Basic HTMLについて

  • Basic HTMLについての質問と解説
  • HTMLを使用してWebページを作成する方法
  • HTMLで画像を配置したり、テーブルを作成したりする方法
  • ベストアンサー

Basic HTMLについて

質問になるのですがHTMLを御存知の人は英語も理解ると思うので英語で質問させて頂きます。 それぞれの質問に対してどのホームページの項目をダイレクトに見れば良いか教えていただけると幸いです。 よろしくおねがいします! - can you use basic html tags to create a page that is visually coherent and clear in its information architecture - can you place images on your web page that 1. load from a local version, 2. load from a web location - can you control the size of images on your web page - can you make a table to position images on a web page - can you set up simple frames for a web page - can you make a link on a page that will open up in a new window - can you make a simple input form for a web page - can you use a style sheet to control text appearance and position - can you embed a sound in a web page and determine controller appearance, autoplay and looping

  • HTML
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

>質問になるのですがHTMLを御存知の人は英語も理解ると思うので英語で質問させて頂きます。 暴論すぎやしませんか。 >can you use basic html tags to create a page that is visually coherent and clear in its information architecture Use strict HTML and style sheets. >can you place images on your web page that 1. load from a local version, 2. load from a web location >can you control the size of images on your web page See: >can you make a table to position images on a web page Actually, yes, but note that the usage of table elements only for visual rendering has been criticised by many authorities. See: and >can you set up simple frames for a web page See: >can you make a link on a page that will open up in a new window See: However, you shoud be careful for the accessibility guideline: >can you make a simple input form for a web page See: >can you use a style sheet to control text appearance and position See: >can you embed a sound in a web page and determine controller appearance, autoplay and looping See:


その他の回答 (1)


中国や韓国の方とか、日本語も英語もニガテな方もいらっしゃるので言葉についてはあまり言いたくないですが、 (私も英語サイトで、つたない英語で質問することもありますし) 質問内容がわからないとどうにもならないので。 > can you place images on your web page that load from a local version 意味がわかりづらいのですが、 以下のように書けばパソコンのハードディスク内のファイルを表示することは、できなくはないです。 (そういう解釈で良いんですよね?) <img src="file:///c:¥temp.jpg"> ¥は半角のバックスラッシュ(日本語環境では円マーク)を使って下さい 見てる人のハードディスクに、そのファイルがあるかどうかは、わからないので、表示されるとは限りません。 Can Iという質問文ではなく、Can you の質問文で良いんですかね? can you だったら、むしろアンケートっぽいですけど。 for も in も無視した、日本語らしい(日本人らしい)おおざっぱな解釈をしてますが、 回答:全てYes > 質問になるのですがHTMLを御存知の人は英語も理解ると思うので英語で質問させて頂きます。 これはあなたの偏見です。 > それぞれの質問に対してどのホームページの項目をダイレクトに見れば良いか教えていただけると幸いです 自分のウェブサイトのアドレスを書けってことですか? 自己紹介ページに書くことさえ禁止されてるこのBBSでは、削除対象になるので書けません。 Can Iの質問文だったら、W3Cのサイトを見るのが一番適切だと思います。 また、各国語に翻訳したサイトもありますから、yuki-ayano-spitzさんの母国語で書かれたサイトもあるかもしれません。


  • 至急この並べ替え問題の解説お願いします。

    2問あるのですが、 (1)結局、人を外見で判断しようとしてもしようがない。 Consequently it is (about; judhments; make; much; not; people; to; trying; use) on the basis of their appearance. (2)洋服は和服より働きやすい。 (are; clothes; clothes; easier; Japanese; than; to; Western; work; in). (1)は答えはもうわかっていて、 Consequently it is (not much use trying to make judgments about people) on the basis of their appearance. なのですが、どうしてこうなるのか、どうしてこれで和文のような内容になるのかわかりません。解説をお願いしたくて質問しました。 (2)は答えがわからない問題なので質問しました。 自分で考えたのは、 Western clothes are easier to work in than Japanese clothes. と、 To work in Western clothes are easier than Japanese clothes. の2通りなのですが、どちらが合っているのか確信が持てません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • live out of your basket

