• ベストアンサー



  • ocanada
  • ベストアンサー率30% (33/107)

1.long time -> a long time 2. ... atoms at which we can't look too small ------>atoms which are too small to see 3.Firstの位置がおかしいです。 Those planning to study abroad first need to be well educated in their own country and have an understanding of their culture and tradition. 4.It was impossible to convince the teacher that my son did the translation without his mother's help. I/We couldnt convince the teacher..... 5.Japaneseとtraditionalの位置が不自然なので逆にしました。あと、architectureはs付けない方が良いでしょう。 (In my opinion/If you ask me) visiting temples is the best way to look at traditional Japanese architecture.





  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    大学の二次試験で自由英作文があるのですがなかなかうまく行きません。添削をお願い致します。 テーマは、[携帯電話についてどう思うか]です。 In my opinion, cell phone was enabie us to do many things.Take an example.we can contact other people immediatly when we are late for appointmennt.And we can use it whereever we are.we need not find a public phone.In addition to, we can contact someone I want to talk wherever the person is.But contraryto their good sides,we have bad sides,too.For example,we often see someone calling on train or bus.And we often catch a phone at midnight suddenly.It is very rode and they think nothing but their conveniences.we understand such bose sides and should consider apt time and appropriate place when we use cell phone. 間違いが多いとは思いますが、どうかお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。(大学受験用)

    英語が苦手なので、文法や表現のミスなども教えていただけると嬉しいです。 【設問】 Who should look after the elderly -their families or the State? (100~150語) In my opinion, the state has to look after the elderly. This is why that it is difficult for families to take care of elderly completely. Take my home example. My grandmother is nineteen years old. She is not able to walk herself. So, we support her. However my parents come home so lately. They cannot look after her. So, I usually cook dinner and let her eat it. Then, I take a bath with her. When I finished all her care, I go to bed about eleven p.m. I have no time to use myself. As a result, I am tired. Moreover, I am often exhausted to daily care. Families such as mine need someone’s help. In short, it is necessary for the state to look after the elderly in order to protect their family.(137)

  • 英作文

    学校の課題で、"My High School Days"という題で英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な部分等あると思いますので、添削していただこうと、質問させていただきました。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I went attended ABC High School. This school was founded in 1961 by Taro Oda. It is co-education now. But it was a boys' school before 1994, DEF girl's High School was next to it. They merged it in 1994 and became ABC High School. It has generally course only now. But generally course has three courses, A course, B course and C course. When I was senior, there were 48 classes in this school, and more than 1,700 students were studying in this school. I belonged to B course. In the B course, we studied aiming at entrance to school to the university. I and my friends always went to the school by bicycle. I was doing it for exercise and a saving. It takes me about fifty minutes from my home to the school. My favorite subject is civics. I liked the modern society in particular. My best friends in high school were Yuichi Masuda, Yoshitaka Ito and Toshimitsu Kato. We used to go to Miyawaki Bookstore or Book Square in Matsusaka after school by bicycle. It was late that I always arrived at the house because these bookstores were long way from my house. I belonged to the rugby club. But I have never play rugby. Because my teacher made me and my friend the member of the club by force to direct our life and to let me study. So we studied mathematics in the teacher's room while other members did club activities. My impressive teacher was Mr. Ishimoto. He was my teacher when I was junior, and teacher was mathematics and rugby club. He was severe, grim and strong.  Therefore I and my friends could not disobey. If we had not good exam result, he punched us. So my friends studied English and mathematics very hard. But I knew his good point. He always thought about students. Therefore he was very strict with us. It will not still change.

  • 英作文の添削

    英作文の添削をお願いします。詳しく添削してもらうとありがたいです。 テーマ;修学旅行で海外に行く学校が増えている。それについての賛否。  I agree with the increasing trend that students go on aschool trips abroad. You may say that it is too expensive for most parents to afford to have their children go abroad. However, in my opinion, it is more valuable than saving money. as globalazation becomes more common, we must develop views toward various cultures and thoughts. school trips abroad is a chance to interact people different from culture, creed and so on.

  • 英作文-5

    日本に滞在している外国人の学生に次のように聞かれたとします。あなたならどのようにこたえ、どんな理由説明をしますか。 "Why do so many young Japanese have their own cellular phone? Most of my Japanese friends have a 'keitai'. Do I need to get one? It is a very useful tool. We had contacted other people by using telephone in our home or company , or using public telephone in towns. However, nowadays we can contact them by using it wherever you are. Furthermore, it has a lot of information and you can readily look for almost everything by using it. That's why many young Japanese have it. However,you should be free to decide whether you have or don't have it. よろしくお願いします!

  • 英作文みてもらえますか?

