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参考URLのところにあるブログに、Float Onの歌詞(和訳付き)がありました。ご参考まで。 ただ、質問にある2行目のところがいまいちどう解釈していいのかよく分からないんですよね。work its wayと言うのは辞書を見ると「苦労して進む」と言う意味のようなので、「良い知らせは歩みは捗らないが、結局はすべての計画がうまく行くさ」と言うことなのでしょうか。そもそも、to all them plansが文法違反にしか思えないんですが、the plansなんでしょうかね?



再度、曲を聴いてみましたがやっぱりthemと言ってるようです。 私も2行目が良く解らなかったのですがここで質問させていただき、 お二人のお答えと参考URLを見てなるほどと思いました。 どうもありがとうございました。


  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記の文の和訳をどなたかご教授いただけないでしょうか。 前文と関係しそうなので、前文も載せますが、 最後の文の和訳がわかりません。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 According to Gayshan, if Philadelphia wants to foster innovation, the city needs to think about its whole environment—from physical space to its own website—from the perspective of somebody who is trying to start something new. What information or access is needed? What gets in the way? It comes down to recognizing the value of an ecosystem, the panel concluded, whether at the small level of an individual office or the macro-level of a whole city.

  • 英語を和訳してください

    英語を和訳してください Good morning. (blushing smile) There is racism in Ukraine, very few. Very rare. In general, Ukraine is a tolerant country. There are many Chinese and Vietnamese in Ukraine. There is racism all over the world. Arabs are not liked in Western Europe. I like Asian women. They are so mysterious. I love it. You don't need to worry. Everything is good. Does Japan treat a foreigner well? I read that in Japan there are establishments where foreigners are not allowed.I got the Ambassador translator headphones on Thursday. I waited for about a year. Unfortunately, they turned out to be very bad. They work poorly. They translate Japanese very poorly and incorrectly. Think about 30 seconds. They constantly turn off. Wasted $ 160. The company is cheating, the headphones are bad. I am disappointed. (angry frown)(distressed) これは、翻訳機を別の日本人と試したと書いていますか?私に、イイネ!くれた理由を聞いたのに、ミステリアスとかですか?。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    i cant really stay as commited to studying because of school:( ihave other things i study to but this year im taking spanish classes so its hard for me. becausue everything my teacher says in spanish i almost say in japanese hehehe but i think in a way that is good because i remember right?:) なぜright?と聞いてきたのでしょうか。 because of schoolってなにか省略してますか? 和訳お願いします。

  • 英文和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Enormous houses with endless numbers of rooms serve the same function in other lands as well. When I lived in Egypt, I visited houses with room after high-vaulted room, shaded from the sun and cooled by their very size. I have visited old palaces in India with rooms that continued to be built for generations even though some of them were never used. 和訳 数えきれないほどの部屋数のある巨大な家は、他の土地でも同じ機能を果たします。私がエジプトに住んでいた時、まさにその大きさによって日差しからよけられて涼しくなっているアーチ型の天井が高い部屋が続く(家々)を訪問しました。インドでは、家族の誰かがそのいくつかを決して使うことがなくても、何世代にもわたって造り続けられてきた部屋のある古い館を訪れました。

  • 翻訳機なしで和訳お願いします

    翻訳機なしで和訳お願いします Yay! I'm glad! *(^_^)* Even if your English looks already so pretty good. Haha :P Also, I will study hard English and Japanese me too, to talk more with you! By the way, have you spent a good day? =) Oh! I have received the message about changing our relationship status. For sure, I have confirmed it. *(^_^)* Anyway, It was good to talk with you tonight. I feel so good now. =)

