• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英文を和訳してください。お願いいたします。)

Stars and Telescopes: Exploring the Universe

  • Stars emit electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths, and astronomers use telescopes to study them.
  • Different types of telescopes are used to study different wavelengths of radiation emitted by stars.
  • The distortion caused by Earth's atmosphere can be overcome by launching telescopes into space or using adaptive optics.


  • ベストアンサー

じゃ、大幅な要約で。 なんか、最初のパラグラフが「浮いて」 いる感じがしてならないけど。 星は電磁波を放射する。 ラジオ放送帯からガンマ線まで様々 な波長の。 人が見える「可視光」はだいたい真 ん中あたり。 電波に対応する望遠鏡は 1950年代。 X線やガンマ線は地上で観測できな いので、望遠鏡が宇宙に打ち上げら れた。 可視光は、光学望遠鏡で見える。 1610年ガリレオが天文学に応用。 木星の衛星を発見。 今の望遠鏡は反射望遠鏡である。 主鏡が大きいほど、観察に有利 光学望遠鏡の歴史は、大きな主鏡を 作り上げる歴史。 星の瞬きは、天文学者にとって悪夢。 回避方法1:宇宙空間まで望遠鏡を 打ち上げる。これは費用がかかる。 ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡はそういう例。 回避方法2:「波面補償光学」をつ かう。 小さな・多数の鏡で、象のゆがみを 補正する。 望遠鏡を設置するのに条件の良い場 所。 緯度 20~40度。3,500メートル以上 の高地 具体的には、ハワイとチリ。 あと、南極大陸と月面。 こういわけで、今や、天文学者は、 望遠鏡の光を直接見ているわけでは ない。


その他の回答 (3)

  • ye11ow
  • ベストアンサー率40% (230/564)

中学生などが、宿題を自分でやらずにここに書き込むのと似ていますね。 そのように英文を大量に貼りつけ、言葉少なに翻訳を一方的に要求するのは、 いくらなんでもあんまりです。回答者は便利なロボットではありません。 自分でも頑張っているところを見せて、 「苦労しているので、ここの部分を教えて欲しい」 などのように書かないと、誰も協力してくれないでしょう。 善意や自由意思で成り立つ関係とはそういうものです。


No.1のかたと同意見です。 まずはご自身で訳されて、あなたの専門知識と日本語訳が一致しないときに尋ねられたらいかがでしょうか? このサイトはボランティアで他人の翻訳をしている人ばかりではないことを念頭に置いてください。 とくに、専門分野の翻訳は生業としている人の営業活動の妨害につながるので、よくよく考えて質問してください。(丸投げは止めてください。)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)




  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願いいたします。

    訳していただく時に,下の語句を参考にしていただければ幸いです。      Stars emit electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths. Radio waves have the longest wavelengths and gamma rays the shortest. Our eves are able to see visible light, somewhere in the middle.      Astronomers, the scientists who study the stars, use different sorts of telescopes to study these different wavelengths. In the 1950s, early radio telescopes were built to study the radio waves emitted by stars, using radar technology developed during the Second World War. But gamma rays and X-rays are absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere, so NASA and other space agencies have launched a number of telescopes into space to study these rays.      A lot of the radiation emitted by ordinary stars is visible light, and astronomers use optical telescopes to study this. The first optical telescopes were built by Dutch spectacle makes around 1600, but the Italian scientist Galileo is famous for being the first astronomer to use a telescope. He studied the moon and discovered some of Jupiter’s moons in 1610. Modern telescopes use a concave mirror to capture light. The bigger the mirror, the more light the telescope can capture. Using a bigger telescope allows us to study fainter objects and see more detail. The history of the optical telescope is a history of a battle to build bigger telescopes with bigger mirrors.      The old English nursery rhyme that begins “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” actually describes an astronomer’s nightmare. Stars appear to twinkle, or shine brightly then weakly, because the light coming from them is disturbed as it travels through the Earth’s atmosphere. This also distorts their images in telescopes. There are two ways of overcoming this distortion. The first is to launch the telescope into space, above the Earth’s atmosphere, but that is very expensive. The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 to study visible and infrared light from above the Earth’s atmosphere. It had early problems, but a rescue operation by engineers in 1993 solved most of these and it has sent back to Earth some of the most fantastic images of the universe. It will operate until about 2010 and then be replaced by the James Webb Space Telescope, which is due to be launched in 2011.      The second solution is a new advanced technology called “adaptive optics” in which small moveable mirrors cancel out the distortions caused by the atmosphere. Early experiments have been successful and if this works, astronomers will be able to built Earth-based telescopes with enormous mirrors free from atmospheric distortion.      Some places on Earth are better than others for optical telescopes. Since they are used in the dark, they need clear skies away from cities or other artificial sources of light. Ideal places are between 20 and 40 degrees north or south of the equator on mountains higher than 3,500 meters. Some places where the best modern telescopes are located are Hawaii in the northern hemisphere and Chile in the southern hemisphere. Other ideal locations for telescopes in the future include Antarctica and the moon.      Astronomers these days never actually look through their telescopes. They use sensitive electronic detectors and computers to collect and analyze the light the telescopes pick up. 【語句】 electromagnetic 「電磁気の」 gamma ray 「ガンマ線」 radio telescope 「電波望遠鏡」 distortion 「ゆがみ」 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 「(米国の)航空宇宙局」 optical telescope 「光学望遠鏡」 Galileo (Galileo Galilei) 「ガリレオ・ガリレイ (1564-1642)」 Jupiter 「木星」 concave mirror 「凹面鏡」 Hubble Space Telescope 「ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡」 reflector telescope 「反射望遠鏡」 adaptive optics 「波面補償光学」