    20世紀の一番大きな変化について説明する、という問題です。 解答例をみても自分ではあっているかどうかわかりません。文法のミス、言葉の使い方などについてどなたか、意見お願いします。 In my opinion, the most significant change during the 20th century was the emergence of environmental movement, such as protection, preservations and safeguards. This is one of the main trends even in our 21st century. Producing environmental friendly products is the common senses to survive among big companies. The governments are also concerned about environmental policies. This was unpredictable for people in 19th or beginning of 20th century. Therefore, small individuals are also trying to promote recycling, reusing or reducing, even though these activities are doubted those consequences by many scientists or conservations. Insofar as energy resources are not enough for long prosperity, these trends are good opportunity to look back what we should do. However, we have to be aware that we are in fully developed world. Most of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America are still on developing step. Many habitants are still in poverty and dreaming something Americanized standard. It is hard for people, who are living a day desperately or working desperately to get possessions like cars, to care about environment. Needless to say, developing countries need energy, resources and destroying nature to feed nations and to lift them up to higher living standard. This will be another conflict among all over the world.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    出来るものだけでも構いません。 1.私たちは言語をあまりにも日常的に使っているので、呼吸や瞬きと同じように、それをほとんど無意識で自然な行動だと見なしてしまいがちだ。 We use languages too daily. So we often regard it as almost unconscious and natural activity the same as breathing and a blink. 2.音楽は過去を思い出させてくれる。以前好きだった歌を聞くと当時の出来事が生き生きとよみがえってくるから不思議だ。 Music reminds me of the past. When I hear the song I liked, it is wonder that I can remember the things obviously that happened those days. 3.(問題文)Many abandoned cats and dogs are killed every week in Tokyo because their owners have rejected them. How would you solve this problem? I would like to tell their owners that they have to have the responsibility of having pets. Once they have pets, they have the duty to keep their pets until their pets die. So cats and dogs, including their pets, will not be killed in vain. 分かりやすいように一文ごとに改行しています。 文法的なミスや不適切な表現などのご指摘よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    自由英作文の添削をよろしくお願いします。 テーマ:いじめに対するアドバイス 条件 ・150words以上 ・3パラグラフ構成以上 ・序論・本論・結論が明確であること。 These days, the problem of bulling is often picked up on the TV program. Some students choose to kill themselves because they feel that they have no another choice to solve the problem. Other students ceased to go to school and study at home. Still others rely on their parents and their parents speak to child’s teacher or the principal and ask them to tell bully to stop bulling. In my opinion, the best way for being bullied students to solve the problem is just continuing to go to school. Of course, I can understand that their parents worry about child’s safety. However, if parents tell them not to go to school, students never change their thought. In my experience, I did go to school when I was bullied, even though I wanted to quit the school or kill myself. But now, I think it was a good experience for my long life. Since I had been mentally injured a lot, I got my heart strong and when my friends or people related me are in trouble, I can give them more proper advice than other people who had never been bullied. For this reason, even if you feel miserable or feel like killing yourself now, you should go to school. This makes you stronger and some day it will be a good experience for you. (226 words) 結論が短いため主張が弱いとは思うものの、文章展開の仕方や肉付けがうまくできていませんが アドバイスや指摘などいただけるとありがたいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削出来る方お願いします。

    道端の小さな草花に目を向けてみましょう。よく見ると、とても複雑で美しい形や色をしています。じっと見ていて、飽きることがありません。日々の中で見逃しているものの中にも実は美が宿っているのです。 When you look at small grasses or flowers growing in the birge of streat,you can find that it has beautifull and complicated figure, and you don't feel any tireness while looking at it. Actually what you don't pay any attention in daily life is also beauty. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削、お願いします。

    1.「新型の暖房器具や新素材の衣類のおかげで、寒冷地の冬もずいぶん楽になった。 だがそれでも、春の息吹を感じるとき、小さな冒険を無事成し遂げたような 安堵感と満足感を味わう。」 Thanks to new heaters and new materials of clothes, we can lead a more comfortable life in winter at cold district. But when I feel spring comes, I still feel relieved and satisfied as if I finised a small adventure. 2.「例えば今の小学生あたりに、昔は電気をつかわない、木でできた冷蔵庫があったのだと言っても、たぶん信じないであろう。 電気も使わないでどうして冷えるんだ、と反論されてしまうに違いない。」 For example, when we tell that we used to use refrigerator which were made from wood and were not installed electricity, today's elementary school children probably don't believe it. They must object that such refrigerators cannot keep something cool. 2つとも全体的に自信がないのですが・・・。 1については、「小さな冒険を成し遂げる」は直訳でもOKなのでしょうか? 意訳しようとしましたが、ニュアンスに合うような表現が思いつきませんでした。 2つも質問してしまいましたが、1つだけでもアドバイスをいただけたら嬉しいです。