• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

「かなりの額のストックオプション抱き合わせ契約と契約賞与を取り決める」 ストックオプションとは、自社株購入権ですね。





  • 日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。

    日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。 6月3日の昼過ぎまでによろしくお願いいたします。 (翻訳サイトなどを使用した訳はご遠慮願います) ↓↓ IN SCIENCE NEWS: A recent study has given strong evidence that all humans have a common African ancestor. The study says a common ancestor first appeared in Africa about 170,000 years ago. The study also says that humans left Africa to populate other parts of the world about 50,000 years ago. The study was done at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. Researchers looked at the DNA of 53 people from all over the world. The chief researcher of the study said looking at the DNA of each person permitted researchers to find their genetic ancestry.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    youtubeに外国人が投稿していた文章なのですが、 (大体で構いません)ので、翻訳してもらえないでしょうか。 ピリオドがないのですが、どの辺りできれているかとか わかりますか? though even on THAT level... the race riots years ago and the recent issues with Indian students might point out the issue that all first generation people in every country where the majority is of a different culture/colour/ etc will never fit in 100%... only 2nd generation kids have the chance for that... and even so there will always be people who treat you diffrently because of your apearence.. in EVERY country それと、 「gentlemen tips」という投稿もあったのですが、 これは何の意味なのでしょうか? 辞書を引いてもわかりませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語

    1My hometown (ago,very different,from,it,thirty,is,was,what,years). 2She is (deserves,only,respect,from,such,the,that,writer,us). 3Most (a little,and,contain,fat,fish,Japanese,meat,prefer,that). 4There are many things (worth,be,whose,cannot,expressed)in terms of money. 5All the (the Earth,heat,and,life,makes,that,possible,warms,comes from) nuclear energy at the center of the Sun. 6All the gallery (that,has,not,many,art lovers,paintings,should) miss. 7All the students (studying abroad,interested in,attend,should,next week meetings,who are). 8Would you be interested in (do you/know/having a puppy/of anyone/or/who might be)? 良く分からなかった整序問題です。 4,5,6辺りの訳も付けて頂けると助かります。

  • 英語のエッセイで困っています。

    このようなエッセイを大学の課題で作成しました。内容はともかく、文法の間違い、意味が通じない等ございましたら、訂正、指摘お願いいたします。 The fragrance of the trees evokes hometown. I come back hometown once a year. There are some differences between hometown I used to live in and the city I live in now, for example, population, air, scene, and so on. There is something the most different between the two. It is the fragrance. Fragrance is closely connected with memory. This fact was discovered in the past. It is called "Involuntary memory". It is a conception of human memory in which cues encountered in life evoke recollections of the past without conscious effort. Involuntary memory is a concept made famous by the writer Marcel Proust in his novel "In Serch of Lost Time", although the idea was also developed in his earlier writings. In this connection, It is called " Proust effect", too. For example, when you feel the fragrance of a detergent, you probably remember that you had a good time with your mother. Even if I live separated from my hometown, when I feel the fragrance of the trees from my desk or my pencil around me, the fragrance calls up the memory of hometown. I enjoy my reminiscences of childhood. There are many memories. The impression I got from that occasion remains vivid. Tears come to my eyes when I think of those days. I neglected my studies and spends my time having fun. The scent of the trees wafted itself around the playground every day. By the way, in the city, is there no scent which recalls past life? Of course, I can feel much fragrance there. However, the fragrance in the city, for instance, exhaust gas or concrete, don't make a vivid impression on me. The fragrance in the country seems to be more deeply impressed on me rather than that in the city. Furthermore, in my opinion, The fragrance in hometown is the scent which I sniffed in childhood. In short,that is the first experience. So this scense seemes to be deeply engraved on my mind for a long time. Thus, the fragrance of the trees evokes my life in childhood. It is very happy to remember the memories in hometown. Recently,however, the trees are leveled to make way for the land development in hometown. So when I came back to hometown before, the scent of the trees is almost disappeared. And playground changed into a residential area five years ago. Mountains which I would often climb in summer vacation are likely to be destroyed to build a golf course. "What fragrance evoke your hometown ?" Maybe you don't know how to reply when asked something like that out of the blue. I think it is natural. But someone who is alive 100 years later may answer like this. "The fragrance of the concrete and plastic"

