Giants Stun Patriots in Super

  • The Giants took an unlikely playoff path and reached the Super Bowl XLII, where they were expected to be mere foils for the New England Patriots.
  • The conference being referred to is the behemoths of their conference.
  • The Giants were regarded as little more than charming foils for the New England Patriots.
  • ベストアンサー

Giants Stun Patriots in Super

The Giants were not even supposed to be here this week, taking an unlikely playoff path through the behemoths of their conference and regarded, once they alighted on Super Bowl XLII, as little more than charming foils for the New England Patriots’s assault on immortality. their conferenceが何をさすのか、 and regardedの働き、as little more than charming foils forのasの働きを教えていただけるとありがたいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Hideto123
  • ベストアンサー率30% (126/420)

アメリカのプロフットボールのことはよく知らないのですが・・、 >their conferenceが何をさすのか・・・ ジャイアンツが所属する ナショナル・カンファレンス リーグのことでしょう。 ちなみに、対戦相手のペイトリオッツは、アメリカン・カンファレンス(AFC) の王者ですね。 >and regardedの働き・・・ be regarded as で、~とみなされる です。 (途中に、挿入句があるのでわかりにくくなってますが) The Giants were not even supposed to be here this week and (The Giants were) regarded as little more than charming foils . と考えればいいと思います。 レギュラーシーズンから18戦全勝でスーパーボウルに進んだ ペイトリオッツ相手にジャイアンツが土壇場の逆転で勝った というのがこの記事の大意ですから、それを前提に読めば 意味はわかうでしょう。 例によって違っていたら申し訳ないです <(_ _)>ペコリ





  • CNNの英語で文の構造がわかりません

    朝日出版が発行しているCNNニュースを教材とした雑誌の1月号(2008)の22ページの英文"Maryland outpaced New jersy's median household income: $65,000 and change for Maryland compared to a little more than 64,000 for New Jersey." の中で、最後の"compared to"と"a "little more than"と"64,000 for New Jersey"の関係を教えて下さい。 compared to と litte more than とが並列してNew Jerseyに繋がっているのでしょうか? もしそうだとすると、toとlittleの間にandとか",(カンマ)"とか、入れるのが正統なのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい

    Sometimes it is suggested that the problem of the underdeveloped countries is simply their technological and economic backwardness.the problem is,of course, much more complex than that,for it involves all of their major social institutions-polity,economy,family,religion,and education-as well as the attitudes and values of their people. In short, the problem involves every area for which industrialization has major consequences. よろしくお願いします

  • アメリカの新聞記事を和訳してください!

    Individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their premiums tumble next year in New York State as changes under the federal health care law take effect, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday. State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New York. Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000 a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. With federal subsidies, the cost will be even lower.

  • 和訳御願いします。

    和訳御願いします。 For nearly 100,000 years, the planet had been gripped in glaciation. Ice sheets placed a swathe of the northern hemisphere under a dead hand, extending their thrall as far as south as New England and Wales.

  • Little more than a song...?

    Back then, woodblock prints by masters could be bought in Japan for little more than a song. という文があるのですが、終わりの little more than a song の意味がいまいちわかりません。 little more than... <~にすぎない>、だと文の意味が通らなくなる気がして、 more than... <…より多い>で取ってみたのですが、 「当時、名匠による版画は日本国内では歌より多少高い値段で買うことが出来た。」 となり、歌より高い値段ってなんだろう…?(汗 と、どうも釈然としません。 どなたか、わかる方がいましたら教えてください。

  • ※急)和訳をお願いします。

    初めまして。 学校の課題で和訳をしなければならないのですが、上手く和訳が出来ません。自分で考え、翻訳機も使ったのですが、上手く訳せません。皆様の力を貸して頂けませんか。英文は、同じ段落のものではありません。少し専門用語もあると思いますが、その点は全てカタカナにして頂いて構いません。 (1) Those students frequently strive harder than usual to produce a greater variety of correct and appropriate language than they might for more routine assignments. (2) Having 'nothing to say' they may find creative writing a painful and de-motivating experience, associated in their minds with a sense of frustration and failure. (3) In genre-based writing, two heads analyse genre-specific texts as well as, if not better than, one head would do, and often create genre-specific texts more successfully as a result. (4) When offering correction teachers should choose what and how much to focus on based on what students need at this particular stage of their studies, and on the tasks they have undertaken. この4つです。 多くて長いのですが、一つでも分かるのがあれば、和訳を宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文和訳

    At the moment big structural shifts, such as the growth of China and India, are influencing prices less than one might think. The two Asian giants are demanding more food (and more types of food), but so far their own farmers have largely satisfied that, so they have not needed to trade much (though that would change dramatically if China were to import wheat this year). どなたかお願いしますm(__)m

  • 以下の英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    By about 1800, Tokugawa administration at its topmost level had evolved into an elaborate coalition of different interests. These interests retained their separate identities, and important ties between them were frequently familial and tacit, rather than formal and institutional. The antagonisms that had once held sway were now little more than inherited memories, and there was a general acceptance of the existing regime for the sake of the rewards it conferred on court noble and daimyo as well as shogun, on senior cleric and clan elder as well as Tokugawa retainer. Beneath this pattern of government by a coalescence of elites lay the pluralistic structure of the baku-han system, with its diversification of administrative authority into one seminational and numerous local and autonomous power centers.

  • 英語訳

    おはようございます。 何度もすみません。 この解釈もわからないんです。 According to a 1997 study by the Conference Board and the Points of Light Foundation, 74% of businesses focus their volunteer programs on education as compared with 47% on health, 41%on the environment, and 41% on the homeless. 74% of businesses が主語 focus は動詞ですか?? どうすると後の文の解釈がわからないんです。 comparedが動詞ですか?? そうするとその前のas は何なんでしょうか。 訳ができません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作の添削お願いします

    英作です。参考書にのっていた解答と照らし合わせて微妙だったものを質問しています。 1ナンシーは当時は今より美しかったと、あなたは思いますか。 2シャボン玉はどんどん大きくなって、空中へと消えた。 3自分の義務より自分の権利についてはるかに考える多く考える人もいる。 4書くということは息をすることと同じくらい自然に私には思える。 1自(Do you think Nancy is more beautiful than what Nancy used to be) 参(Do you think Nancy was more beautiful then than she is now?) 2自(A bubble had become bigger and bigger, so it disappeared into sky) 参(The bubble grew larger and larger and disappeared into the sky) 3自(Some people think much more about their rights rather than their duties) 参(There are some people who think much more about their rights than about thier duties.) 4自(I think writing as natural as breathing) 参(Writing seems to me as natural as breathing) よろしくお願いします