• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • kaiyosei
  • ベストアンサー率52% (41/78)

kasuke2001 さんの回答に補足させていただきます。 John McCain has voted with George Bush 90 percent of the time 議会で法案などを審議するとき、その法案に賛成票を投じるか反対票を投じるかでブッシュ大統領と同じ選択をしたという意味かと思われます。 例えば、アラスカ沖での原油採掘を許可する法案に賛成するかどうかという場合などです。 ちなみに、ブッシュ氏、マケイン氏、副大統領候補のパリン氏はたしか賛成派で、環境保護主義者や環境重視派の議員から批判を浴びています。 そういうさまざまな議決の際にマケイン氏はブッシュ氏と9割方、同じ意見・同じ選択をしたということでしょう。 マケイン氏は選挙運動では reformer 「改革者」のイメージを打ち出し、ブッシュ氏とは一線を画す姿勢を示しているのですが、実際の議会での投票という行動面ではブッシュ氏とほとんど変わりがないという点をオバマ氏陣営は強調していると思われます。 「ブッシュとは違う」と口では言いながら実際の行動はほとんど同じという矛盾を衝いています。 "Senetor McCain likes to talk about judgment, but really, waht does it say about your judgment when you think George Bush has been right more than 90 percent of the time?" 直訳すると「マケイン議員は判断について語るのが好きだ」の部分は、結局「マケイン議員は自分の判断の確かさ、見識の高さをよく口にする」という意味でしょう。 「自分の判断は正しかった」と言っても、自分の判断(議会での投票行為)がブッシュ氏と9割方一致するからには、ブッシュ氏も同様に正しかったことになります。「自分が正しかった」=「ブッシュは正しかった」という関係が成り立つ場合、マケイン議員が自分の判断の確かさを誇ることに一体なんの意味があるのだろうか、というのが waht does it say about your judgment の真意でしょう。 waht does it say about your judgment (あなたの判断について一体それは何を伝えているのだろうか)→ (何も伝えていない・語っていない)→ (ほとんど意味を持たない) 自分なりの訳をしてみると、 「ジョージ・ブッシュが90%以上正しかったと考えるなら、自分の判断の正しさについて語ることにはなんの意味もない」



完璧にわかりました。 回答いただきありがとうございます。 英文を読んでいると 『waht does it say about your judgment (あなたの判断について一体それは何を伝えているのだろうか)→ (何も伝えていない・語っていない)→ (ほとんど意味を持たない) 』 と言った表現をよく見かけます。 教えてもらえば”ああ、そういうことか”と思うのですが、 なかなか、気づきにくいですし、自分で使うにはもう少し慣れが必要見たいです。


  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です The Bear Stearns deal occurred at about the same time the Fed announced it would cut its lending rate to financial institutions a quarter point to 3.25 percent (1)a quarter pointについて 「Fedはfinancial institutionsへの金利を3.25%切るだろう」 大体こんな感じだと思うのですがa quarter pointの意味、そして置かれている場所がよくわかりません。。。 この「4分の1」は何に対しての「4分の1」なのでしょうか?意味がわからないのでなんとも言えませんが、場所も変に見えます。a quarter pointは何故この場所なのでしょうか? The bank sale valued Bear Stearns at about $250 million, far less than the $4 billion market value at the end of last week, in what amounts to a stunning collapse of one of the world's largest and most respected investment banks. (2)in whatについて このin whatはbecause of,due toなどのような原因を表しているように見えるのですが「because ofのように『直接~が原因』と言い切っているのではなく原因だけどあえて断言はしない」といった風に感じたのですが、そのような考え方であっているのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "I think that the debate has really moved on," he said. "It's really not about principles, it seems to me, any more. It's about pacing. And that's where I think deference should be paid to the views of those conducting the operations." (1)全体の流れが見えません。 「私は討論は本当に進んでいると思う」 「それは思想のことではない何か他の事だと私は思う」 「それはペーシング?です」 「そしてthose conducting the operationsの視点に払われるべき敬意だと私は考える」 意味がわからないです。。。 pacingがwhereと関係あるように思えるのですが何の事なのかがさっぱりです。 それとbutとかthoughとかを使っていないのですが問題ないのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です President Musharraf has defended the new media laws as necessary to ensure what he calls "responsible" reporting that does not undermine the government or incite violence. Critics say the laws are part of the broad campaign to crush opposition to emergency rule. (1)全体の意味が少しわからないです。 「ムシャラフ大統領は彼が「責任がある」と呼ぶ事を確実にするために必要だとして新しいメディア法を防ぎました、そして危険を起こさず政府も徐々に衰退しないと報告しました」 「批評家はその法が非常事態警報に反対する者を破壊するためのキャンペーンの一部だと言います」 意味はわかりますが、「ムシャラフ大統領が反対する者を破壊するための法を防ぐ?」前半と後半が矛盾しているように見えます。。。 そもそもムシャラフ大統領が「防ぐ」とか「報告する」というのも変に見えますし「その法(新しいメディア法)がキャンペーンの一部」というのも変に感じます。 いまいち掴めない全体の意味を教えてもらえないでしょうか? お願いします。。

