• ベストアンサー



  • underware
  • ベストアンサー率14% (33/224)

I have a dream to be a teacher of cram school. I like my cram school because it is fun. At the school,I have many friends and we help each other. I also like teachers of my school.Their teaching are very comprehensible. They teach important things of life besides study. If I could be a teacher of cram school,I would teach a lot of important things like my teachers do. 大人げないのですが、日本語訳してみた場合、無駄と思える部分を省略しました。



所々使わせていただきました。 ありがとうございました。 If I could be a teacher of cram school,I would teach a lot of important things like my teachers do. は、私が求めていた日本語訳と合ったので少し変えて使わせていただきました。 Firstなどは、教科書ではそのような書き方をしているので そのままにさせていただきました。


  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    英作文の添削・アドバイスをお願いします。 教育とは何かと考えるときに,私が決まって思い出すのが小学校の恩師の顔である。先生は,私たち生徒に,物事に真剣に取り組むことを教えてくださった。その教えは,これまでの私の人生の指針となっている。今から考えると,先生の教えが私の心に響いたのは,先生の尊敬できる誠実な人柄によるところが大きかったように思う。教育において考慮すべきことは,教える内容だけではなく,教える側の人間性でもあるのだ。 When thinking what education is, I always remember the face of a teacher I owe a lot when I am in an elementary school. The teacher told us students the importance of approaching things seriously. It has ever been telling me how to manage my life. Now I think that it was mostly because the teacher was respectable and of integrity why the teacher's words moved me. The things we should consider in education are not only what teachers teach but also teachers' humanity. よろしくおねがいします。  

  • 英作文(中学)

    休日に留学生を動物園に誘ったときの英作文を作る問題であっているのか教えてください。 Hi Bob. Do you have free time next Sunday? How about visiting zoo with me? I like animals very much. How about you? They have a lot of animals in tha zoo. I want to take a lot of picture of animals with you. 動物園にはたくさん動物がいるのとき They を主語にしたんですがよいのでしょうか?

  • 埼玉大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    埼玉大学 自由英作文 2012                                                                                                         条件・ 世の中には、いろいろな先生がいます。さて、あなたの理想の先生について詳しく書きなさい。(120~150字)                                                                                                               Needless to say , teachers are required the ability of teachering , but I think that the                                                               communication skill is also important. Since a school is the place where we have to leran                                                                  Japanese or English and so on, teachers need to have a lot of knowledge about that, but I think                                                               a teacher who has the good communication skill is more interesting and friendly. I have an                                                                   experience supporting my idea. When I wes a junior high school student , I joined teniss club. One                                                               day, I had a match with a student of other school. I couldn't win the match , so I was disappointed,                                                              however , my teacher said to me "Don't give up and you can do it". This word helped me very                                                                 much. I think that it is important for teachers not only to teach their students but also to                                                                    communicate with them. (142字)                                                                                                                                                                      拙い文章ですが、文法面を中心にご指導いただけるとありがたいです。添削をお願いできる方がいなくて・・・。厳しいご指摘宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の問題で、

    どなたか添削をしていただけたら、助かります。 すべて、中学レベルの英語を使い、理由を含めて3文以上で書くことが条件です。 (1)あなたが楽しんでいるもの  I enjoy listening to music. When I listen to music, I feel happy. I think music has power. (2)あなたの好きな動物  I like dogs the best. This is because they are very cute. I want to have a dog and play with it. (3)あなたの好きな学校行事  I like sports festival. This is because we can help each other. Our class helped each other, and we won. I feel happy. (4)あなたが次の休みの日に行きたい場所  I want to go to my grandfather's house. I haven't seen him for six months, so I'm sad. When I meet him, I'll talk a lot. 以上になりますが、文法的な誤りなど、ご指摘のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 

  • 英作文

     この間英会話で、「その大学はたくさん良い先生がいることで有名です」という文を英語に変えたとき、the college is famous for that there are a lot of good teachers. という文をとっさに作ったのですが、後々考えてみるとfor のあとにthat 節ではつなげないので文法ミスということに気づきました。  そこでthe college is famous for the fact that there are a lot of good teachers という文を考えたのですが、この文章は変でしょうか?  自分の解釈だと、前置詞にthat 節は繋げないので(例外を除く)、代わりにthe fact that を使ってSVのある文章をつなぐようにしてるんですが、the fact にすると少し変な文章になってしませんかと心配しております。 ご教授ください。

