• ベストアンサー

awake to so and soについて


  • ベストアンサー
  • yakamashi
  • ベストアンサー率40% (18/44)

それでいいんじゃないの。 ダン・ブラウンのDeception Point でしょ。 場面は、ワシントンDCの朝。中心部の行政地区、ワシントン記念塔(=obelisk)がそびえたち、その前にはリンカーン記念館リフレクティングプール(←固有名詞)が塔の姿を映し出している。 The world’s largest obelisk usually awoke to its own peaceful image in the Reflecting Pool, but today the morning brought with it a chaos of jostling reporters, all crowding around the monument’s base in anticipation. 世界で最も高いオベリスク、ワシントン記念塔は、いつもはリフレクティングプールにうつる己の平和な姿にはっとして目を覚ます。しかし、その朝の目覚めは、足元に押し合い圧し合いしながら、期待に胸を膨らませたレポーター達の大騒ぎとともにやってきた。



有難うございます。 私としては、私の訳文では、私自身何を言っているのかよくわからないのです。文学的センスに乏しいのかと思ってしまいます。 貴女様は私の訳文で情景が浮かぶようでしたら、大変ありがたくぞんじます。


  • be going toとwillの併用

    正確に言うとbe going toとwillには意味の違いがあるかもしれませんが、 いずれも未来を表現して「~だろう」と訳すと思っていました。 また、 一緒に使う事はないとも思っていました。 しかし、 以下の文を辞書で見つけてしまいました。 We will be going to have a pool party, so bring your togs and towels. (プールパーティーをするから水着とタオルを持ってきてね) この文章のwillとbe going toはどう解釈すべきでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します!


    Its trade surplus rises toward an astonishing 0.5 percent of world GDP. Foreign-currency reserves surge, making it the largest holder of reserves in history, which it uses to fund the trade deficits of its export customers. Then suddenly, a global banking crisis interrupts the flow of funding, and exports fade. 中国の経済についての記事ですが、最後のほうの which it uses to fund the trade deficits of its export customers の部分が理解できません。 "その輸出先の顧客国の貿易赤字に投資する貯めに使われている" という意味だと思うのですが、貿易赤字に投資するってのは変ですよね?(´_`。) 教えてください

  • Close corporation

    米国法からですが、英語の解釈の問題なので英語のスレで質問させていただきます。 Advantage of the close corporation includes inability to enter into contracts its own name.The close corporation is a separate legal entity: it may sue and be sued, own property, make contracts, and exercise a wide range of rights in its own name. 前半部分では、未公開会社がその名前を契約にいれるのは 不可能といっているのに、後半部分では名前を広範囲に行使できるということですが、これだとつじつまが合わないような気がしますが、私の解釈が間違っているでしょうか。

  • 英文で分からないところがあります。

    It was, admittedly, a risky book for him to write given his own place in the industry, but that also makes its message much more interesting to discuss. 上記の文ですが、解釈がよくわかりません。 「これは彼にとって、業界の中での彼自身の地位を与えた危険な本だったのは確かだか、しかしまた、そのことがその本の主旨をより興味をもって議論されるようにさせている。」 でよいですか? given がどうつながるかが、良くわかっていません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • グラマーについての質問です。

    天気について how s the today whats the weather like today なぜlike が必要なのですか? 楽しいお話でしたね。 (1)its been nice talking to you (2)it was nice talking to you この二つの違いとしては (1)はその場で言っているイメージで、(2)はその場でも、翌日でもいえるイメージです。 もしくわそんなに違いなどはないのでしょうか? 自分の方言ではどんな(言葉、表現)のが好き? what is your faviorit dialect on your own dialect? 何かがおかしい気が…宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Under one scenario, Germany — fed up with having to shoulder the debts of the less thrifty, and unhappy at future looser monetary policy by the European Central Bank — could go it alone based on its own fiscal discipline and the historic credibility of its Bundesbank central bank. In either case, the costs of unravelling a currency union of 16 countries comprising the world's second-largest single market could be very high. Weaker countries would face immediate financial instability. Yields on government bonds would rise, making debt more expensive. There was a taste last week when the euro sagged on rumours — quickly denied — that France was considering a return to the franc.

  • both は必要なの?

    この文章の最後の方にある"both"は必要なのでしょうか? What began as a modest trading union in two commodities essential to post-World War 2 reconstruction - coal and steel - has become in part by design and part by accident a community that, despite its public disputes, is poised to be the dominant global influence of the 21st Century, both through its own actions and as a model to the rest of the world. 自分は、 "both A(=through) and B(=as)" と理解しました。"both以下"は"has become"を修飾しているの思うのですが、なぜ"both"が必要なのかが分かりません。 長い文でうまく訳せないので、和訳と合わせて教えて下さい!

  • この"that"は何を表しているのでしょうか?