  • 記事の翻訳お願いします。

    http://okwave.jp/qa/q8183123.htmlの続きの英文です。 福祉制度の改革の話だと思うのですが、上手く英訳することができず、困っています。 長文ですが翻訳お願いします。 The culture has also changed. Once, about 40 percent thought that a wife should help her husband's career rather than have one of her own. Now, 81 percent think she should have her own career, and 70 percent think that both husband and wife should earn money. Parental time with children has dropped from about 30 hours a week to around 17—yet 70 percent believe that children are not affected negatively by having a working mother unless they are under school age. Moreover, the vast majority of working mothers now say that even if the family did not need the income, they would continue working. So a big question for everyone is how to reform Social Security and welfare so as to nourish marriage and raise the proportion of children who grow up in two-parent families. We should worry about a welfare system that pays unmarried mothers enough to have their own apartments and has led some to prefer babies to husbands. Research indicates that a 10 percent growth in welfare benefits increases by 12 percent the chances that a poor young woman will have a baby out of wedlock before the age of 22. This has been true for both whites and blacks. This is one reason that, even after a significant reform of the welfare system, the single welfare mother has become the public symbol of much of what is wrong with America's social service programs. We must find ways to educate people to understand that it is a good idea to be married before having children. Federal aid should give incentives for couples to form and sustain healthy marriages, not encouragement for single parenthood and nonmarital birth. Social service benefits that phase out fairly quickly after marriage, for example, can actually create a marriage penalty. Nor should the tax code penalize couples who marry. This dramatic shift from traditional to contemporary family structures and values is unlikely to change. But the bulk of the nation's most intractable social problems would benefit from tempering that trend by nurturing the American family. Public policy should not contribute to an a la carte menu of sex, love, and childbearing. It should emphasize the benefits for all from the package deal of marriage.

  • 記事の翻訳お願いします。

    中間層についての記事ですが、上手く英訳することができず、困っています。 米国の子供の世代について述べられていますが、表現が難しく、苦戦しております。 長文ですが翻訳お願いします。 The American middle class is worried-and with reason. Middle-class workers have long been the foundation of American society. In recent decades, they have seemed more prosperously buoyant than ever, living in bigger houses with a panoply of utilities, gadgets, and entertainment systems. So why the angst? The roots are primarily economic. Even in these boom times, anxiety levels rival those of the early Reagan recession years. In particular, people have great and growing fear about losing their jobs. And we are at one of the rare points in our history when Americans have stopped dreaming of a better life for their children. Now the hope is negative: that their children won't be forced into a lower standard of living. Americans used to feel sure each generation would do better than the last—but someone has run away with the ladder. Now the middle class lives with the same uncertainties that dog the poor. So close do many feel to the economic margin that they fear they're but one illness or one job loss away from catastrophe. The paranoia is not idle. In the 1970s, a family had a roughly 7 percent chance of its income dropping by half or more. Today the odds are 17 percent. Almost two thirds of workers believe that it is harder to earn a decent living now than it was 20 or 30 years ago, according to the Pew Research Center. Workers with fewer years of formal education feel it most, as earnings of the college educated have about doubled compared with high school graduates. Yet the public education system, once the great equalizer, is perceived to be deteriorating, even as it has become dramatically harder to finance a college education. The economy as a whole is performing well, but most people are not sharing in it. In 2005, the average income of those in the "bottom" 90 percent of the economy dipped from the year before. That's just one broad indicator of the problems confronting many of the groups within that 90 percent—no college education, single parent, minority. Meanwhile, at the top end of the economic spectrum, the gains have been spectacular. Just look at CEO pay, for example, which has risen in the past decade at triple the rate of the median worker's pay. What is clear is that our richest 10 percent have gained the most. That top slice now receives 44 percent of pretax income, the highest since the 1920s and 1930s, and up from 32 percent between 1945 and 1980. The richest 1 percent has done even better, with pretax income growing from 8 percent of national income in 1980 to 17 percent in 2005. Another way to look at it is that the richest 1 percent of Americans took in 21.8 percent of all recorded income in 2005—double their share in 1980. This means that the 300,000 Americans at the top made almost as much money as the 150 million Americans at the bottom.

  • 長文の和訳お願いします!pert3

    pert2の続きです。 But does this linguistic inability matter in a world where English has become the dominant language of business and international relations? In a recent survey of European organizations,99 percent said that they used English as a working language,as opposed to 63 percent French and 40 percent German. At a world level it has been estimated that 85 percent of international organizations use English,45 percent French and fewer than ten percent Arabic,Spanish of German.

  • yetの使い方

    以下の文で、yetの使い方がわかりません。どなたか、説明していただけませんでしょうか? "US President George W Bush has given his strongest warning yet to Pakistan that it must prevent militants crossing the line of control in Kashmir to attack Indian targets." (BBC)

  • TOEFLのプラクティステストにある問題で理解できません(3)

    (W) Basketball practice doesn't take a lot of time, does it? (M) Only every spare minute. (narrator) What does the man imply about basketball practice? この会話文で、回答は It takes up a large amount of time. なのですが、私はほんのちょっとの時間だけだ、と 解釈したので、回答と合いません。どのように 解釈すればよろしいでしょうか? よろしくご回答お願いいたします。

  • VOA Facebook

    Facebook is going public. The world's largest social media network filed documents late Wednesday for its much anticipated initial public offering (IPO). Analysts say the initial offer will raise about $5 billion in the first go around, making it one of the biggest in recent history. We take a look at how much the company is worth and what that could mean for investors. お聞きしたいのは、Analysts say で始まる文で go aroundは動詞でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • VOA

    Scientists are warning parents to avoid some infant formulas that may contain high levels of arsenic, an extremely poisonous metallic element that has been shown to cause cancer. The hazardous baby formulas are sweetened with arsenic-containing organic brown rice syrup, which some manufacturers are starting to use in place of high fructose corn syrup or other sweeteners. Many processed food products today are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. But concerns that corn syrup might be contributing to obesity has led many food manufacturers to turn to organic brown rice syrup, believing it to be a healthier alternative to the high fructose corn syrup. **Now, researchers say that brown rice syrup may be an unintended source of arsenic, a highly toxic metallic element that’s been shown to increase the risk of cancer when present in drinking water.** お世話になります。 教えて頂きたいのは**以下の日本語訳とその構造です。 よろしくお願いします。