  • 穴埋めの解答が合っているかどうか見てください。

    短い文章〔パラグラフ〕を読み,空いている箇所を埋めなさい。という問題で埋めたのですが,合っているか見てください。(英文を参照して埋めています。) 後,1つだけ空欄のところがあるので,教えてください 参照する【英文】はこのURLです。 http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/qa4988071.html 【問題】 (Astronomers) study the stars by using telescopes to detect (radiation) of different wavelengths. Most radiation, such as (?), cannot get through the Earth’s atmosphere. As a result, scientists use (radio) telescopes, which detect light. Optical telescopes have been in use since about 1600. Today technology is being developed which will use special (mirrors) to cancel out the distortion of light by the Earth’s (atmosphere). They are also used where there is not much light from towns and cities at night. The Hubble Telescope is located in (space), and one day there might even be telescopes on the moon!

  • 英文の和訳を教えてください

    以下の文なのですが、訳せる方いらっしゃいましたらお願いします。 Stars, including our own sun, emit energies covering a range of wavelengths of the EM spectrum. However, different types of stars produce differing amounts of energy in each region of the spectrum. Our sun emits more photons in the visible light and surrounding regions than in any other part of the EM spectrum. This phenomenon may be why our eyes have evolved to see that part of the EM spectrum and not microwaves, gamma rays, or any of the other wavelengths that are emitted at lower intensities by our sun. Figure 9 includes a spectrum of the sun’s light that reaches Earth’s upper atmosphere. Notice the peak region is from 400 to 700 nanometers (nm), which is the visible range of the spectrum. Also note that there is a large number of photons through most of the infrared region of the spectrum (700 to 10,000 nm). At the higher-energy, shorter-wavelength end of the spectrum, the number of photons drops off dramatically. The sun’s spectrum contains very little light with wavelengths shorter than about 300 nm (i.e., photon energy greater than about 4 eV). The Earth’s atmosphere protects us from the higher-energy forms of light, such as ultraviolet rays. In fact, the existence of life on Earth would be far less likely if these more damaging forms of energy were more abundant. The terrestrial spectrum in Fig. 9 describes the light that actually reaches the Earth’s surface after passing through the atmosphere. Notice that there are various wavelengths in which the number of photons is greatly reduced as compared to the space solar spectrum. This difference is due to photons being absorbed by atmospheric gases, the best known being ozone (O3), which absorbs higher-energy (lower-wavelength) ultraviolet light below 400 nm. Photons with wavelengths near 900, 1100, and 1400 nm are absorbed by water vapor in the atmosphere. 以上です。自分でできれば良いのですが・・・

