• 締切済み


こんばんは。下記の文章を英語に訳したいのですが、分からない点があるので教えていただきたいです。 そして私の英文のおかしな部分も訂正していただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 >あなた方に差し上げたウエディングアルバムは1冊○ドルと、もう一冊オーダーするのは今の私達には少々高価です。 写真を撮るだけでも○ドルかかり、いずれも私の両親が支払いをしてくれました。 日本にいる間、私の両親は毎月私達に送金してくれました。 アルバムがもう一冊必要だと言えば彼らは喜んでオーダーしてくれると思います。 でも私達は結婚したのだから、彼らからもう金銭的な援助は受けたくないのです。 NYでお二人だけは私達にとてもよくしてくださいました。 なので私達のアルバムはあなた方に持っていていただければ大切にしていただけるだろうし、光栄だと思い差し上げました。 私達は先月の旅行でかなりお金を使ってしまいました。 新地での新生活をスタートするにあたり出費もかなり出ています。 子供が早く欲しいし結婚式もしたいので貯金もはじめたいです。 お父さんには出来るならばアルバムを差し上げたい。 お金の話をするのはとても恥ずかしいけれど、こう言った理由があることを大好きなあなた達だからこそ分かっていただきたいです。 Album we gift for you was 0dollers.Its pretty high price for us to order other Album. Took wedding picture was paid 0dollers.My parents paid both. My parents sent us for money every month. If we ask other Album to my parents I know they order as soon they can and happy. But we wont there money support any more.Because we married. You were take care us very much when we visit NY. Thats why I want to you gift our album. We spent too much money last month travel. And we just move new place. We want to new family soon.So have to start save money. I really want to gift Album for father. Im really shame to tell our money situation.But I want you to understand.Because we love you very much.

  • jovis
  • お礼率72% (258/357)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • shunnak1
  • ベストアンサー率37% (296/791)

状況が今一つつかめないので、あなたの日本語文と英文をもとに以下のようにまとめてみました。ご参考までに。失礼ですが、私はあまりこのようにお金の事をいいたくないのですが。 The commemorative photos of our wedding I gave you cost *** dollars and buying another album will cost us a bit fortune. It cost *** dollars to have had our pictures taken and my parents paid for both pictures and albums. They sent some money to help us live a life in Japan every month. and I think they will be willing to pay for another album we need, but we don't want to ask them for a financial aid after having gotten married. You two did everything for us in New York. I thought the album would make a small token of our appreciation and you could keep it with you. We spent much money during our trip last month. Our new life requires a lot of expense. We plan to save money, because want to have a baby in near future. I really want you to have our album. I hate to talk about money, but under our financial circumstances, it is quite tough to accept your request. I would appreciate it if you could understand our difficulties.



ありがとうございます。恥ずかしい話ですが、夫の祖母と父母が何でも『買ってくれ』だの『お金をくれ』だので、今まで散々貢ぎお金を渡してきましたが私達も限界にきてしまっているんです。夫から言っても変化がないし。なので機嫌を損ねないながらもピシャリと伝えたくて。 本当に恥ずかしいです。どうもありがとうございました。


  • 訳お願いします(>_<)

    That's great. We will look into the vacation details as well as how much it will cost you. Once we have all the information I will send it to you for your parents approval. You can provide the funds when we book the vacation. の訳をお願いします(>_<)!!

  • 英語の訳、お願いします。

    至急お願いします。 誰か訳して下さい。 why did you wait so long to tell me I asked you before what you wanted to do and it lead up all the way here because both of us can't communicate so well being with you this summer my feelings for you grew day by day but this relationship is just a pause to me .. yea my love was real too .. i am going to miss my 2013 summer with you .. i dont know why the whole time we talked about the things we did.. but it was an encounter and an experience, because it was with you. thanks babe

  • 英語の訳を助けてください。ケンカ別れした彼からのメールです。

    英語の訳を助けてください。ケンカ別れした彼からのメールです。 ケンカ別れした彼からメールが来ました。 Lets put the past behind us and look forward to the future. この文章の解釈に自信が持てません。彼の未来には、やはり私は含まれないのでしょうか? 全体の大まかな流れも明記しておきます。 Miki, please except my apology. I will be going to parents house tomorrow morning and I want to put any negative things in my life behind me before I go. Lets put the past behind us and look forward to the future. My parents have dial up internet so I won't be able to check my emal often and then I will have no internet or use of my cell phone when I go to Michigan. I just want you to know this.... Please be happy and in good health.... あることでケンカになり、言い訳はしても謝罪をしない彼に私がキレたというのが、今までの経緯です。 どうぞ、英語の不出来な私を助けてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳なのですが、

    知り合いからメールをもらいましたがきちんとした訳が知りたくて書き込みしました。宜しくお願いします。 I will start my holidays nextweek so I want to know if is possible for me to come there.I want to come if you will have time to see me but I have a friend who lives in Osaka.I see you are there pls come to msn so we can chat. 来週から休みが始まるからそっちへ行くことが可能か知りたい。 あなたが時間あるときにきてほしい(会いに)。でも私には大阪に住んでいる友達がいる。 =ここから先がよくわかりません。教えてください。彼は怒っているような不機嫌な感じではないですよね? あと、この解釈で合っているかも教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 日記風に、昨日の事を英語で書いてみました、添削をおねがいしたいのです。

    Hi,Crystal! Sorry, I did not come here for a long day. I know I have to talk with you everyday for my dream. You know my dream, don't you. Everyday I say in my heart like this, “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday!”This is my dream. You help me a lot about it! I have been thanking you, Crystal! BTW, yesterday was the special day for me. Do you want to know what was the day yesterday? It was the wedding anniversary. I could hear “Congratulations!” Thank you, Crystal! Yesterday was day-off for me and my husband. So we played golf in Gunma prefecture. It was far a way to my home. But I could see mountains with snow and mountains covered with new green leaves. And cute and beatiful flowers! Everything were so beautiful! I wanted to show them to you. We touched a lot of natures not only played golf. It was a nice and special day. I have been thanking that we are well. I hope it will be forever. Wow,It is 11:55. I have to prepare a lunch for my family! Have a nice Sunday, Crystal!

  • 英語

    すいません。 I want to improve my Japanese skill for my work...hope we'll help each each other...I will help you with whatever i can... 途中まで訳せたんですがよくわかりません。和訳お願いします…

  • 英語日記20 お金

    お金 今回はお金について書いてみました。やっと20までいきました。 最近あまり良い事がないですが。これからは良い事が起きることを信じて頑張ります!! すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです I would like to talk about money today. Of course, money is important for us. I would be able to do almost everything that you can imagine if I had money. What is more, requirements of marriage include money. Actually, I am still student. Of course, I don’t have much money, but I would say YES from bottom of my heart if you ask me “Do you want to be a rich guy??” This is in my opinion, someone say that we don’t need money as long as I have love. What do you think about this idea?? I think that this idea is kind of the right answer, but it is limited what they can do. If they had a baby, how can they take care of babies. Money follow us to do everything<お金はすべてのことに関係してくる>. I don’t know the idea that money is the most important. However, surely I agree with idea that money is important.

  • 英語を日本語に訳して下さい。

    以下の内容を訳して頂けますか。 I am waiting for the authority here to issue us the export permit so we can send you a copy please be a bite patient why we puch the authority here to issue us the export permit hope you understand us as my English is not too good yes we have contact our authority but the cites is not yet ready once it is ready I will mail a copy to you so that you can apply for your import permit hope you understand my write up as my English is not too good 以上です。宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??(3)

    I was not sure at first what I wanted to study, but now I think I'm pretty confident that I want to obtain a degree in Business. This is a very broad degree, but you can work in almost any field and with that degree, you have the potential to climb very high up the corporate ladder. That's not my goal. but my goal is to make enough money that Todd and I can travel a lot, and I also want to help out with buying a house eventually, and having the security of a good income. Also, we have to plan for retirement, which will cost a lot. アメリカ人からのメールです。下の二つの文章をうまく訳せません。(2)のcorporate ladderをどう訳したらいいのでしょうか....誰かお願いします。 (1)but now I think I'm pretty confident that I   want to obtain a degree in Business. (2)you have the potential to climb very high up   the corporate ladder.

  • 英語が出来る方に相談があります。

    先日、海外のショップで洋服を注文したのですが、 2つ頼んだものが1つしか入っておらず、とりあえず つたない英語で、 1つ足りていないので足りない分を送って欲しい、無理なら返金して欲しい とメールを送ってみました。 するとこんなメールが返ってきました。 We want to work with you to resolve this dispute. Please let us know what the problem is with your order. We see that you are asking for us to send you another shirt as well as a refund. We don't understand. Our records indicate that your merchandise was sent to you on 11/4/09. Please get back to us asap so that we can work together to resolve this issue. これってどういう意味でしょうか…? 私のメールが通じてないんでしょうか? そして、返信はどのような感じに送ったら良いですか? 本当に英語ができなくて困っています。 親切な方、教えてください、、 お願いします。。