• 締切済み


There really isn't much choice; just take ( ) you think will last longer. (1) it (2) that (3) whichever (4) whomever の問題は早稲田大の何年度のどこの学部で出題されたのか。わかれば教えてください。 また Choose ( ) one of the three methods you fancy. (1) whatever  (2) whichever  (3) whenever  (4) wherever (関西外国語大) は何年でしょうか? お手数ですが調べたいのでご教示ください


  • moo_a3123
  • ベストアンサー率29% (13/44)





  • moo_a3123
  • ベストアンサー率29% (13/44)










  • whoeverは接続詞ですか?

    基本的な質問ですが、whoeverは関係代名詞ですよね? 接続詞の意味も含みますか? whichever wherever whatever whenever however も同様ですか?

  • 適語補充

    You are allowed to take ( )you like. アthat イwhenever ウwhichever エwherever イウエは違う気がしたのでアかな?と思ったのですがどうでしょうか?

  • 複合関係詞。

    こんにちは。いつもお世話になっています。複合関係詞を見てふと思ったのですが、複合代名詞は節を導く他に複合関係詞自体が以下のように全くの単独の単語として使われる事はあるのかなと疑問に思いました。 whoever だれでも。 whicheverどれでも。 whatever なんでも。 whenever いつでも。 wherever どこでも。 もし、単独に見える事があっても、それは省略されているという事で単独では使わないものなのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です。

    1.I'll talk about it with you ( ) you want. (1)whichever (2)however (3)whenever (4)whether 2.( ) we are, we can keep in contact with our family or friends by mobile phone. (1)Wherever (2)Whatever (3)However (4)Whoever 3.Caroline spent ( ) she had on clothes. (1)what little money (2)what few money (3)which little money (4)which few money 答え 1.(3) 2.(1) 3.(1) 解答してみましたが、訳がよくわかりません。訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳と答え

    訳と答えお願い致します。 1.Pack some clothes and ((1)whatever (2)whenever (3)whichever (4)whoever) else you need for the trip. 2.((1)Whenever (2)Whatever (3)Whoever (4)However)happens you may rely on my friendship. 3.((1)However (2)Whatever (3)Whoever (4)Whereever)you go in Japan,you will see a vending machine. 4.The 18th century was the period ((1)what (2)which (3)when (4)why)Britain went throughout the Industrial Revolution. 訳のみお願いします。 5.The firemen had trouble getting to the street where the houses were on fire. 6.The reason why I'm writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday.

  • 文法問題

    ( )に入る番号を 教えて下さい! (1)Straford-upon-Avon is the town( )Shakespeare was bon. (1)which (2)where (3)why (4)which (2)( )you may say,I won't change my mind. (1)Whoever (2)Whomever (3)Whatever (4)Whenever (3)I bought a new book yesterday,( )I found very interesting. (1)that (2)which (3)what (4)who (4)The subject in( )I was came interested in my school days is mathematics. (1)which (2) that (3)where (4)when (5)This is ( )we came to understand each other. (1)which (2)who (3)for which (4)how (6)We stayed in an old house,( )roof was covered with snow. (1)which (2)who (3)whose (4)whom (7)Who the person to ( )you were speaking yesterday? (1)who (2)whom (3)that (4)whose (8)( )leaves the classroom last should switch off the light. (1)Whoever (2)Whatever (3)Whichever (4)Whenever (9)( )such a beautiful flower before,I was excited. (1)Seeing not (2)Not being seen (3)Not having seen (4)Not having been seen (10)( )along the street,I met John. (1)Walk (2)Walking (3)To walk (4)Walked (11)This medicine,if( )by children,will do them harm. (1)take (2)to take (3)taken (4)taking

  • 英語の関係詞の問題の採点よろしくおねがいします。

    関係詞の複合関係代名詞、複合関係副詞の範囲の問題です。 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように()内に適語を入れなさい。という問題です。 1.He told the story to anyone who was around him. He told the story to ( whoever ) was around him. 2.You may go to any place you like until six. You may go ( wherever ) you like until six. 3.No matter which you may choose, there is little difference. ( Whichever ) you may choose, there is little difference. 4.No matter ( who ) may come, do not open the door. ( Whoever ) may come, do not open the door. この4問です。和訳も添えていただけたら嬉しいです。 間違いがあったら教えてください。 ご協力お願いします。

  • 英語でハイフンを用いて改行する場合の誤認

    英語では We can provide whatever you want, whenever and wher‐ ever you are. のように、「wherever」という1つ単語を分割して改行することができます しかし、例えば「well‐known」のような、すでに1つの単語中にハイフンが 含まれている単語が文中にある場合に He is a well‐ known writer in the world. といった改行を行ってしまったとします この場合に、この単語が「well-known」なのか「wellknown」なのか判断がつきますか? また、この場合はどっちでも文の意味は同じでしょうが どちらかによって単語ないし文の意味が変わってきてしまう場合に こういった改行を行ってしまうことはよくないことなのでしょうか?

  • 次の問題の答えを教えてください!

    ○1.~5.に続くもっとも適切なものをa.~e.から1つ選びなさい。 1.The time will surely come [                  ]. 2.That is the house [                  ]. 3.We all know the reason [                   ]. 4.This is how [                      ]. 5.The office [                    ]. a.where I was born b.he got out of danger c.where my father works is close to the station d.when the war will end e.why he failed ○(       )に入れるのに最も適した複合関係詞を下から1つずつ選んで書きなさい。文頭に来る文字も小文字になっています。 1.I am interested in (             ) you write. 2.Come and see me (             ) it is convenient for you. 3.You may invite (             ) wants to come. 4.(            ) hard you try, you will never finish it in a week. [however       whatever       whenever      wherever       whoever] できたらでいいですが、訳も教えていただけたらと思います。 どなたかわかる方、お願いします!

  • 英語の問題がわかりません。

    わかる方はぜひ教えて下さい。お願いします!! 一応考えた答えは、1が(2),2が(3),3が(4),4と5はわからないです… 1 I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with (  ).  (1)anything (2)everything (3)nothing (4)something 2 (  ) candidate we may choose, we should not expect too much of him.  (1)However (2)Whichever (3)Whoever (4)Whomever 3 I took it for granted (  ) she would agree with me.  (1)as (2)to (3)what (4)that 4 In 1938, (  ), everybody wanted war.  (1)as 1914 (2)such as 1914 (3)like as 1914 (4)as in 1914 5 He works harder than (  ).  (1)my age (2)at my age (3)I were at his age (4)I did at his age

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