
  • 地球温暖化防止につながる事業に携わる企業の成長が加速
  • 再生エネルギー関連や排出権取引に注目が集まる
  • 世界的な地球環境への関心の高まりを背景に
  • ベストアンサー


以下の内容の日英翻訳でもっと良い表現があればご教授下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 再生エネルギー関連や排出権取引を手がける企業など、地球温暖化防止につながる事業に携わる企業の中には世界的な地球環境への関心の高まりを背景に高い成長を遂げ、注目を集めているところもあります。 Owing to the escalation in worldwide interests of global environment, some of companies developing renewable energy and emissions trading, relating the global warming prevention, are now growing in high rates with attracting a lot of interests.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

再生エネルギー関連や排出権取引を手がける企業など、地球温暖化防止につながる事業に携わる企業の中には世界的な地球環境への関心の高まりを背景に高い成長を遂げ、注目を集めているところもあります。 少しだけ違う書き方をしました、ご参考に! Backed by the rising interests in global environment, some companies, engaged in renewable energy and emission trading and such related to the global warming prevention business, are gaining wider attention while achieving high rate of growth.


  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Biofuelswatch, an environment group in Britain, now says that “biofuels should not automatically be classed as renewable energy.” It supports a moratorium on subsidies until more research is done to define which biofuals are truly good for the planet. Beyond that, the group suggests that all emissions rising from the production of a biofuel be counted as emissions in the country where the fuel is actually used, providing a clearer accounting of environmental costs. The demand for palm oil in Europe has skyrocketed in the past two decades, first for use in food and cosmetics, and more recently for biofuels. This versatile and cheap oil is used in about 10 percent of supermarket products, from chocolate to toothpaste, accounting for 21 percent of the global market for edible oils. Palm oil produces the most energy of all vegetable oils for each unit of volume when burned. In much of Europe it is used as a substitute for diesel fuel, though in the Netherlands, the government has encouraged its use for electricity.

  • 英文和訳

    In order to foster international cooperation, it is also essential that the United States rejoin the global community and lead efforts to secure an international treaty at Copenhagen in December of next year that includes a cap on CO2 emissions and a global partnership that recognizes the necessity of addressing the threats of extreme poverty and disease as part of the world's agenda for solving the climate crisis. Of course the greatest obstacle to meeting the challenge of 100 percent renewable electricity in 10 years may be the deep dysfunction of our politics and our self-governing system as it exists today. In recent years, our politics has tended toward incremental proposals made up of small policies designed to avoid offending special interests, alternating with occasional baby steps in the right direction. Our democracy has become sclerotic at a time when these crises require boldness. アル・ゴアの演説の一部です。 どなたか和訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 ABU DHABI — Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company, is turning its attention to finding cost-effective ways to remove the salt from seawater, using renewable energy like solar power. There is a huge need for desalination in the Gulf, the world’s driest region and home to a rapidly growing population. In the desert lands of the Gulf and other parts of the Middle East, drinking water is mostly supplied from energy-intensive processes including chemical treatments, thermal distillation and filtration by reverse osmosis. These are all big energy consumers — and can burn up oil, the lifeblood of the region’s economy.

  • 訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    和訳お願いしますm(._.)m (1)People on Samso saw the island's future in the use of biomass. (2)Biomass is not harmful to our health or to the environment and can produce energy repeatedly. (3)Today the people have begun to say, “This renewable energy project is our project.” (4)Samso's main energy sources-wind and solar-are also renewable. (5)They have been successful in setting a model for countries that are poor in natural resources, and for the people in the world who worry about the day when fossil fuels run out. (6)No wonder this small island of about 4,000 people is visited by as many as 1,000 people every year.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    In Fig. 2, we show the particular set of parameters that determines a period two-cycle, actually, with k= 0.22. Further growth ofkleads the attractor to follow a typical route of flip bifurcations in complex price dynamics: a sequence of flip bifurcations generate a sequence of attracting cycles in period 2^n , which are followed by the creation of a chaotic attractor. In Fig. 3, a cycle of period four is shown. 独占企業における経済動学の文章です。どなたかお願いしますm(__)m

