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訳としてはもっと適切な言い方があると思いますが、"a spectrum of clinical entities" で、「連続的に変化する病型」という意味になると思います。「単純な脂肪変性」から「NASH」まで、連続的な変化をするので、その中の様々な病型のことを指していると思います。 なお、"with possible evolution to ~" は、「~に進行する可能性のある」という意味で、その前の部分を修飾していると思いますので、そこも丁寧に訳した方が良いと思います。


  • 医療系論文の和訳の添削をお願いします. その2

    QNo.6419993の続きです.図の説明文です. Figure 2. Comparison of microscopic image of BCC and pseudo-color Raman map with corresponding Raman spectra.  Pseudo-color Raman map, based on Raman spectra obtained from a frozen tissue section of BCC. A Raman spectrum was obtained for each 10 ×10 μm2 pixel. KCA yielded two clusters corresponding to BCC and surrounding dermis as follows from a comparison with (b). H&E-stained thin section adjacent to the section used in the Raman experiment, showing nodular BCC (b1) and its surrounding tumor-free dermis (b2). The area shown corresponds to the area scanned in the Raman experiment. Cluster averaged Raman spectra from BCC (c1) and dermis (c2). To enhance the characteristic spectral features of BCC a difference spectrum BCC dermis (c3) was calculated. The dashed lines indicate bands in the difference spectrum that can be attributed to fatty acid represented here by oleic acid (c4) and DNA (c5). 図2 BCCの顕微鏡画像と対応するラマンスペクトルの擬似カラーラマンマップの比較 BCC凍結組織切片から得られたラマンスペクトルに基づく擬似カラーラマンマップ ラマンスペクトルはそれぞれ10 ×10 μm2の画素について得られた.KCAは以下に示す(b)との比較から,BCCと真皮の2つのクラスターを与えた.ラマン実験に使用された部分と隣接するH&E染色箔切片は小結節性BCC(b1)およびその周囲の腫瘍のない真皮(b2)を示している.その領域はラマン実験で走査された領域と対応することを示した.クラスターはBCC(c1)および真皮(c2)由来のラマンスペクトルを平均した.BCCの典型的なスペクトルの特徴の精度を高めるために,BCC腫瘍の差スペクトル(c3)は計算された.ここで,点線はオレイン酸(c4)およびDNA(c5)により代表される脂肪酸と判断できる,異なるスペクトルのバンドを示す.

  • 添削してください.医学系論文の導入部分です.宜しくお願いします.

    添削してください.医学系論文の導入部分です.宜しくお願いします. The objective of this in vitro study was to explore the applicability of Raman spectroscopy to distinguish basal cell carcinoma from its surrounding non-cancerous tissue; therefore, identifying possibilities for the development of an in vivo diagnostic technique for tumor border demarcation. Raman spectra were obtained in a two-dimensional grid from unstained frozen sections of 15 basal cell carcinoma specimens. 以下のように訳しました. 特に;therefore 以下がよく分かりません. この体外研究の目的は,基底細胞をそれ自身の正常細胞と識別するためのラマン分光法の適用(性)を調査(探索)することだった. このため,腫瘍の境界の境界設定に関する生体内での診断上の技術開発の関する確立 ラマンスペクトルは15の基底細胞癌検体の染色していない冷凍切片から2次元格子(碁盤目)として得られた.

  • 和訳してほしいです。急いでいます。

    単語調べても、和訳できず困っています。 今週中にやらなければいけません。 助けてください。 できれば、翻訳機を使っていない訳が知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 <Nonantibiotic Polymer> Not yet available commercially, tolevamer can also be considered for treating CDAD. A soluble, high-molecular-weight, anionic polymer, tolevamer works by binding C difficile toxins A and B. Suggested for use with mild to moderately severe CDAD, tolevamer is given orally 3 times daily for a total of 3 to 6 g per day. Initial trial results indicted that the polymer was fairly well tolerated, provided resolution of signs and symptoms in 67% of patients, and was associated with a lower incidence of recurrence than was vancomycin. Resolution of diarrhea was comparable to that achieved with vancomycin; however, tolevamer is also associated with an increased risk of hypokalemia. <Immunoglobulin> Immunoglobulin has been proposed as a treatment for intractable and severe cases of CDAD. In one study, patients were given 1 to 6 doses, ranging between 300 and 500 mg/kg. Of 5 patients with refractory disease, 3 had resolution of signs and symptoms within 11 days. Although this treatment looks promising, immunoglobulin is expensive and in short supply. <Probiotics> Probiotics are live organisms meant to treat particular diseases, including Helicobacter pylori infections, acute gastroenteritis, and antibiotic-associated diarrhea, including CDAD. The most commonly used probiotic agents produce lactic acid and are present in normal microflora. Examples include Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus plantarum. Many studies of probiotics have been done. Sullivan and Nord suggest that although S boulardii was somewhat effective, particularly in preventing recurrent CDAD, further studies are needed. Dendukuri et al similarly determined that evidence was insufficient to recommend the routine clinical use of probiotics to treat CDAD in adults.

