• ベストアンサー

St Mary's hospital


  • pius
  • ベストアンサー率38% (73/191)

私も違う病院であると思います。 >St Mary's hospital in London confirmed that it is undertaking the second trial. itが指すものがher hospitalと考えるのが自然でしょう。 「聖メアリー病院は、彼女の病院が二回目の実験に取り掛かったことを確認した。」 理由としては、 1、She also asked for her hospital not to be named … の文章で、彼女の病院が聖メアリー病院ならShe also asked for St Mary's hospital where she works…のような書き方をするはずです。 2、なぜSt Mary's hospitalが突然のように出てきたか?この病院のホームぺージを見る限り、流産に関してはかなり専門的な病院らしいので、その病院が他の病院で「人工中絶に関してこういう実験している」と言う情報を確認した。という解釈が出来るからです。(大抵、専門情報は専門的な機関が抑えますので) 以上の2点より違う病院であると判断します。



ご回答をありがとうございます。 「私も違う病院であると思います」という結論には心強く思います。 さて、ご指摘いただいた点: 「>St Mary's hospital in London confirmed that it is undertaking the second trial. itが指すものがher hospitalと考えるのが自然でしょう。」 の部分はご指摘のとおりなのでしょうか?私自身はご指摘いただくまでは  it ⇒ St Mary's hospital  と読んでいました。 この点は最新のご回答欄の「補足」で皆さんに追加質問してみます。


  • askに関して。

    Ms Butler stressed that the results were preliminary and were now being officially evaluated. She also asked for her hospital not to be named for fear of reprisal attacks from pro-life campaigners. St Mary's hospital in London confirmed that it is undertaking the second trial. 2番目のセンテンスがどーしてもわからないんですが。二番目の解釈は「中絶反対者からの病院への誹謗中傷が向けられないように、病院がわに病院の名前をさしひかえるように頼む」って感じなんでしょうか?でも、3番目のセンテンスで、めっちゃ病院名が公表されてますけども。。と思うんですが。解釈がまちがってるんでしょうか? あと。 ask for 人 to do 人が~するように頼む。と訳すと聞いたんですが。 ask 人 to do と何がちがうんでしょうか?むしろ辞書だと後者をつかってるんですが。前者の使い方はのってません。前者はあくまでaskの目的語としてto do であり。to doの主語としてfor 人ってことなんでしょうか? すいませんお願いします!

  • 次の和訳をお願いします。

    次の和訳をお願いします。 1… using floweres to send messages was out of fashion in the late 19th century. 2… the accused,who were on trial for the massacre,were found guilty.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The new system was used to calculate losses since August 1914, which took several months but the system had become established by February 1916. The états numériques des pertes were used to calculate casualty figures published in the Journal Officiel, the French Official History and other publications. The German armies compiled Verlustlisten every ten days, which were published by the Reichsarchiv in the deutsches Jahrbuch of 1924–1925. German medical units kept detailed records of medical treatment at the front and in hospital and in 1923, the Zentral Nachweiseamt published an amended edition of the lists produced during the war, incorporating medical service data not in the Verlustlisten. Monthly figures of wounded and ill servicemen that were treated were published in 1934 in the Sanitätsbericht.

  • 第二文型の「S=C」について

    英作文の例文集を読んでいて、疑問点がありましたので質問させて頂きます。 One of the advantages of living in Japan is that it is safe. という文が 「日本に住む利点の一つは治安の良さです。」 の例として挙げられていました。 そこで 「it is safe」なのですが、 itがJapanを指しているのは分かるのですが、 なぜ「safety」ではなく「safe」とするのが分かりません。 この場合、第二文型だから(というのはあまり関係無いのかもしれませんが)、 S=Cということで、it(Japan) is safety(名詞)であり、 safe(形容詞)がくるのはおかしい気がしました。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The women, who were hired by Bernays, had lighted cigarettes, or "torches of freedom," in their hands and were demanding equality with their male-smoker counterparts. It was all an act, but it was one that many people saw and read about. この1文をどうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳してください。

    And much of the lifestyle of "affluence" that we associate with that era rested on the employment of women who, in the past, had not held jobs and who were now reflecting both the economic pressures of their society and the social pressures of a culture that offered no sanction for sex quality or a life of independence and free choice for women. 少し長いのですがこちらの文を訳して欲しいです。 ・女性の雇用には経済的圧力、経済的圧力の両方が反映していた。 ・そして、文化の社会的圧力 ・女性のために自由と独立した生活を与えた。 わかる範囲で訳してみました。 だいぶ違うと思うので、わかる方訳して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 教えて下さい

    The subjects of this study were 30 patients who were hospitalized with hemiplegia resulting from stroke in the B rehabilitation hospital, located in Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi-do この研究の対象はBリハビリテーション病院(華城市にある)で脳卒中から生じている半身不随で入院した30人の患者でした。 というのは分かるのですが、最後のGyeonggi-doとはなんですか?

  • チェックお願いします!

    Sera who is the main character in '物語のタイトル' went out of house forever, leaving her husband and children there,while most women in that period wanted to but were afraid to do this. このセンテンスは文法的にあってますか? 上手く和訳出来ないのですが、 ”その時代のほとんどの女性が家を出ることを望んでいるが、ためらっているのに、この物語の主人公セーラは、永遠に家から出て行きました。” みたいな意味にしたいのですが。 お願いしますっ!

  • 英文で訳してほしいところがあります。

    英文で訳してほしいところがあります。 Yet even if none is elected, women are now confident of transforming the politics of the conservative, American-backed oil-rich emirate. Since they were enfranchised a year ago, women have gone from being politically voiceless to a political force that can not be ignored. Because women comprise 57 per cent of the 340,000 eligible voter, even conservative Muslim deputies who had opposed women`s suffrage found themselves appealing plaintively for their support in recent week, and were left fielding awkward questions from well-informed women voters. Women`s issues will now finally be on the table. ※enfranchise;参政権を与える  suffrage;参政権  eligible ふさわしい 全体的に何を言ってるのかがわかりません。 これは実際にあったニュースで、クエートで女性が参政権を手に入れた後の話です。 American-backed oil-rich emirate. women have gone from being politically voiceless to a political force that can not be ignored. とかは特に意味がわかりません。 Muslim deputies who had opposed women`s suffrage found themselves appealing plaintively for their support in recent week, and were left fielding awkward questions from well-informed women voters. この文でのand 以下もいまいちわかりません。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Sometimes a person‘s whole life can be changed in an instant.Elizabeth Blackwell‘s life changed one afternoon in 1844 when she went to visit a friend who was dying.As Blackwell later described the scene, the dying woman asked her why she did not think of studying medicine, since she was smart and healthy.When Elizabeth reminded her friend that there were no women doctors,the woman sighed and said that if she had been treated by a ‘lady doctor,‘ she might not be dying.At that time, it was not considered proper for women to talk about or know anything about the human body. Elizabeth‘s sick friend had been so ashamed to mention her internal problems to a man that she hid her pain for too long.When she finally sought treatment, it came too late to save her life. Elizabeth couldn‘t get the dying woman‘s suggestion out of her mind. She decided to devote her life to medicine. To earn money for her medical training, Elizabeth took a teaching job in North Carolina.It happened that the principal of the school where she worked was a medical doctor.He had lots of medical books,and Elizabeth  to read them was free when her teaching work was done.She wrote to twentyーnine medical schools asking for admission.Most didn‘t even reply, and the ones that did were very rude.Friends suggested that she dress up as a man to attend medical school, but Elizabeth wanted to be accepted for what she was.A small medical college in NewYork finally said ‘yes.‘ Elizabeth graduated in 1849 at the head of her class,the first woman in the United States to receive a medical degree.