  • 英作文

    学校の課題で、"My High School Days"という題で英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な部分等あると思いますので、添削していただこうと、質問させていただきました。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I went attended ABC High School. This school was founded in 1961 by Taro Oda. It is co-education now. But it was a boys' school before 1994, DEF girl's High School was next to it. They merged it in 1994 and became ABC High School. It has generally course only now. But generally course has three courses, A course, B course and C course. When I was senior, there were 48 classes in this school, and more than 1,700 students were studying in this school. I belonged to B course. In the B course, we studied aiming at entrance to school to the university. I and my friends always went to the school by bicycle. I was doing it for exercise and a saving. It takes me about fifty minutes from my home to the school. My favorite subject is civics. I liked the modern society in particular. My best friends in high school were Yuichi Masuda, Yoshitaka Ito and Toshimitsu Kato. We used to go to Miyawaki Bookstore or Book Square in Matsusaka after school by bicycle. It was late that I always arrived at the house because these bookstores were long way from my house. I belonged to the rugby club. But I have never play rugby. Because my teacher made me and my friend the member of the club by force to direct our life and to let me study. So we studied mathematics in the teacher's room while other members did club activities. My impressive teacher was Mr. Ishimoto. He was my teacher when I was junior, and teacher was mathematics and rugby club. He was severe, grim and strong.  Therefore I and my friends could not disobey. If we had not good exam result, he punched us. So my friends studied English and mathematics very hard. But I knew his good point. He always thought about students. Therefore he was very strict with us. It will not still change.

  • 英作文の添削をして下さい\(^o^)/

    こんにちは! ついさきほど、住みたい国を自由に選びその理由を述べるというテーマの英作文をしました。 もし、不自然な点、明らかにおかしい点などがありましたらお教えくださいm(__)m I want to live in Hawaii. When my family and I visited there 5 years ago, we got a lot of fun. I spended most of times swimming in the sea. The sea was so clear that there were many kinds of fish. I think it's very nice to be able to swim there every day. Besides, all foods I ate in Hawaii were very delicious. I want to eat dishes which we ate at a restaurant once again. I think living in Hawaii is great. So I chose Hawaii.

  • 英作文についてです

    英作文の採点をしてほしいです。 問題 次の問いかけに英語で答えなさい。 1) Is it difficult for you to live without TV? -No,it isn't. There are a lot of informations on TV. But I can see it on newspapers and the Internet.So It isn't difficult for me to live without TV. 2) Do you often read books when you have free time? -Yes,I do.I can get to a lot of things from books. And they make me happy.So I like to read books very much.

  • 英作文ができない。

     英語の簡単な文章を書いてみたんですが、ちゃんとかけているのかどうか、よくわかりません。文法が間違っていないかどうか、文章の流れが不自然でないかどうか見ていただきたいのです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I’m Masato Oda. I was born on March 29, 1987 in Nara, so I’m now 20 years and two months old. I’m a junior at the School of Literature, Jonan University. I major in Education. I’m taking 23 courses this semester. I’d like to be a teacher at a junior high school or a high school. So, I must be a good speaker of English. I live at home with my parents, brother, sister, and grandmother. Our house is located in the southeast of Nara, and I come to college by bicycle. It takes me about an hour and ten minutes from my home to the college. My hobbies are cycling, reading and seeing movies.  I do cycling for exercise and I come to college from my house. I’m reading a paperback pocket edition well recently.  I'm busy recently, so I don't see any movies at a movie theater, but I want to see it there.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします!

    英作文の添削お願いします! 指定語数は80語なんですが、本番では100語なので100語で設定して書きました。 テーマは、制服着用の長所と短所です。 ヨロシクお願いします! Some schools are requring school niforms ,but others are not. Each of them has disadvantage and advantage.Now,I would like to mention these two things. First,disadvantage of requring school niforms is that they can not develop their sense of uniquness or individuality .And their school are specified by other people when they do not want to be. Second,the advantage of wearing school uniforms is that they do not have to choose which clothing to put on, and the students who can not afford to buy it would not suffer from choosing cloyhes. Therefore,because school uniforms have disadvantages and advantage as above things,we must not think light of the meanings of requring school uniforms.