• 締切済み

3つの熟語 (a fine line between: riding on it: add a layer of intrigue)



">It has been a fine line between us being 1-2 and 3-0 >まあ1勝2敗でも3勝でも、大した差が生じたことにはならないよ 私は英字になれていませんが、squashingさんのおっしゃる通りの解釈でよいのではないかと思います。



ご意見に感謝します。 僕も解釈に自信がないのですが…… ここで現在完了型なのが、すごく気になるのです。


  • get it on like a doll?

    A video tape of the boy and the girl, getting it on like dolls. はどのように訳されるのでしょうか?

  • 英詩の和訳

    Why I Am Happy Now has come, an easy time. I let it roll. There is a lake somewhere so blue and far nobody owns it. A wind comes by and a willow listens gracefully. I hear all this, every summer. I laugh and cry for every turn of the world, its terribly cold, innocent spin. That lake stays blue and free; it goes on and on. And I know where it is. どなたか和訳お願いします。

  • 英文の構造とitについて

    There is a dotted outline for every person, larger than he or she is, of the person they could be, or could have been . Hardly anyone fills up their outline— perhaps it is impossible , and no one does. And we mean not just fame and achievement and success— but wisdom, character, honor, integrity, generosity, humility, goodness, heart, and so on. Few achieve it— we are destined as people to fall short. *この英文の前半の最初の構造はどうなっているのでしょうか?↓ There is a dotted outline for every person, larger than he or she is, of the person they could be, or could have been . larger than he or she isを外して考えて There is a dotted outline for every person of the person they could be, or could have been .という繋がりですか? そうなると every person of the person they could be,となるのは変な感じなのですが。 それから of the person they could beのpersonとtheyの間は関係代名詞が省略されているのでしょうか? *後半のFew achieve itのitは何を指しているのでしょうか? wisdom, character, honor, integrity, generosity, humility, goodness, heart, and so onを指しているようにも思うのですが、単数のitで受けているのでよくわかりません。 お手数ですが教えてください。

  • Get on a train and it is

    Get on a train and it is likely that several people around you will be wearing earphones. There they are in the same space, but not talking or paying attention to one another. Though listening to a personal tape player this way has some virtue in that you don't usually disturb others, it allows almost no human contact. この文の訳をお願いします。

  • It was a lot of rain yesterday.

    It was a lot of rain yesterday. は何故だめなのでしょうか? It is a lot of fun to play with him. という表現があるのに。 We had a lot of rain yesterday. It rained a lot yesterday. との違いって何なんでしょうか?

  • Watied on a line of greens and blue の意味。

    Mr.BIGのTo be with youの中に「Watied on a line of greens and blue 」という一節がありますが、これはどういう意味でしょうか。宜しくお願い致します。


    NHKラジオ講座より LAURA LOVES KINITTING. SHE SPENDS EVERY SPARE MOMENT KNITTING. AND SHE HAS A LOT OF SWEATERS TO SHOW FOR IT. ローラは編み物が大好きなの。彼女は閑さえあれば編み物をしている。それでたくさんのセーターがあるのよ。 (質問1)「FOR IT」は前文の「SHE SPENDS EVERY.. 」の事だと思いますが、正しいでしょうか? (質問2)THAT'S WHY SHE HAS A LOT OF SEATERS TO SHOW.と言い換えが出来ますか? (質問3)「FOR IT 」は”そんなわけで(理由で)”といいたいときに最後に付け足せばよろしいのでしょうか? 会話の中に使いたいのですが。 幼稚な質問で恐縮ですが、よろしくお願いいたします。  以上

  • Put a slice of ham on top.

    Put a slice of ham on top. この文を自然な日本語になるように訳すにはどのように訳せばよいでしょうか?それと、 1.Sushi is said to have started in Southeast Asia. (寿司は東南アジアで始まったと言われている。) 2.It is said that sushi started in Southeast Asia. この2つの文は同じ意味でしょうか?もし違っているなら、2の訳を教えて欲しいのですが。

  • このitの指す内容

    いつもお世話になっております。 Science and technology now pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quiet unprecedented. There is a great technological explosion around us, generated by science. This explosion is already freeing vast numbers of people from their tradition bondage to nature, and now at last we have it in our power to free mankind once and for all from the fear which is based on want. 最後の文のit(we have itのitです)の指す内容がわかりません。itの指す内容を教えてください。また、その考え方の過程も教えていただけたらうれしいです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • having a hard go of it とは

    英文の意味を教えてください。 I assume that anyone perusing this book is having a hard go of it.