• ベストアンサー

roll across の意味を教えてください

 ある馬の調教中の一場面です。  him,hisはここでは馬のことです。  Tom worked him in circles,stepping in close and turning him,making him roll his hindquaters across. 訳文(一部省略)  「後半身を回転させ云々」とあります。  回転させるだけならrollだけで良いと思うのですが、acrossが付いているのは[360度ぐるっと」という意味を表すためですか?  私の辞書に適語が見当たりません。  因みに、45度回転させるはなんと言いますか。  併せてお尋ねします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー

ここで,hindquarters は馬の後半身ですが,roll は回転でも,360度とか45度とか数学的(または幾何学的)なことを言っているわけでなく,単に水平面(地面)で馬を回しているだけに思われます.across の意味合いですが,上から馬の胴体の全体を見た場合に,馬の後半身に関して,狭い範囲での水平面での回転(多少は無理して)のために胴体の全体が「くの字」状になって動いている様が感じられます.つまり,通常の直線的な胴体に後半身が曲がって交差するような形です. 以上は私の感覚的な解釈です.もちろん翻訳がこれを短く表現できるかは困難ですから,「後半身を回転させ」というのも「有り」でしょうね.翻訳というのは,辞書に無い言葉や表現をよく創り出します. ご存知のように,回転には回転軸があります.この場合の軸は垂直であって水平ではないでしょう. 述べたように,45度とか数学的な表現は,それなりにありますが,ここでは生き物の動きなのですから,不適当でしょう.それとも,この一文が数学の問題の表現であるとするなら,また話は別です.



有難うございます よくわかりました あらためて翻訳の難しさを痛感しております

その他の回答 (1)

  • joshsan
  • ベストアンサー率39% (116/293)

roll は水平軸を中心とする回転です。船や飛行機などが、左右に傾くのもrollと表現します。人や動物などの場合は、寝そべったまま左右にごろごろ回転する様を表す時に使われます。 ここでは馬が寝ているわけではないので、船や飛行機がrollするイメージだと思います。つまり、馬が腰をひねる様にして、後肢を横にステップさせながら、180度向きをかえる(= turn)様子を表現しているのだと思います。across は to the other side であり、turnする時に後肢が交差する様子ではないでしょうか。 >因みに、45度回転させるはなんと言いますか。 turn 45 degree



有難うございます 外国語を自国語を読むように理解する事の困難さを あらためて痛感しております


  • 意味を教えてください

    We closed Tom's account and opened another one, putting cash in it for him and trying to pay down some of his bills to keep him from losing utilities. pay down some of his billsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I got involved with who I thought was a great guy. He lived in a different city but worked often in mine. We had great chemistry, great times together, and I was honestly falling in love with him until I discovered he was a lying, cheating dirtbag. He left his “family” cellphone out to charge. The screen picture was him with his wife and kids. He left his “family” cellphone out to charge.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I have been dating a wonderful guy for several years. He is a great partner, handsome, hard-working, and he cares a great deal about making me happy. My parents love him, too. I recently learned that his small business is paying several employees under the table, at the employees’ request. This has left me feeling confused and upset. I believed that he was a pretty ethical person, and, in his mind, he is doing a favor to his employees. In my mind, he is risking the company that he has worked so hard to build. paying several employees under the tableはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語を教えてください

    (1)各文中に誤りがあればなおしなさい。 ①Some balls hit him in his back in the snowball fight. ②The manager and player of the baseball team is well spoken of by his teammates(isは変更しない) (2)次の各文中の適当な位置1箇所にtheをいれなさい ①Queen Elizabeth 2 is sailing across the Atlantic. ②Workers in the factory are paid by four. この4問を出来れば理由もつけてお願いしたいです。

  • 同じ意味の文

    こんにちは。 2文をほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れる問いで、調べながら解いていたのですが、次の6つの問いが解くことができませんでした・・。どのような文法、連語で解けばいいのか分からないのですが、ヒントでもかまいませんので分かる方いらっしゃいましたら御願い致します。 1.We can go to Paris in a day by plane. = Flying ( ) us to go to Paris in a day. 2.He is a person who works hard. = He is a hard ( ). 3.I don't know her at all. = She is a complete ( ) to ( ). 4.As he was poor, he couldn't go to the university. = His ( ) prevented him ( from? ) going to the university. 5.There is no hope that he will recover. = There is no hope of his ( ). 6.She used to get uo early when she was young. = She was an early ( ) in her ( ).

