• ベストアンサー



  • trgovec
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2538/4879)

(1) deepest その湖はどの地点が一番深いか? 他のものと比較して一番のときは the がつきますが一つのものの条件・場所・時間による一番には the が付きません。 That lake is the deepest here.「その湖はここでは一番深い(湖だ)」 That lake is deepest here.「その湖はここが一番深い(ところだ)」


  • 英語の質問です!

    採点、訳をお願いします。 1.Because of his diligence, James is more trusted than (4) classmate. 1.few 2.else 3.other 4.any other 2.When we were told not to see that movies, we became (1) eager to see it. 1.all the most 2.much less 3.too far 4.too much 3.He insists that his robot is (2) mine. 1.superior 2.superior to 3.superior than 4.more superior than 4.You should return the book by next Monday (2). 1.the latest 2.at the latest 3.in the latest 4.for tha latest よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳に関しての質問です。

    洋書の教科書を読んでいて、以下のような設問がありました。 The surface of Lake Titicaca in Peru is at a higher altitude than top of Mt.Fuji. という文章のTorFの正誤問題なんです。 質問は正誤の答えではなく訳なんです。 私の訳は チチカカ湖の表面積は富士山の高さより高い。 なんか、単位が違くって答えられないんです。 どなたかご教授願います。

  • この英訳は正しいでしょうか

    次の和文の英訳が正しいかどうか見ていただきたいです。直したほうがよければ、添削をお願いします。 和文 「少なくともカナダで吸う空気の新鮮さは、日本のそれを勝るだろう。」 英訳 「At least, the freshness of the air you breathe in Canada is superior than that in Japan.」 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語(比較の応用)で分からない問題があるので教えて下さい!!

    英語(比較の応用)で分からない問題があるので教えて下さい!! 次の英文を日本語に訳せ。 (1)Dick does at least three times as much work as you do. (2)He couldn't move any more,for he walked too long. (3)As we went up higher,the air became thinner and thinner. (4)Nothing travels faster than light. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に敵語を入れよ (1)Lake Biwa is the biggest lake in Japan. ( ) ( ) lake in Japan is so big as lake Biwa. (2)The Shinano is longer than any other river in Japan. The Shinano is the longest of ( )( ) rivers in Japan. (3)Mike did his best. Mike did ( ) much ( ) he could. (4)Lucy liked apples better than pears in her childhood. Lucy ( ) apples ( )pears when she was a child. (5)This bridge is ten yards longer than that one. That bridge is ( ) than this one ( )ten yards. (6)This lake is among the most beautiful in the country. This is ( ) of the most beautiful ( ) in the country. 日本文の意味を表す英文になるように〔 〕内の語を並べよ。 (1)最善をつくさないと君たちは試合に勝てないよ。 〔best, do, game, or, the, win, won't, you, your, (,).〕 次の文を英語に訳せ。 (1)テレビゲームを一日二時間以上すべきではない。 (2)先月は普段よりたくさん雪が降った。 この問題です((汗 全部じゃなくても全然良いので 分かる方は教えて下さい!!!! よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英語(比較の応用)で分からない問題があるので教えて下さい!!

    英語(比較の応用)で分からない問題があるので教えて下さい!! 次の英文を日本語に訳せ。 (1)Dick does at least three times as much work as you do. (2)He couldn't move any more,for he walked too long. (3)As we went up higher,the air became thinner and thinner. (4)Nothing travels faster than light. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に敵語を入れよ (1)Lake Biwa is the biggest lake in Japan. ( ) ( ) lake in Japan is so big as lake Biwa. (2)The Shinano is longer than any other river in Japan. The Shinano is the longest of ( )( ) rivers in Japan. (3)Mike did his best. Mike did ( ) much ( ) he could. (4)Lucy liked apples better than pears in her childhood. Lucy ( ) apples ( )pears when she was a child. (5)This bridge is ten yards longer than that one. That bridge is ( ) than this one ( )ten yards. (6)This lake is among the most beautiful in the country. This is ( ) of the most beautiful ( ) in the country. 日本文の意味を表す英文になるように〔 〕内の語を並べよ。 (1)最善をつくさないと君たちは試合に勝てないよ。 〔best, do, game, or, the, win, won't, you, your, (,).〕 次の文を英語に訳せ。 (1)テレビゲームを一日二時間以上すべきではない。 (2)先月は普段よりたくさん雪が降った。 この問題です((汗 全部じゃなくても全然良いので 分かる方は教えて下さい!!!! よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • very と more の使い分け お願いします