    Q. Re: I’ve got bedbugs: I had bedbugs in a previous apartment and had to move out after rounds of unsuccessful treatment. On the psychological side, I hear you! Many sleepless nights were spent searching images on Google and reading forums. It helps to know that bedbugs are becoming a common problem that other perfectly clean and normal people have had the misfortune of dealing with. The bugs live in mattresses and bedding and cannot live on your skin. They die when subjected to extreme heat, so take a load of laundry to a laundromat, throw it in a dryer, and live out of your basket at a friend’s house to recoup on needed sleep while exterminators work on your house. live out of your basketとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Composite Brigade were to make for a position two miles (3.2 km) to the north-east of the Turkish defences. The New Zealand Brigade were to advance directly at the position. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade would stay in contact with the New Zealanders, then move behind the Turkish position, and locate around five miles (8.0 km) to the east of it, hindering any withdrawal and compromise their lines of communications. While the 5th Mounted Brigade would form the reserve. The Turkish position at Bir el Abd, consisted of well constructed trenches and redoubts. That looked down on the approach routes, that any British force would use. They had used the time since arriving well, recovering from their defeat in the previous days, to replenish their supplies and had been reinforced.

  • 至急お願いします!インターンシップ 添削

    インターンシップの志望理由を英語で書かなければ ならないのですが、うまく書けません・・・ 至急添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら、付け加えたほうがよい文章など ありましたら、そちらもお願いします。 This is because it thought that it wants to know what kind of thing the atmosphere of a thing and the company how can make use of having learned at a university in real work is. Furthermore, I wanted to learn the difference between student and durability of the consciousness of the member of society. I do not judge work from only appearance and can feed power to understand including a hiding part generally by experiencing internship. And I can feel weight and a sense of fulfilment ,worth to work,to take work on. In addition,I thought that it let me regarded as one opportunity to check my appropriateness and easy posture for finding employment and that gave me an opportunity to wrestle seriously.

  • 画像の権利について翻訳をお願いします(長文)

    What Royalty-Free means is that you pay for the image only once and then you can use it as many times as you like, with just a few restrictions. In other words, there are no license fees except the initial fee and no other royalties to be paid except those included in the initial cost. Note that the maximum number of copies for printed materials is 500,000 copies. The Royalty-Free license is granted ONLY for the non-watermarked image you buy using the Download button; all the other versions (small watermarked and non-watermarked thumbnails which are visible on the public site) are entirely copyrighted. The free files downloaded from the Free Photos section may be used in commercial projects under our limited Royalty Free (RF-LL) license and according to our terms and conditions. This is a one-person license and is given to you as a designer, your employer (client) or any employed persons. Royalty- Free License of use of Non-Watermarked Images and Restrictions The high-resolution images that you download under the regular Royalty Free (RF) license may be used to make fine art prints, on a web site, in a magazine, newspaper, book or booklet, book cover, flyer, application software (apps) or any other advertising and promotional material, in either printed or electronic media, as long as the item in which the image appears does not contradict any of the restrictions below. The list is not exhaustive and if you have any uncertainty regarding the use of the images in a correct way please email support using the help form. Web templates, greeting cards or postcards especially designed for sale, similar print-on-demand services, canvas, t-shirts, mugs, calendars, postcards, mouse pads or any other items incorporating the image in an essential manner, intended to be sold are considered redistribution (if the image is used in an essential manner). The use of A images for these purposes under the regular Royalty Free license is not permitted. It is also forbidden to make the image available on a website for download (as wallpapers for example), although you may use the image in a concept in as many websites as you want, for any number of clients. For Web use, you must not use the image at a width exceeding 800 pixels unless it is included in your site's design. If the image If you use the images for printed materials, the number of copies must not exceed 500,000. You may modify the images in any way required for reproduction, or include them in your own personal part of a design and manipulated accordingly, the image width can be higher than 800 pixels. Buying the high-resolution image (purchasing the license) does not transfer the copyright. You may not claim that the image is your own and you may not sell, license for use, or in any way distribute the image for reuse. We recommend that you credit the agency and the photographer when you use an image. By this you benefit the community at A, of which you are an integral part, and help increase your success as part of the community, which, by growing contributions, gains quantity and quality. Limited Royalty Free Licenses (RF-LL) for using images downloaded within the Free section of the website A offers a free section, fully searchable and constantly updated. Its use may be available to all registered users or to a specific niche of members, depending on the agency's strategy. The high resolution images downloaded from the free section may be used under the terms mentioned for the regular Royalty Free license, with a single additional restriction: the maximum amount of copies is limited to 10,000 copies. If you exceed this amount and you already purchased credits you may request to download the image under the regular RF license.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。

