だしですけど・・・汗) 英語が苦手なものでして・・・ as以下が何を言っているのかのニュアンスを教えてください。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (21) Augustus was a hard-working emperor. He traveled to many of the provinces under his care, but he was sickly and didn't expect to live very long. After his military campaign in Spain, Augustus returned to Rome and, in 23 BCE, became quite illand began thinking about a successor to follow him as Rome's ruler. His first choice had been his nephew Marcellus, but Marcellus had died young─not long after he had married Julia, the emperor's only daughter. (22) Julia played the key role in her father's search for a successor. After Marcellus died, she had to marry again, to a man of her father's choice. For her next husband, Augustus chose his general Agrippa, his closet friend and advisor. Although Julia was much younger than Agrippa, she dutifully married him, and the couple had five children. Then Agrippa died. (23) Although Augustus adopted his young grandsons as his heirs, he still needed a husband for Julia to protect the boys in the event of his own death. So he forced his stepson Tiberius to divorce his wife, even though Tiberius loved her very deeply. (He used to follow his former wife on the streets, weeping.) The marriage between Julia and Tiberius was a disaster: Julia was unfaithful, and Tiberius went into exile on the Greek island of Rhodes. Augustus was forced to banish his own daughter from Rome for her crime of adultery. (24) Julia must have spilled many tears over her father's marriage choices for her─especially the last one. She hated Tiberius, and he felt the same way about her. Even so, she would never have questioned her father's right to select her husbands. This was a parent's duty, especially if dad happened to rule the Roman Empire.

  • 翻訳、よろしくお願いします。

    When is a person really special? A person is special if everything he does is for other people. A person is special if he never thinks about himself. And a person is surely special if he is well remembered after his death. 翻訳、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_