    どなたか教えて下さい。 Such a switch in currency pricing for the world's largest physical commodity (12 percent of world trade) would contribute significantly in raising the euro's status to that of the world's leading international currency through its increased use as a medium of exchange. この基本構造は"switch.....contribute.....to that"だと思うのですが、この"switch"が何に貢献したのかが分かりません。自分では"that=switch"と思い、 「このような世界最大の実物商品(世界貿易の12パーセント)に対する価格通貨の転換は、特にユーロの立場を高めるという意味において、交換手段として使われる頻度が増すにつれ、世界を先導する国際通貨の転換に貢献するかもしれない」 と考えたのですが、なんか確信が持てず、、、。というのも、"in raising the euro's status to"と繋がり、"that=status"かなー、とも考えてしまって、、、。 どなたか、宜しくお願いします。

  • 文頭のBut, Andを頻繁に見かけます。

    絶対にご法度だと言われ、それを使うと添削ではかなりの確率で指摘されるらしく、また、英語の試験でも誤りだと見做されるらしい「文頭のBut, And」を、英語圏の文書で頻繁に見かけるのですが、これは一体どういうことでしょうか。以下にその例を挙げます。 <But> ○This world in space and time is the only world that our human sensory apparatus can apprehend. But then there is another realm which is not in space or time, and not accessible to our senses, and in which there is permanence and perfect order. This other world offers us only brief and unsatisfactory glimpses. But it is what one might call real reality.(略) These physical bodies of ours come into existence and pass away, are always imperfect, are never the same for two moments together, and are at all times highly perishable. But they are the merest and most fleeting glimpses of something that is also us and is non-material, timeless, and indestructible, something that we may refer to as the soul. ○America thinks of modernity as all good ― and it has been almost all good for America. But for the Arab world, modernity has been one failure after another.(略) Afghanistan was very clearly a base for al-Qaeda operations, and it was on that basis that United States went on the offensive in that country, deposing the Taliban regime that had supported the terrorists. But what of Pakistan, which officially opposes such terrorist groups, but is generally thought to have them operating within its territory? ○At trial, the judge instructs the jury on the relevant law, and the jury determines the facts of the case and applies the law it has been given to the facts. But because a jury's decision to acquit is far all practical purposes unreviewable, it can, if it chooses to do so, refuse to apply the law and acquit a defendant or convict on lesser charges in spite of the judge's instructions. ○If one gets out too soon, one loses a lot of potential income.(改行) But it is impossible to predict the timing of the peak, since some trivial factor that never will be discovered the exact timing of the end of the bubble. ○The city was attractive precisely because it offered freedom from the compulsory and coercive rural community. But it was destructive because it did not offere any community of its own.(略) The first to point out that humans need community is one of the geat classics of sociology, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft by Ferdinand Toennies, published in 1887. But the community that Toennies, over a century ago, sitill hoped to preserve ― the organic communities of traditional rural society ― is gone, and gone for good.(略) Instead of the traditional communities of history, our communities need to be free and voluntary. But they also need to offer the individual in the city an oportunity to achieve, to contribute, to matter. (略)And so has been the money. But the result have been meager everywher. (改行) But it is equally clear that the private sector, business, cannot fill that need, either. ○An interesting obsaervation is that the first, second and, to some extent, the fourth levels can be satisfied by financial reward. But such needs as recognition and personal development require managers to look for additional methods tomotivate people.(略) Financial reward is an important but complex method of motivating people. But money is not the only motivator: equally important are recognition and responsibility. <And> ○In a little over two days the world's capital markets move as much money as all of the world's economies move in a year. And on an abnormal day the world's capital markets can move much more than $1.3 trillion. ○But it was destructive because it did not offere any community of its own.(改行) And human beings need community.(略) The needs were certainly there. And so has been the money.(略) It has worked, but only in one country, Japan. And even there, it is by now clear, it is not the answer. <So> ○The problem is that what postmodernism might mean in one discipline is not necessarily compatible with what it might mean in another.

  • この英文が伝えようとしていることを教えて下さい。

    以下の英文が背景的な知識がないせいか何を伝えようとしているのかつかめません。どなたかご享受ください。 社説「War in the Ruins of Diplomacy(The New York Times,March 18, 2003)」に続く最後の2小節です。 There is no ignoring the role of Baghdad's game of cooperation without content in this diplomatic debacle. And France, in its zest for standing up to Washington, succeeded mainly in sending all the wrong signals to Baghdad. But Washington's own destructive contributions were enormous: its shifting goals and rationales, its increasingly arbitrary timetables, its distate for diplomatic give and take, its public arm-twisting and its failure to convince most of the world of any imminent danger. The result is a war for a legitimate international goal against an execrable tyranny, but one fought almost alone. At a time when America most needs the world to see its actions in the best possible light, they will probably be seen in the worst. This result was neither foreordained nor inevitable.