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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳を助けてください)

Original Carbon Copy Drawing of an Austin Osman Spare Pencil Illustration


  • maruore
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/2)

YAHOOの翻訳サイトを使うと簡単に翻訳してくれますよー( /^ω^)/ 本文をコピーして張り付けるだけ!! 半角4000文字、全角2000文字まで対応なので全部いけるとおもいますよ(⌒o⌒)



  • 英訳お願いします!!

    どうしても時間がないので訳してほしいです。 お願いします! Filmmakers who adapt stories from novels are, in this way, in competition with people`s ( ). Moreover, it is a tough competition to win. If the film version attempts to stuff in every detail of a complicated literary plot, it might run the risk of being difficult to comprehend as film narrative. On the other hand, if the filmmakers choose to introduce new elements into the original narrative in order to make the film better a film, they may be accused by fan of the original as not being faithful to the novel itself. However, whichever principle is chosen, it ought to be recognized that literature and film are different forms of media. They are created differently, appealing to different senses and targeting different audiences. The problem is whether to be faithful-and how faithful-to the original. 誤字あったらすみません。 あと、( )に入る語は admiration、 faithfulness、 comprehension、 imaginations のどれかなのですが、それも教えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    以下の英訳をお願いいたします。 The picture you are showing for this item does not match the description. The picture is for a Syntace P6 carbon seat post (not HiFlex). Is the picture or the description correct? Thanks.

  • 英訳してください

    Organometallic compound An organometallic compound is an organic compound that contains carbon bonded to a metal. Some organometallic compounds are highly reactive (dangerously so), while others are relatively stable. The degree of reactivity of an organometallic compound depends on the degree of ionic character of the carbon-metal covalent bond. Because carbon is more electronegative than metals, a carbon atom bonded to a metallic atom withdraws electrons towards itself. Thus, the carbon atom attains a partial negative charge and the organic group can behave as a carbanion (R3C:-). A more negative carbon is more reactive than a less negative carbon; therefore, the most reactive organometallic compounds are those containing the most electropositive metals (the alkali metals). An organometallic compound containing a less electropositive metal is less reactive. CH3CdCH3 < CH3MgI < CH3Li increasing ionic character; increasing reactivity In 1901, the French mathematician-chemist Victor Grignard reported organomagnesium halides (RMgX), now called Grignard reagent, in his doctoral dissertation. He received the 1912 Nobel prize in chemistry for his discovery and Subsequent development of the reactions of these reagents. One useful reaction of a Grignard reagent is its reaction with a ketone to yield the magnesium salt of a tertiary alcohol, which can be converted to the alcohol by hydrolysis.

  • 外国の公文書の日本語訳をお願いできますか?

    state of Utah department of commerce division of corporationn and commercial code i hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of certificate of fact for aaaaaaaa LLc and the endorsements thereon , as the same is taken from and compared with the original filed in the office of this division on the 20 day of Aug A.D 2009 and now remaining on file and of record therein. subscribed and sworn to before me the 20 day of Aug ,2009 Notary public Jack Bauer

  • 英訳してみました

    色々な文を英訳してみたのですが、いかがでしょうか? 『この靴歩きやすそうだ。』 This pair of shoes seems easy to walk in. 『このベッドは適度に柔らかく、寝心地がとても良いです。』 This bed is moderately soft and comfortable to sleep on. 『彼は仕事に取り掛かるまで時間がかかる。  しかも出来上がった仕事は完成度が低い。』 He takes a lot of time to get down to work, and what is worse the way he finishes work is bad. 『これは(作るのに)時間がかかりますか? すぐに行かなければいけないので』(レストランで店員に対して) Does this take long to prepare? I have to leave soon.

  • 英訳について

    中古のカメラを購入したいのですが、日本語訳がいまいちよく分かりません。翻訳していただける方はいらっしゃいませんか?特に「pretty good」という表現がいい意味なのか悪い意味なのか判断に迷っています。 This camera was CLA'd earlier in the year and works great. The lens is clear with no mold or fungus, the aperture blades are oil free and the light meter works, but is off from 1/2 to 1 stop which is pretty good being as old as it is. The self timer works as well. Cosmetically I would rate this an 8.5 out of 10.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The original pictured knife had no sticker on the handle. I've noticed that you've also changed all of the pictures in your auction (I have the original picture to prove this). Is this the original knife I paid for or is it a substitute?

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 The same holds true for film, text, or anything that can be digitized. Second, we can make as many copies of a digital representation as we wish, and every copy is identical to the original. 翻訳お願いします。

  • 英訳を手伝ってください。

    「同性愛と言うものは、何も特別なことではない。ただ単に好きになった人の性別が自分と同じだっただけのことだ。好きな人が出来るとその人のことをもっと知りたくなったり、もっと一緒に同じ時間を過ごしたいと思うのは老若男女、万国共通のことである。そして結婚して、寝食や生計をともにし、日常に起こる嬉しいことや悲しいことなどの価値観を分かち合うといのが私の意見での結婚の醍醐味である。」を訳して To love somebody whose sex is the same is not special. Gay men and lesbians happen to love somebody whose sex is the same as them. It is universal and common for everybody to feel like being with and spending more time with the partner who one loves. If the couple is getting along well with each other, it is no wonder that they want to share their sense of value and the spend time together rest of their life. This is the relish and zest of marriage, and these feeling are not only for heterosexual people, but for homosexual people. となりましたが、いかがなものでしょうか?

  • 英訳困っています >< 助けてくださ~い><

    The third stage is what Duvall referred to as the authority period , in which the family are bringing up pre-school children , with the oldest between two and five years old. Essentially, the parents have to train their pre-schoolers to behave in a socially acceptable way , and not like tyrannical little monsters! This, too, can be a deeply demanding phase for the parents. Things often ease up a little when the family enters the interpretive preriod , in which the oldest child is between five and 13 years old , and at school. (The reason why Duvall categorizes these stages from the age of the oldest child is mainly because this signals the need for the parents to learn new behaviours. They have already learned most of the behaviours they will need for younger children-although each child is different, of cource.) The fifth period in the family life cycle is the interdependent period, which consists of families with teenagers. At this time it becomes possible for the teenagers to take more of a share in the emotional and physical aspects of the family , and the relationship between parents and child can become a two-way, interdependent one rather than a simple, one-way , denpendent one.