ZVUE Launches Retail Promo With Rock Legend Journey
Pre-loaded MP3 player with music from Journey’s new double CD
to be carried at Wal-Mart
San Francisco—ZVUE Corporation (NASDAQ: ZVUE), a global digital entertainment company, today announced that ZVUE will be selling an exclusive MP3 Player pre-loaded with all 22 tracks from the new Journey double-CD, “Revelation”. The Journey-branded player will be available exclusively in 3,600 Wal-Mart stores nationwide beginning July 22. The product retails for $39.88 and will be presented in gift-box packaging, designed to feature Journey with their new lead singer Arnel Pineda.
Each disc of the double-CD will feature 11 tracks; one will feature brand new material from the band while the other will feature re-recorded classic Journey hits.
The Journey-branded MP3 player comes with high-quality ZVUE Sound Headphones, 3 ft. USB Cable and 1 GB of built-in memory, which will allow customers to augment the Journey music with several hundred additional tracks of their choosing.
“We are excited about partnering with one of the greatest rock bands in history and continuing to work with Wal-Mart to provide exciting ways for customers to enjoy new and classic music. This is the second pre-loaded MP3 player to be distributed by Wal-Mart this month alone,” said Jeff Oscodar, ZVUE President and CEO. “The Journey-branded MP3 player offers great value and will provide generations of customers with many hours of listening enjoyment.”
ありがとうございました。 早速ご回答頂いていたんですね。 お礼が遅れて申し訳ありません。 (回答連絡メールが、たくさんのジャンクメールの中に埋もれていて 気が付くのが遅くなってしまいました) 長年の疑問が解決しました。 ちなみにJOURNEYの新譜「REVELATION」も中々良いですよ。 Bonus Discに新Voが歌ってる「WHEEL IN THE SKY」も入っていて 聴き比べてみるのも面白いです。