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願いいたします。

    英語が苦手で翻訳ができません。どうかよろしくお願いします。 訳していただく時に下の語句を参照してください。  The Global Positioning System (GPS) enables anyone with a GPS receiver to determine exactly where they are on the Earth’s surface. It is a miracle for anyone who has ever been lost. It is based on 24 satellites nearly 18,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, each orbiting the Earth every 12 hours.   The way the system works is perhaps easiest to understand in two dimensions. If you ask someone in Hong Kong how far away from them you are and they say that you are 900 kilometers away, you draw a circle 900 kilometers in radius around Hong Kong and know that you are somewhere on that circle. If someone in Manila then tells you that you are 1,200 kilometers away from them, you draw a circle 1,200 kilometers in radius around Manila. This circle intersects the Hong Kong circle at two points, and you know that you must be at one of those points. If someone in Hanoi then says that you are 700 kilometers away, this third circle will intersect with only one of those two points. And this is where you are: in a boat about 200 kilometers off the coast of Vietnam.   The same principle works in three dimensions using four centers and four spheres. Your GPS receiver tells you how far it is from four satellites. If it knows exactly where each satellite is, it can tell you exactly where you are. The orbits of the satellites are very predictable and each GPS receiver has the details of where every satellite should be at any given time. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon can alter an orbit very slightly. These changes are monitored by the U.S. Department of Defense and this information is sent via the satellite to the receiver. The distance between the satellite and the receiver is calculated based on the time the satellite signal takes to reach the receiver. This requires the use of very accurate clocks.   By fixing a GPS receiver at one spot on the Earth’s surface and taking repeated readings, scientists can tell if that spot is actually moving. The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, one of the world’s longest suspension bridges, is built to move with winds and traffic. But too much movement could seriously damage the bridge. Fourteen permanent GPS receivers are attached to various parts of the bridge to record the vertical and horizontal of each part 10 times a second. In Japan, a grid of more than 1,000 GPS receivers has been set up to monitor small, slow movements of the Earth that could provide early warning of an earthquake. Each receiver receives a signal every 30 seconds and can detect movements of less than one centimeter.   The GPS was developed by the U.S. military to guide its missiles and bombers to their targets (and to tell its soldiers where they are). It is now offered free for civilian use. But the European Union is worried that because the GPS is operated by the U.S. military, there may be a conflict between its military and civilian use at some time in the future. So the EU has decided to develop its own system, to commence operations around 2007, to guarantee uninterrupted use by civilians. 【語句】 Global Positioning System (GPS) 「全地球測位システム」 radius 「半球」 Manila 「マニラ」 Hanoi 「ハノイ」 sphere 「球体」   details 「詳細」   the U.S. Department of Defense 「アメリカの国防総省」   Tsing Ma Bridge 「青馬橋」 European Union 「欧州連合 (EU)」

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願いいたします。

    英語が苦手で翻訳ができません。どうかよろしくお願いします。 訳していただく時に下の語句を参照してください。  The Global Positioning System (GPS) enables anyone with a GPS receiver to determine exactly where they are on the Earth’s surface. It is a miracle for anyone who has ever been lost. It is based on 24 satellites nearly 18,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, each orbiting the Earth every 12 hours.   The way the system works is perhaps easiest to understand in two dimensions. If you ask someone in Hong Kong how far away from them you are and they say that you are 900 kilometers away, you draw a circle 900 kilometers in radius around Hong Kong and know that you are somewhere on that circle. If someone in Manila then tells you that you are 1,200 kilometers away from them, you draw a circle 1,200 kilometers in radius around Manila. This circle intersects the Hong Kong circle at two points, and you know that you must be at one of those points. If someone in Hanoi then says that you are 700 kilometers away, this third circle will intersect with only one of those two points. And this is where you are: in a boat about 200 kilometers off the coast of Vietnam.   The same principle works in three dimensions using four centers and four spheres. Your GPS receiver tells you how far it is from four satellites. If it knows exactly where each satellite is, it can tell you exactly where you are. The orbits of the satellites are very predictable and each GPS receiver has the details of where every satellite should be at any given time. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon can alter an orbit very slightly. These changes are monitored by the U.S. Department of Defense and this information is sent via the satellite to the receiver. The distance between the satellite and the receiver is calculated based on the time the satellite signal takes to reach the receiver. This requires the use of very accurate clocks.   By fixing a GPS receiver at one spot on the Earth’s surface and taking repeated readings, scientists can tell if that spot is actually moving. The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, one of the world’s longest suspension bridges, is built to move with winds and traffic. But too much movement could seriously damage the bridge. Fourteen permanent GPS receivers are attached to various parts of the bridge to record the vertical and horizontal of each part 10 times a second. In Japan, a grid of more than 1,000 GPS receivers has been set up to monitor small, slow movements of the Earth that could provide early warning of an earthquake. Each receiver receives a signal every 30 seconds and can detect movements of less that one centimeter.   The GPS was developed by the U.S. military to guide its missiles and bombers to their targets (and to tell its soldiers where they are). It is now offered free for civilian use. But the European Union is worried that because the GPS is operated by the U.S. military, there may be a conflict between its military and civilian use at some time in the future. So the EU has decided to develop its own system, to commence operations around 2007, to guarantee uninterrupted use by civilians. 【語句】 Global Positioning System (GPS) 「全地球測位システム」 radius 「半球」 Manila 「マニラ」 Hanoi 「ハノイ」 sphere 「球体」   details 「詳細」   the U.S. Department of Defense 「アメリカの国防総省」   Tsing Ma Bridge 「青馬橋」 European Union 「欧州連合 (EU)」

  • 次の英文を和訳してください!

