• ベストアンサー


MBAの出願を考えています。出願要綱に下記のような 記載がありました。 これは、具体的にどのような書類を、どこに依頼して 作成してもらう必要があるのでしょうか? 初歩的な質問的な質問で恐縮ですが、困ってます。 教えてください。 ==================================== 3 DESCRI PTION OF INSTITUTIONS ATTENDED This should include status as a public or private institution and recognition by the government or other accrediting agencies of the respective country. Please note that degrees received should be the equivalent of a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree for consideration. For a list of organizations that evaluate educational credentials, please visit: www.naces.org/members.htm ===========================


  • ベストアンサー
  • CTU
  • ベストアンサー率46% (101/219)

こんにちは。 米国MBA在学のものです。 所謂、日本の大学における、4年制大学の「卒業証明書(英文)」を提出しろということですね。私の大学は、英文仕様が既にあったので、楽でした。これは大学によって作成にかかる時間が違うと思いますが、依頼すれば数日で受け取れるはずです。但しお金がかかります(確か1000円くらい) またそれとは別に、成績証明書(英文)も提出しなければならないです。成績証明書を受け取った後、自分でGPAを算出し、アプリケーションに記入しましょう。GPA算出方法は、アプリケーションに書いてあると思います。

その他の回答 (1)

  • piroko121
  • ベストアンサー率29% (32/109)

これは単純に「私立、もしくは公立の4年制大学を卒業した」という証明をしなければならない、ということです。 MBAには世界各国から出願者が応募するので、当然、応募者の教育制度も違うわけですよね。また、成績のつけ方も違います。日本の場合、アメリカと教育制度は同じなので、問題ありません。pyorotanさんが卒業なさった大学に、英文の成績表(もし学士取得の記述がなければ卒業証明書も)を製作してもらえば問題ないと思いますが、まずは、この証明が海外からの出願者全員に必須なのかどうかをそのプログラムにメールなどで問い合わせてみてはいかがですか? もしそれが必須なのであれば、出願要綱に載っているnacesのホームページに列記されている(つまりこの学校から認められている)機関に頼んで、4年大を卒業したという書類(GPAも換算してくれるはずです)を作成してもらいます。





  • この文章がよくわかりません・・

    Bachelor's degree in any field or equivalent with a grade point average of 4.5 OR a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma in the relevant field. オーストラリアの大学院に出願しようと思っているのですがentry requirementの欄に上記のような記述がありました。 「or equivalent with a grade point average of 4.5」のところなのですが、これはなぜorになっているのでしょうか?4.5がbachelorのgradeならand になると思うのですが。。4.5の場合は何の資格が4.5なのでしょうか? 分かりにくい文章で申し訳ありません。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 留学の出願書類であるFinancial Statementについて

    来週から米国大学院留学のための出願締め切りラッシュなので現在書類作成に追われております。 その中で、Financial Statementについて何点かわからない部分がありましたので教えていただけると幸いです。 以下のようにAssured Financial Resources、Potential Financial Resources、Expenses、International Studentの年間の財務支出を書く項目があります。 --- ・Assured Financial Resources List the amount of U.S. funds you can contribute to your first year of study: from savings: from spouse: from other family/friends: from employer or other outside agencies (money already granted): from other sources: please specify: TOTAL ASSURED RESOURCES: ・Potential financial resources List any sources of financial aid for which your application is still pending (e.g., employer, military, N.S.F., governmental or other agencies): Name of agency Potential contribution Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Number of semesters Date of notification (mm/dd/yyyy) ・Expenses Estimate the total expenses for your first year of study. For Academic Fees and Living Costs information, click here. Total Expenses: ・International students (non-immigrant visa holders) Total financial resources (U.S.$) you expect to have during each subsequent year at MIT (other than MIT aid): Total aid: Source: If you are married and plan to have your spouse and/or children accompany you to the U.S., please state amount and source of funds available for their support. Total aid: Source: --- 調べてみたところ、私が出願する予定の大学では年間の支出は500~600万円程度かかるようなのですが、TAやRAの仕事(もらえたと仮定して)や家族などの支援を含めても自分で出せるのはせいぜい300万円程度とみています。また、現在取得している奨学金はなくPotential Financial Resourcesに書けるものが全くありません。 現状支出が収入を大きく上回ってしまっている状態なのですが、このように正直に記述した場合、入学審査で不利になることはありますか? 不利になる場合、少々見栄をはってでもなるべく収支が釣り合うように書くべきでしょうか? 詳しい方、よろしければ回答をお願いします!