  • 大至急お願い致します!課題の意味が全く分かりません

    1. Context and Divorce Rates Each person belongs to at least three groups - a cohort, a culture, and a socioeconomic group - that tend to guide his or her life path by influencing the context in which development occurs. To highlight the impact of context on development, consider a Census Bureau study that tracked tens of thousands of families over two-year periods between 1983 and 1988. The study found that married couples below the federal poverty line separated or divorced nearly twice as often (one out of seven) as those above the poverty line (one out of thirteen). African American families were hardest hit by low socioeconomic status, as 1 out of 5 African American couples split up during the study, compared to 1 out of 8 white couples and 1 out of 9 Hispanic couples. "It appears that stresses arising from low income and poverty may have contributed substantially to breakups of parents," said the study's senior author, Donald Hernandez. The Census Bureau study also found that when a marriage breaks up, three times out of four a mother and her children who formerly were above the poverty line, fall below it. In 1970, 90% of households consisted of both biological parents and their children; by 1990, that number had dropped to 75%. Another good example of the impact of context on development concerns the consequences of divorce on the children's later marriages. A recent study reports that children of divorced parents are less likely to divorce than their counterparts one generation ago. Before 1975, children from divorced families were 2.5 times more likely to divorce than their counterparts from intact families; by 1996, this rate had dropped to 1.4. A final example of the impact of context on development is the strong association between marital status and nearly any measure of health, including mortality rates. And examination of age-adjusted death rates shows that adults who never married have the highest death rate, followed by those widowed, divorced, and married. Those never married have a 79% higher mortality rate than those widowed or divorced, and 2.2 times the mortality rate of those who are currently married. Adults who are widowed or divorced have age-adjusted death rates that are 86% and 78% higher, respectively, than for those who were married at the time of their death. In your report to me, address each of these issues: 1.All of these examples are correlations. Discuss each of these examples in terms of the risks associated with drawing causal conclusions from correlational data. 2.Explain the context effects that may account for the differences described in each example. That is, what factors from the environment might have contributed to the behavior being described? 3.In each case, the researchers were trying to find a single causation for a multiply-caused effect. Identify the evidence for that. 4.In the first and fourth examples, the researchers controlled for at least one other variable besides the one of interest. Identify the variable(s) in each of those examples. 2. Estimating the Effect of Test Error: The Base-rate Fallacy Begin by reading these two articles, which constitute a series about probabilistic reasoning: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=why-our-brains-do-not-intuitively-grasp-probabilities http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-randomness-rules-our-world Now, apply your knowledge from these articles and from Chapter 10 of the text. Although a 70 percent rate of accuracy for the polygraph may sound pretty good, the text shows that it is not. For example, if 5 percent of 1000 employees are guilty of misconduct, and all are given the test, 285 innocent employees will be wrongly accused. Please avoid the base-rate fallacy while considering the following example: In your report to me: Explain your reasoning and tie your discussion to evidence from the text and the articles about probabilistic reasoning.

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    As baby boomers have more time, they will spend their money. It is estimated that they have huge savings which will get even bigger as they receive retirement bonuses. This should bring benefits to certain industries, such as the travel business. It should also mean good business for the health care industry because old people tend to have more medical problems. Nursing is said to be one of the boom industries in Japan's future. 和訳 ベビーブーマーはより多くの時間を持っているので、お金を使います。彼らは退職慰労金を受け取るので、さらに膨れ上がるであろうものすごい額の貯蓄をもっているものと推測されています。このことは、例えば旅行業といったある種の産業には利益をもたらすはずです。年配者はより多くの医学的問題をかかえる傾向にあるので、医療産業にとってよいビジネスであることも物語るはずです。介護は日本の将来における急成長産業の一つと言われています。

  • 新聞記事の和訳をお願いします!

    ワシントンポストの記事なんですが和訳をお願いしたいです。 American politicians who really care about climate change -- I'm assuming this includes our president, as well as a majority in Congress -- should skip the summits and instead ask themselves why the oil and gas prices that started rising a couple of years ago (creating a boom in alternative-energy research) have once again dropped to an artificial low. Why artificial? Because the price of fossil fuels has never reflected their true cost, either environmental or political. It doesn't reflect the cost of the U.S. military presence in the Middle East. It doesn't reflect the cost of treating asthma. And it certainly doesn't reflect the cost of rescuing bits of the coast of Florida that will be submerged by rising sea levels. Raise the taxes on fossil fuels to reflect those costs, and Pickens's project, along with many others, will once again be viable. 長いですがお願いします・・・ 小分けにして訳をくださるのもありがたいです!