    We can only think wisely about what we actually know. No person, however intelligent, can ever "know" the Earth. Since none of us can really know more than a small part of this world,"global thinking" is an illusion. Wendell Berry, the writer and philosopher, warns of the many harmful consequences of "Thinking Big." He understands the limits of human intelligencee and admires the age-old wisdom of "thinking little." To learn how to "thinking little," Berry recommends that we start with the basics of life: food, for example. How do we confront the giant agribusiness firms that now control 85% of the world trade of rice, wheat, corn, and other grains, or the four big corporations that raise and sell most of the chickens that Americans eat? These large businesses produce food cheaply but destroy small, independent family farms. Moreover, the pesticides and other farm chemicals they use ruin the quality of farmland and water and contaminate the food supply. The first step in dealing with agribusiness is to realize that all global companies have to operate locally. Only at the level of the neighborhood grocery store or supermarket can they sell their products. It is here, at the grassroots, that people can oppose the big food corporations most effectively and wisely. People at the grassroots are beginning to understand that there is no need to "Think Big" in order to free the food they eat from agribusiness control. They are learning simply to say "No" to cheap fast-food products, while buying local organically produced food that is safe to eat and does not damage the environment. One interesting reaction to global agribusiness is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). This growing grassroots movement is teaching people in towns and cities how to buy from local farmers who grow healthy crops. By supporting local food, farms, and farmers, CSA members are providing an alternative to "industrial eaters." Industrial eaters are people who care only about buying food at the lowest prise and ignore the harm done by transnational agribusiness. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    LATITUDE OF LOVE by Walter Robinson Hiro Yamagata is master of the pop spectacle. In the mid-1990s, the Japanese-born artist, who now lives in Los Angeles, painted a fleet of Mercedes Benz Cabriolet motorcars with a cascade of flowers and butterflies. He has produced paintings for the Olympics and the 100th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower, and made an official portrait of President Ronald Reagan. Hiro has collaborated on projects with Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and designed a set of stamps for Japan. He has produced laser installations in Paris, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Bilbao, Yokohama and Cape Town, some monumental in scale. He has involved himself with worthy charities for people with disabilities, for earthquake victims, and for orphaned children. For the last five years, Hiro has turned his attention to the Bamiyan Valley in Afghanistan, where he proposed a $60-million project for a laser-beam recreation of the destroyed buddha statues there (fueled by solar power). But after several trips to the country, and meetings with government officials, he was forced to abandon the project. In its stead he has been producing a series of somber yet beautiful abstractions, paintings done in black-and-white with rice paper collaged on 6 x 6 ft. canvases, seven of which are now on view in the humble exhibition space of the Tenri Cultural Institute of New York. These works, frankly inspired by Hiro’s visits to Afghanistan, suggest a soaring bird’s-eye view of a dramatic and desolate landscape. The model of consciousness here is a profound one. As we can’t help but draw out in our minds a world of snow and shadow, mountain and crevice, expansive spaces and hollows of human habitation from this fragile surface of thin paper, ink and glue, so do people fill the empty present with all the imagined possibilities of human life. Nowhere is this more true than in the war zone. In these abstractions, in this "Atmosphere," Hiro Yamagata has uncovered something simple but profound, a model of the spark of creativity. Hiro Yamagata, "Atmosphere," Nov. 4-30, 2010, at Tenri Cultural Institute of New York, 43A West 13th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    送られてきた以下の英語のメール文が上手く読めません。途中までは訳してみたのですが、だんだん難しくなり、途中から全く分からなくなりました。英語に堪能な方、どうかよろしくお願いします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1. ACT in general is an organization of teachers and non-teaching personnel, from pre-school to colleges and universities. Most of the members are from the public schools that is more than 500,000 nationwide. We have chapters in all (17) regions in the country. It is in the Philippine Constitution that public servants have the right to unionize and in 1987, there was the Executive Order 180, that created the Public Sector Labor Managemant Council. It was only recently, September, 2011 to be exact, that the government thru Civil Service Commision has come up with a clear guidelines on how public school teachers will be unionized. The main essence is that public school teachers can form union on a regional basis. With this, we registered our very union in the National Capital Region (ACT-NCR union) then gained our recognition from the government last Septembr 17, 2012. We are now in the process of negotiation with the Deped NCR. In fact, we already had 2meetings with them. Our Davao region is already in the process of registration. Soon other regions will follow. We are the only teachers organization that is already officially registered and recognized. 2. The ACT-Ncr union is more or less 26t members out of 50t. Membership campaign is on going. Over all we have, 40t members. Trade unions in the Phil are separate from teachers. And also private schools have different unions (school to school basis) 3. Some of our major issues are  a. Increasing of education budget from 3% to 6% of the GDP like all other countries. So that shortages in the number of teachers, rooms, chairs, toilets and sanitation facilities will be addressed  b. Adequate , decent and living wages for teachers and non-teaching personnel. At present, the minimum salary of teachers in the public school is $464.  c. Increase budget for the state colleges and universities  d. Basic education curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the people and national development. We are campaigning for education that is scientific, mass oriented and nationalistic.  e. Implementation of the laws in education that is related to the benefits of teachers like RA 4760 Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, RA 8790 GSIS Law, etc Hope that this explation helped.