    ( )内から適語を選べ、という問題です。 I'm (much, more, most, very) interested in history than she is. 自分は very にしたのですが、答えは more でした。 なぜ very にしたのか自分でも説明はできないのですが(なんとなくそう思ったので)。 なぜ more が正解なのでしょう。理由があったら教えてください。 もう一つの問題では very を使っています。 「そのニュースに非常に驚いているんだ」 We (are) (very) (surprised) (at) the news. なぜ、したの文では very で上の文では more なのでしょうか。 使い分けが分からないので教えていただけると助かります。

  • よろしくお願いします

    My parents live fairly close, but my brother and family are a plane ride away. They will be up at my parents' house in a few days. My husband has limits to how much time he can spend with my family -- really with anyone, as he is very introverted -- and I respect that by not "forcing" him to join in anything or spend more time at my parents' house than is comfortable. up at my parents' houseのupの役割について教えてください。あと、than is comfortableの文法的解説をお願いします。よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳教えてください

    和訳教えてください If you've got into the way of thinking that poetry is stupid stuff, or useless, or beneath your dignity, thhen you certainly won't get much not of learning it by heart. But remember that it is a good thing to train your memory, and learning a poem is at least a much pleasanter way of training it than learning , say, twenty lines out of the telephone directory. What is more important, to learn poetry is to learn a repect for words;and without this respect for words, you will never be able to think clearly or express yourself properly. よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳

     和訳例をお願いします。  Many people (as,goes,in,learning,of,on,something,that,think) a classroom. True, we do learn much of our basic knowledge at school. I myself have spent about 20 years studying at various schools and universities. Learning, however, should not stop when one leaves the classroom. (A), the really enjoyable and interesting learning actually begins where formal education leaves off.  This sort of self-learning is very different from the learning of academics. In formal education, although we can choose our fields of study, the actual content of the lessons is always constructed by textbooks, curriculums and tests. Self-learning, on the other hand, is totally free and open. There are no boundary lines to limit or channel our interests. This means that not only can we choose from a virtually unlimited menu of subjects, but also change or redirect our learning at will.  Just to give a few examples, my own self-learning, for the moment at least, includes geology, botany, and zoology, especially entomology and marine biology. These are all topics that I have never studied formally at school, but have developed an interest in later on in life. (B), in any one of these topics, there is much more than I cnuld possibly learn in 100 life-times. The point of self-learning, however, is not to master a subject thoroughly, but to allow ones curiousity to take the lead. While in formal education or in the world of academics this approach would be frowned on, in self-learning, everything is left up to the interests of the individual.  With self-learning, I can concentrate all my efforts on the aspects that interest me most. (C), I love insects, and although I've never looked at an insect though a microscope, I thoroughly enjoy learning about how they live and how their bodies are put together. To organize my self-learning, I divided them up into several basic groups, such as dragonflies or cicadas. I also try to observe and identify a few common local species belonging to each group.  As you can see, self-learning requires no formal training. Anyone can start from nothing, anytime, anywhere. Once a field of interest or topic is developed, there is always something nearby to excite one's curiosity. 【設問】 (A)~(C) 1Needless to say 2For example 3On the contrary 以上です。

  • 英文和訳

    英文和訳の問題です。できるだけ、わかりやすい日本語を作ってみたのですが、みなさんから見て、不自然なところや、もっと洗練されたいい回しなどがありましたら、ご意見をいただければと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。  Imagine a child at age 10 needing to count on fingers to tell you whether 6 is bigger than 5. That's not as rare as you might think. Affecting some (1)2.5-7.5% of the population, the learning disability called *dyscalculia prevents people from understanding or manipulating numbers. The condition is much more than being bad at math. (注):dyscalculia 計算力障害  十歳児が、6が5よりも大きい数字かどうかを答えるために指を使わなければいけないの場面を想像してみよう。そういったことは、あなたが考えるほどまれなことではないのである。人口のおよそ2.5%~7.5%に影響を及ぼしているのだが、計算力障害と呼ばれる学習障害のために、数字を理解したり扱うことができない人たちがいる。状況は、単に数字を使うのが苦手、という段階をはるかに上回るものである。