    Just as a person`s body ages at different rates, so does the mind. As adults advance in age, perception of sights, sounds and smells takes a bit longer, and storing new information in memory becomes more difficult. The ability to access memories quickly also gets worse. And it is sometimes harder to concentrate and maintain attention. ( ), the aging brain can create significant advantages by making use of its extensive store of knowledge and experience. The biggest trick that older people employ is to use both sides of the brain at the same time to handle tasks for which younger people depend on mainly one side. Positron-emission tomography images have shown that even when doing basic recognition or memory exercises, seniors make use of the left and right brain more extensively than those who are decades younger. Drawing on both sides of the brain gives them an advantage, even if the pure processing speed of each half of the brain is slower. ( )の中に入る適切な言葉を選んでください。 (1)In the same way (2)On top of that (3)On the other hand (4)Needless to say

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。 A society

    I’d say the government should deduct income tax and residential taxes from households that have two children in order to Put effective breaks on the birthrate problem. If it dose , they will be given more opportunities to have babies than before with less financial problem .And as to the second problem, we have to change the current situation in which the elderly are seen as a social burden in Japan and make the best use of them with respect and care as a precious grope of society. Personally I suggest a practical idea that we ask them to take care of children on the waiting list in their free times,which I think could bring about a social benefit to Japan. I ‘m sure the idea proposed among our communities will more or less make a meaningful difference on the issue.

  • call the shots について教えていただけないでしょうか?

    DVDで英語の学習をしております。 ドラマの中で、call the shots の表現が出てきました。 そこでは”(警察組織の中で)決定権をもつ”というような意味で使われていました。 調べたところ、 to be in a position of authority so that you can give orders and make decisions とありました。 この表現を使って文章を作ってみました。 call the shotsはこんな場面でも使えますか? John, thank you for asking me out. But actually, my dad always calls the shots in our family so that I am supposed to come home even weekends by 9 p.m. Can you promise to drive me home by then? お時間ありましたら、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Withdrawing to the new line was not an easy decision and the German high command struggled over it during the winter of 1916–1917. Some members wanted to take a shorter step back, to a line between Arras and Sailly, while the First and Second army commanders wanted to stay on the Somme. Generalleutnant von Fuchs on 20 January 1917 said that, Enemy superiority is so great that we are not in a position either to fix their forces in position or to prevent them from launching an offensive elsewhere. We just do not have the troops.... We cannot prevail in a second battle of the Somme with our men; they cannot achieve that any more. (20 January 1917) and that half measures were futile, retreating to the Siegfriedstellung was unavoidable.

  • in the right

    I need counsel on how to deal with a persistently creepy colleague in the arts community who styles himself my “fan.” Happily, I don’t have to see him daily, but he sends me regular (unanswered!) emails and messages that make my skin crawl. Part of the trouble is that they aren’t exactly creepy stalker emails; he is trying to make it seem like an ongoing, two-sided conversation and an appeal to our shared artistic interests—and there are people in our circle who seem fine with him. Recently, he has begun to use my professional achievements as pretexts to make contact and seems to be trying to force a response. For instance, after congratulating me in person for a promotion in a sexist way, he sent me a lengthy email explaining why he was perfectly in the right. in the rightは単にrightと言うのとは何が違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