  • 医療系雑誌の導入部分を和訳しました.どなたか添削して頂けないでしょうか

    医療系雑誌の導入部分を和訳しました.どなたか添削して頂けないでしょうか. 07/26 QNo.6065829の続きです. 宜しくお願いします. In this in vitro study we have investigated whether this could in principle be accomplish by means of Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy is an optical method based on inelastic light attering. This technique provides detailed information concerning the molecular composition of under study as well as about molecular conformations and molecular interactions (Koningstein, 1971). Disease leads to changes in the molecular make-up of cell and tissues. The use of Raman spectroscopy for the development of diagnostic methods is based on the fact that these changes are reflected in the Raman spectrum. Depending on the application one can either explicitly extract information regarding molecular composition from the spectra, or one can use the spectra as highly specific optical spectroscopic fingerprints, by which tissues can be identified. The technique is highly suitable for in vivo application. It is nondestructive, it dose not rely on the use of dyes or labels and can be applied in vivo, e.g., through the use of dedicated fiberoptic probes (reviewed in Puppels et.al,2001). 本in vitro 研究において,我々は原則としてラマン分光法の測定により,それが達成できるか調査した.ラマン分光法は非弾性光散乱に基づいた光学的手法の一つである.この技術は,分子の構造および相互作用ばかりでなく,組織下部の分子の濃度に関する詳細な情報を提供する(Koningstein, 1971).疾病は細胞および組織の分子の組立の変化を引起す.診断方法の開発のためラマン分光法を使用することは,これらの変化がラマンスペクトルに反映されるという事実に基づいている.この技術は生体応用に非常に適している.これは非破壊であり,染色の使用あるいは標識をつけることを必要としないので,たとえば,専用の光ファイバープローブで生体に応用される.

  • 英字新聞の訳のアドバイスをお願いします

    英字新聞を訳してみました。QNo.6828806の続きです。( )内は意訳です。前回より苦戦しました。アドバイスをいただけると嬉しいです。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。 Moreover, the lower risk was seen among men and women whose diabetes risk was already relatively low because of their weight and lifestyle habits -- namely, not smoking, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. Even among study participants with at least three of those protective factors, moderate drinkers were 44 percent less likely than non-drinkers to develop type 2 diabetes. The findings, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, do not prove that drinking itself lowers diabetes risk. But they do suggest that the alcohol-diabetes connection is not explained away by other lifestyle factors. "Our results indicate that this is very unlikely, because moderate drinkers with the most healthy lifestyle behaviors...had a lower chance of developing diabetes compared with subjects with these healthy lifestyle behaviors who did not drink," lead researcher Dr. Michel M. Joosten, of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, noted in an email to Reuters Health. The findings are based on 35,625 adults who were between the ages of 20 and 70 and free of diabetes, heart disease and cancer at the outset. Participants had their weight, height and waist and hip circumference measured and completed questionnaires on their health and lifestyle habits. さらに、より低いリスクは体重と生活様式の習慣(即ち,たばこを吸わない,健康な食事を摂ること)の理由で糖尿病のリスクが既に相対的に低いえば低い男性や女性の間に見られた。 (さらに,体重や生活習慣…たばこを吸わないことや健康な食事を摂る…により既に糖尿病のリスクが低い男性や女性においては,より低いリスクが認められた) これらの研究協力者(at least three of those protective factors)の中でさえ, 節度ある愛飲家はおそらく,飲まない人より,よりタイプIIの糖尿病の発症44%が低い。 この発見は“the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”誌(米国臨床栄養学会誌?)上で報告されたが, 飲むこと自身がより低い糖尿病のリスクを下げることは証明されていない。しかし,アルコールと糖尿病の関係は他のライフスタイルの因子により説明されていないことを彼らは強く示唆した。 “我々の結果は,これはとてもありそうも無いことを示す.とは言うものの,酒を飲まないこれらの健康的なライフスタイル習慣の被験者と比べて,非常に健康的なライフスタイル(の習慣)の節度ある愛飲家が糖尿病を発症する低い機会をもつ”とWageningen 大学(オランダ)の研究主任Michel M. Joosten 博士はe-メールで言及した。 (我々の結果は“とてもあり得そうもないことであるが,酒を飲まない健康的なライフスタイルの被験者と比べて,酒を飲むこと以外健康的なライフスタイルの節度ある愛飲家の方が,糖尿病を発症しにくい”とWageningen 大学(オランダ)の研究主任Michel M. Joosten 博士はe-メイルで言及した。) これらの知見は,20才から70才の35625人の成人(当初より糖尿病,心疾患,癌にかかわらず)に基づくものである。(これらの知見は成人35625人によるもので,被験者は20才から70才で糖尿病,心疾患,癌については考慮していない。) 参加者は体重,身長,ウエストおよびヒップ周りは計測された.また,(参加者は)健康および習慣に関する質問表を仕上げた。 (参加者は体重,身長,ウエスト,ヒップを計測され,健康や習慣に関するアンケートが行われた。)