  • 英語の歌詞の和訳をしてほしいです。

    WestLife 「Have You Ever Been In Love」の英語の歌詞の和訳、できる方よろしくお願いします。 In the morning light Half awake and half asleep Have you ever laid there thinking Was it all a dream? But you reach out and she's there Every moment, everywhere Have you ever been in love? Have you ever felt How far a heart can fall Have you ever stayed up waiting For a telephone call Just to hear her say hello Cause you miss each other so Have you ever been in love? Have there been times to laugh And times you really want to cry Finding reasons to believe her cause you'd die a little if she lied And when in times of doubt Have you ever tried to work it out But still she leaves you wondering What it's all about And when she's far Have you ever felt the need to stray And tried and then discovered It just doesn't pay Cause with her, you can be true And with her, you can be you Have you ever been in love? Have there been times to laugh And times you really want to cry Finding reasons to believe her Cause you'd die a little if she lied And when in times of doubt Have you ever tried to work it out But still she leaves you wondering What its all about And when the night comes down Can you call your house a home Do you dream you're still together And wake up alone Have you ever been in love The way that I'm in love Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been in love?

  • 和訳について

    和訳の補足や訂正をお願いしますm(__)m 気を付けてはいますが、誤字があるかもしれません(汗 和訳は[]、他に教えてほしい点を()で書きました。 回答お願いしますm(__)m -------------------- 1.Our teacher would be surprised to know the fact. [私達の先生は、その事実を知って驚くだろう。] 2.The most careful observation would not have solved the mystery. [最も注意深い監察でもその謎は解決しないだろう。(直訳だと思うので意訳を教えていただきたいです)] 3.In your place, I wouldn't agree to his proposal. [あなたの立場なら、私は彼の申し込みに同意しないだろう。] 4.Whether he likes it or not, you must teach him how to handle it. [彼がそれを好きであろうとなかろうと、あなたはそれの扱い方を教えなければならない。] 5.We won't leave unless she comes. [彼女が来ない限り、私達は出発しないだろう。] 6.Bob says that the structure of society resembles that of a family. [ボブは社会の構造と家族構成は似ていると言う。] 7.Take a little tea; it will do you a lot of good. [?(訳し方がわかりません。また、「;」はどのような意味で使われているのでしょうか?)]

  • 洋楽歌詞の和訳お願いします

    英語が苦手で日本語歌詞が知りたいです。英語の和訳をお願いします。 I've been looking at people And how they change with the times And lately all I've been seeing are people Throwing love away and losing their minds Or maybe it's me that's gone crazy `Cause I can't understand why All these people keep hurting each other When good love is so hard to come by So what's the glory in living Doesn't anybody erer stay together anymore And if love never lasts forever Tell me what's forever for I've been listening to people And they say love is the key It's not my way to let them lead me astray It's only that I want to believe But I see love-hungry people Trvind their best to survive

  • 英語→日本語に翻訳願いますm(_ _)m

    どなたか下記の英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします! (1)Feet kind of freak me out I don't know why but I don't really like to touch them even my own. (2)Again the way you speak its as if you know my thoughts as if you know my prayers to God and what I spoke I desired in a woman. (3)You are so amazing and I am so excited to continue to dig deeper into who you are. (4)You treat me so well.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    以下の文章の和訳をどなたかお願いします。言いたいことはなんとなくわかるのですが、なんだか訳しにくいです…。(どこまで日本語に訳して言うか。英語のまま言ったほうがいいところもあるのかなと思います) 訳してもらいたい文章は、最後のまとめ部分に当たります。それ以前の内容の要約としては ・upという単語には肯定的、downには否定的な価値観が含まれている。例えばmore is better/less is worse.やbigger is better/smaller is worse.といった比喩表現にも表れていて、これは成長は肯定されるべきだというアメリカ人の信念を映し出したものである。 ・このup/downを使った比喩は、未来が過去よりさらに良くなるのだという典型的なアメリカの楽観主義も反映している。 といった感じです。よろしくお願いします。 -------------------- Sometimes students ask me about the word order in certain English expressions. Americans say 「here and there」, 「up and down」, 「front and back」, 「good and bad」instead of there and here, down and up, back and front, bad and good. They instinctively know that what is closest to the speaker automatically comes first. Since 「here」 is closer than 「there」, they will place 「here」first. Americans like to describe themselves in a positive fashion; therefore, they put 「front」,「up」 and 「good」 first: 「front and back」, 「up and down」, 「good and bad」. A variation in the word order sounds strange to a native speaker, because this change contradicts the metaphors of the language. ※「 」内はイタリック表記です。