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Factoring in these emissions, Indonesia had quickly become the world’s third-leading producer of carbon emissions that scientists believe are responsible for global warming, ranked after the United States and China, according to a study released in December by researchers from Wetlands International and Delft Hydraulics, both in the Netherlands. “It was shocking and totally smashed all the good reasons we initially went into palm oil,” said Alex Kaat, a spokesman for Wetlands, a conservation group. Biofuals, long a cornerstone of the quest for greener energy, may sometimes create more harmful emissions than fossil fuels, scientific studies are finding. As a result, politicians in many countries are rethinking the billions of dollars in subsidies that have indiscriminately supported the spread of all of these supposedly eco-friendly fuels for vehicles and factories. The 2003 European Union Biofuels Directive, which demands that all member states aim to have 5.75 percent of transportation run by biofuel in 2010, is now under review.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Because of the steep up-front investments that they have so far required and the high cost per unit of power generated, renewable energy technologies have not been a popular option for producing potable water, in the Gulf or anywhere else. But advances in the technology and a steady decline in manufacturing costs for solar generating plants may be about to change that picture.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 “While conventional seawater desalination methods account for 75 percent of the Gulf’s demand for water, the process is energy intensive and costly,” Sultan Al Jaber, the chief executive of Masdar, said during an interview. “Coupling renewable energy with the latest in desalination technologies is the logical next step, and it also provides an avenue to spur economic growth and address the region’s long-term water security.”

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Supported by hundreds of millions of euros in national subsidies, the Netherlands rapidly became the leading importer of palm oil in Europe, taking in 1.7 million tons last year, a figure that has been nearly doubling annually. The Dutch green energy giant Essent alone bought 200,000 tons , before it agreed to suspend new purchase until a better system for certifying sustainably grown palm oil could be developed. The company now has replaced the palm oil it used with conventional sources of energy and local biofuels . But already the buoyant demand has created damage far away. "When you drastically increase the demand for agriculture products, that puts new pressure on the land and can have uniteded consequences and hidden casts, " Jensen, of the European Enviroment Agency, said. Friends of the Earth estimates that 87 percent of the deforestation in Malaysia from 1985 to 2000 was caused by new palm oil plantations. In Indonesia, the amount of land devoted to palm oil has increased 118 percent in the past eight years. Oil needed by poor people for food was becoming too expensive for them. "We have a problem satisfying the Netherlands ' energy needs with someone else's food resources," said Creyghton of Friends of the Earth. Such concerns were causing intense misgiving about palm oil already when ,in December, scientists from Wetlands International released their bombshell calculations about the global emissions that palm farming on peatland cause.

  • 添削してください

    止むおえず、睡眠が十分取れない場合があっても、週末などの時間がある日にそれ(睡眠)をよくとるようにしています。 定期的な運動をすることで過剰な体重増加を防止し、体重を減少するときに役立ちます。 些細なことでも、(例えば車を利用せず歩いたり、エレベーターを使わず階段を使ったりすること)日常に運動を取り入れるとカロリーを燃焼することができます。 運動はmoodをimproveしてくれ、またenergyをboostしてくれます。 そうすると、リラックスできたり幸せな気持ちになります。実際、勉強などに行き詰まっていたり、落ち込んだ時など、運動することで気分をリフレッシュすることができました。また、仕事や勉強の活力にもなります。 筋力を鍛えることは次のような利益があります。(improved performance in physical activities, injury prevention, improve body composition, Enhanced self-image and quality of life, Prevention of Chronic Disease) 英文⇨ Unavoidably even if I can not get enough sleep, I try to take it well on other day, such as weekends. Regular exercise helps prevent excessive weight gain and helps in weight loss. It can burn calories you can incorporating exercise routinely, even trivial things (such as walking without using a car or bicycle, or using a stair withough using elevator). Excersice improves our mood and boosts energy. Then we will feel relaxed and happy. In fact, I was able to refresh my mood by exercising when I am stuck in study or I am depressed. It is also becomes a vitality of work and study. Training muscular strength has following benefits; impoved performance in physical activities, injury prevention, improve body composition, enhanced self-image and quality of life, Prevention of Chronic Disease. 日本語に所々英語が混ざっていますが…これをもとに英文を作りました。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。