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    In the omics era, the development of high-throughput technologies that permit the solution of deciphering cancer from higher dimensionality provides a knowledge base that changes the face of cancer understanding and therapeutics (Cho, 2010b). Serum is one of the most easily procured patient specimens and it is perceived to contain many of the molecules that might indicate systemic function. Thus, serum is the sample source that is most often profiled in the hopes of identifying sets of biomarkers for clinical use (Gilbert et al, 2004). In this study, proteomic analyses of serum samples from patients with lung cancer and controls have identified SAA as an elevated biomarker in lung cancer (as shown by SELDI analysis and confirmed by immunoassay). It is known that SAA is secreted during the acute phase of inflammation; the conservation of this protein throughout invertebrates and vertebrates suggests that SAA has an essential role in all animals including humans (Manley et al, 2006). There are several functions of SAA protein, describedin the context of inflammation, that are compatible with the mechanism of tumour invasion and metastasis. These properties place SAA as an extracellular matrix-associated adhesion protein with a potential role in tumour pathogenesis. The SAA mRNA expression in epithelial cells was gradually increased as they progressed through different stages of dysplasia to overt carcinoma (Gutfeld et al, 2006). Accumulating evidence has suggested that SAA might be used to detect a pattern of physiological events that reflect the growth of malignancy and host response. Elevated SAA may be a primary product of tumour lesions, but can also be the product of hepatocytes. Further investigation to determine whether cancer tissue-derived cytokines stimulate SAA synthesis in liver or epithelial cells will be interesting (Malle et al, 2009). Overexpression of SAA has been reported in nasopharyngeal, renal, gastric, hepatocellular, melanoma, breast, and endometrial cancers (Cho et al, 2004; Tolson et al, 2004; Chan et al, 2007; He et al, 2008; Findeisen et al, 2009; Pierce et al, 2009; Ramankulov et al, 2008; Cocco et al, 2009, 2010; Sasazuki et al, 2010; Vermaat et al, 2010). Our study not only detected increased SAA level in the serum of lung cancer patients but also identified that elevated SAA level may be a non-invasive biomarker, useful for the prediction of lung cancer prognosis. As far as we know, the association of SAA with the survival of lung cancer patients has never been reported. Moreover, a number of SELDI peaks were found to be significantly differentiated between the serum of cancer patients and controls, as well as between the poor prognosis patients and good prognosis patients. Further identification of these peaks is awaiting. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved an ovarian cancer triage test called OVA1, containing CA125 and four biomarkers (b2-microglobulin, transferrin, apolipoprotein A1, and transthyretin) identified by SELDI-TOF-MS (Fung, 2010). This marks an encouraging step of translating biomarker discovery from laboratory to clinic. It showed that having identified biomarkers by primary screening, a standard assay may then be developed and finally converted into clinically applicable measures. Our results reveal that the level of SAA is highly elevated in lung cancer and in the patients with poor prognosis, thus warranting further studies investigating this candidate biomarker as part of a multimarker test for the diagnosis and prognosis of lung cancer. 医学系論文の一部です。 わかるところだけでも翻訳いただけると助かります。