  • 選択を見抜く(2)

    続きです。 (1)The authors then closed the phylogenetic circle by showing that the mutation is also associated with an increased number of eccrine sweat glands in a population of Han Chinese. Thus, the phenotypic effect of an adaptive human variant that arose around 30,000 years ago was explored, confirmed and extended to a species whose most recent common ancestor with humans was 3,000 times older than this. 著者らはその後、ハンチャイニーズの母集団で外分泌船の数が増加したことに関連した遺伝子変異を示したことにより形態学的循環を閉じたものにした。したがって、この3000年前に生じた適合型ヒト変異の表現型の効果がこれよりも3000倍も前に共通の祖先から派生したことが調べられ確かめられ、広まった。 (2)Genetically altered mice are a powerful experimental tool, but the extent to which recent positive selection in humans acts on pathways and amino-acid residues that have been conserved across mammalian evolution is uncertain. More importantly, it is often not clear how to investigate positively selected genomic regions for which the target gene, let alone its action, is unknown. 遺伝子的に変異を持ったマウスは強力な実験の道具として用いることができるが、ヒトでの近年の可能性のある選択の波及が哺乳類の進化を超えて保存されてきた経路とアミノ酸残差によって作用されてきたかどうかを調べることは出来ない。さらに重要なことは、これがしばし、作用の解明はおろか、どのようにして標的遺伝子の可能性のある淘汰された遺伝子領域を調べるかについての明確なものすらわかっていない。

  • 和訳お願いします

    In principle, burning biofuels merely releases the carbon the crops accumulated when growing. Even when you take into account the energy costs of harvesting, refining and transporting the fuel, they produce less net carbon than petroleum products. The law the British government passed a fortnight ago - by 2010, 5% of our road transport fuel must come from crops - will, it claims, save between 700,000 and 800,000 tonnes of carbon a year. It derives this figure by framing the question carefully. If you count only the immediate carbon costs of planting and processing biofuels, they appear to reduce greenhouse gases. When you look at the total impacts, you find they cause more warming than petroleum. A recent study by the Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen shows that the official estimates have ignored the contribution of nitrogen fertilisers. They generate a greenhouse gas - nitrous oxide - that is 296 times as powerful as CO2. These emissions alone ensure that ethanol from maize causes between 0.9 and 1.5 times as much warming as petrol, while rapeseed oil (the source of more than 80% of the world's biodiesel) generates 1-1.7 times the impact of diesel. This is before you account for the changes in land use. A paper published in the journal Science three months ago suggests that protecting uncultivated land saves, over 30 years, between two and nine times the carbon emissions you might avoid by ploughing it and planting biofuels. Last year the research group LMC International estimated that if the British and European target of a 5% contribution from biofuels were to be adopted by the rest of the world, the global acreage of cultivated land would expand by 15%. That means the end of most tropical forests. It might also cause runaway climate change.

  • 文章の意味がわからない

    「Staggering students has been used in many countries to reduce overcrowding, including Japan and Australia.」 日本でも行われてるって、どうゆう意味なんでしょうか? NYTの記事から In Ghana, Free High School Brings Opportunity and Grumbling https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/15/world/africa/ghana-free-senior-high-school-brings-chaos.html At dawn on a recent Tuesday, 18-year-old Jane Newornu pulled on her blue gingham school uniform, stuffed her books into her knapsack and grabbed a banana as she ran off to school. Her twin sister, Jennifer, still in her pajamas, watched with a pang of envy. Instead of going to class, Jennifer was staying home from school on a two-month hiatus mandated by the government. The twins, like all high school students in Ghana, now must take turns. The problem is the result of the tumultuous rollout of a new government program, intended to expand access to free secondary education. When President Nana Akufo-Addo took office in 2017, he made good on one of his chief campaign promises: tuition-free high school for all. It was part of a broader effort to make Ghana internationally competitive in educational standards, agriculture, tourism and more. But the program has proved so popular — 430,000 students are enrolled this school year, up from 308,000 in 2016, according to the education ministry — that demand has overwhelmed capacity. “We want parents to see education as what can transform this nation,” said Yaw Osei Adutwum, deputy minister for education. “And therefore, even if they have to make some sacrifices, it’s worth it.” ここから注目 Staggering students has been used in many countries to reduce overcrowding, including Japan and Australia. Ghana’s idea was inspired by California, according to Dr. Adutwum, who ran a network of charter schools before being appointed deputy education minister in 2017. Starting in the 1970s, some school districts in California adopted a multitrack system after a boom in the student population.