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願い致します。

    英語が苦手で翻訳ができません。どうかよろしくお願いします。 訳していただく時に下の語句を参照してください。  The Global Positioning System (GPS) enables anyone with a GPS receiver to determine exactly where they are on the Earth’s surface. It is a miracle for anyone who has ever been lost. It is based on 24 satellites nearly 18,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, each orbiting the Earth every 12 hours.   The way the system works is perhaps easiest to understand in two dimensions. If you ask someone in Hong Kong how far away from them you are and they say that you are 900 kilometers away, you draw a circle 900 kilometers in radius around Hong Kong and know that you are somewhere on that circle. If someone in Manila then tells you that you are 1,200 kilometers away from them, you draw a circle 1,200 kilometers in radius around Manila. This circle intersects the Hong Kong circle at two points, and you know that you must be at one of those points. If someone in Hanoi then says that you are 700 kilometers away, this third circle will intersect with only one of those two points. And this is where you are: in a boat about 200 kilometers off the coast of Vietnam.   The same principle works in three dimensions using four centers and four spheres. Your GPS receiver tells you how far it is from four satellites. If it knows exactly where each satellite is, it can tell you exactly where you are. The orbits of the satellites are very predictable and each GPS receiver has the details of where every satellite should be at any given time. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon can alter an orbit very slightly. These changes are monitored by the U.S. Department of Defense and this information is sent via the satellite to the receiver. The distance between the satellite and the receiver is calculated based on the time the satellite signal takes to reach the receiver. This requires the use of very accurate clocks.   By fixing a GPS receiver at one spot on the Earth’s surface and taking repeated readings, scientists can tell if that spot is actually moving. The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, one of the world’s longest suspension bridges, is built to move with winds and traffic. But too much movement could seriously damage the bridge. Fourteen permanent GPS receivers are attached to various parts of the bridge to record the vertical and horizontal of each part 10 times a second. In Japan, a grid of more than 1,000 GPS receivers has been set up to monitor small, slow movements of the Earth that could provide early warning of an earthquake. Each receiver receives a signal every 30 seconds and can detect movements of less than one centimeter.   The GPS was developed by the U.S. military to guide its missiles and bombers to their targets (and to tell its soldiers where they are). It is now offered free for civilian use. But the European Union is worried that because the GPS is operated by the U.S. military, there may be a conflict between its military and civilian use at some time in the future. So the EU has decided to develop its own system, to commence operations around 2007, to guarantee uninterrupted use by civilians. 【語句】 Global Positioning System (GPS) 「全地球測位システム」 radius 「半球」 Manila 「マニラ」 Hanoi 「ハノイ」 sphere 「球体」   details 「詳細」   the U.S. Department of Defense 「アメリカの国防総省」   Tsing Ma Bridge 「青馬橋」 European Union 「欧州連合 (EU)」

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Adult diapers are set to outsell baby diapers in Japan by 2020 in just the latest example of the challenges facing a nation where more than 20 percent of the population are 65 and older. The Nikkei newspaper reports that paper companiesーDaio and Nippon paperー are expanding their "incontinence products" manufacturing facilities in preparation for an expected surge in demand. Quartz.com says the adult diaper market is growing by up to 10 percent year-on -year and rakes in $1.4 billion per year.Adult diapers can go for as much as two and half times the price of baby diapers. Japan has one of the fastest-aging populations in the industrialized world,and there are concerns about how elderly citizens reling on care will be cared for in the years ahead. In a startling reported by the Telegraph newspaper,nearly a quarter of all shoplifting arrests in Tokyo last year involved pensioners over the age of 65. More than 3320 pensioners were detained by police,eclipsing for the first time the number of teenagers detained in the same year (3195). About 70 percent of the thefts involved food,signaling the growing poverty amongst pensioners living alone in Tokyo.

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  • 大学一年生が200万円を貯めるためには、節約と副業が重要です。
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