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I suffer from very severe clinical depression and anxiety disorder. I am under a doctor’s care, but I still have times when these issues overwhelm me. Recently, my life has been more stressful than usual. I have tried to talk to my husband about my depression in the past, but he just tells me that I have a good life and I shouldn’t feel that way. I told him I don’t feel like I can talk to him about what is going on with me because of these responses. He assures me he is my biggest supporter and I can talk to him about anything. This past weekend I told my husband I was feeling very depressed, and his response was to roll his eyes and say, “What’s wrong with you now?” I told him again that these reactions are why I don’t feel like I can actually talk to him. His response was to get angry with me because I refuse to realize how good I have it. how good I have itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • arrest in absence?

    以下はWikileaks創立者の逮捕に関するニュースからの引用です。 arrest in his absence というのはどういう意味でしょうか? 逮捕状を発行するのではなく、彼不在のまま既に逮捕したということなのでしょうか? The court also ordered Assange arrested in his absence, which requires Swedish authorities anywhere in the world to detain Assange if they come across him. Sweden's director of prosecutions, Marianne Ny, had requested the arrest in absence. http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/11/18/sweden.wikileaks.assange/index.html

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? Tschinkel first encountered fairy circles in 2005 on a vacation to the NamibRand Nature Reserve, a private nature park dedicated to conserving the local ecology and wildlife in southwestern Namibia, where his local guide introduced him to the strange land forms. “I looked at them and said, ‘Obviously, they’re caused by termites,’ ” he recalls. Perhaps the insects were killing the grass from below, or maybe they were giving off gases that were poisoning the vegetation. But when he and his wife returned to the region in 2007 and excavated a handful of fairy circles, they found no evidence of termites. Other experiments ― adding essential nutrients such as zinc to the fairy circles or replacing the soil inside the circles with the soil from outside the circles ― didn’t cause the vegetation to grow back, suggesting the formations are not the result of a lack of nutrients.So Tschinkel turned to satellite images. By comparing photos taken over a 4-year period, he confirmed something other scientists had suspected: The circles were alive ― or at least they were dynamic. A number of circles appeared and disappeared over this time period. Extrapolating from the data, Tschinkel calculated that most smaller circles arise and vanish every 24 years, whereas larger circles last up to 75 years. Overall, the lifespan averaged 41 years.

  • Would that he had.の意味は?

    ある本を今読んでいますが、その中で分からない部分があります。 He took away his son, and that was the last XXX had heard of JJJ, even though, in the years following,he made a number of his own discreet inquiries to try to determine what had happened. Finally word came that the boy had died. Sitting across from him, XXX couldn't help thinking, Would that he had. The buzzing in XXX's ears, ......... XXXとJJJは人の名前です。 "Would that he had." は斜体フォントになっています。 質問は次の三つです。 1."Would that he had."の解釈。 2.何故、"Would"がここで大文字のWになっているのか。 3.何故、"Would that he had."が斜体フォントになっているのか。 難しいと思いますが、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳お願い致します。英語の意味が全く分かりません。

    the fall winter collection of Liberty is freely inspired by a public figure from the last century, Mohammed Ali Jinnah. An indian historical figure who lived across the 1st half of the 20th century and considered to be the founder of Pakistan. Although originally from Indian he studied in Oxford and worked in London as a lawyer, after which he returned to Indiaand started his political career. England greatly influenced his personal preferences, particularly when it came to dress. Jinnah wore mainly western style clothing , and pursued menswear fashion with fervor. It is said he owned over 200hand-tailored suits which he wore the same silk tie twice. His wardrobe was a sophisticated mix of various elements, as the travel between east was a constant throughout his life. この文章ですが、洋服屋さんで頂いたパンフレットに書かれていた言葉なのですが全く意味が分かりません。辞書を引いてみたのですが、私には文章が難しすぎます。 和訳できる方、申し訳ないですがご協力お願いしたいです。