  • 心理学・英論文 翻訳を助けてください!

    英論文を読む授業を取っています。 ですが、英語が苦手なため訳したものの自信がありません・・・ 訳すのが得意な方にお力を借りたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 【論文タイトル】The social face of emotion recognition: Evaluations versus stereotypes 感情認識の社会的様相:固定観念に対しての評価 Fast and correct recognition of emotional expressions is d prerequisite for fluent social interaction. A face carries a wealth of informative cues and can say more than a thousand words. Apart from unchangeable features in the face that carry information regarding identity or social category (e.g. sex or ethnicity), changeable features reveal how someone is feeling at that specific moment (e.g. happy, angry or sad). Previous research has shown that unchangeable features can influence the interpretation of changeable facial features in emotional recognition. More specifically, this research focused on the interplay between social categorization and recognition of emotional expressions (e.g. Becker, Kenrick, Neuberg, Blackwell, & Smith, 2007; Elfenbein & Ambady, 2002; Hugenberg, 2005: Hugenberg & Bodenhausen, 2003: Hutchings & Haddock, 2008). How do social categorization processes influence emotion recognition? One route that has been recently explored is that evaluative category associations facilitate or inhibit the recognition of evaluative congruent emotions. For example, Hugenberg (2005) demonstrated, in line with an evaluative processes account, that white American participants show a recognition speed advantage when judging whether a white target's face displays a positive (happy) facial expression compared to negative (angry or sad) facial expressions. This phenomenon is called the happy face advantage (Leppanen & Hietanen, 2003). This effect was found by Hugenberg to be reversed when the expresser of the emotion was black, with white participants showing a recognition advantage for both negative emotions (angry and sad) compared to the positive emotion. In a similar vein, Hugenberg and Sczesny (2006) found evidence for differences in emotion recognition depending on gender: for female target faces a greater happy face advantage was found than for male target faces. The authors conclude that these effects are best explained by the spreading of evaluative associations: the valence of the target face, as triggered by the category, serves as a prime for recognizing emotional expressions independently of the discrete emotion being expressed.

  • 教えてください。

    Please note that we have now planned the meeting to last two complete days (3rd and 4th of November) so that you should arrange your journey back for the morning of the 5th of November. 上記の文で、 「you should arrange your journey back for the morning of the 5th of November.」 この部分をどう訳せばよろしいでしょうか?。 5日の朝から旅行などアレンジ出来るように、3~4日の終日ミーティングの予定を立てた。というようなことだと推測するのですが.....。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳出について

    英語史のテキストの中で、以下はピジン語について書かれた部分なのですが、うまく訳せないので力を貸していただきたいです。 できれば文構造の解説もしてもらいたいです。 Alongside the standard varieties of English that were in use for official purposes, there also emerged language varieties which sociolinguists call pidgins. A pidgin is a language that arises when two or more different speech communities use their respective languages as the basis for a very basic language with a limited set of functions. よろしくお願いします。

  • ざっくりと和訳してください。

    I paid almost 60 bucks and only received a pack of razor blades. Please send the razor that I paid for or a complete refund is the only option.

  • most of とmost、thatとin which

    most of peopleとmost peopleは何が違うのですか? また、この二つの文は文法的に正しいですか? 和訳も教えてください。 You should apply for a job which your skills will be of use in. You should apply for a job that your skills will be of use.

  • 日本語に訳して下さいm(_ _)m

    日本語に訳して下さいm(_ _)m Unfortunately, I have to tell you that there are only 20 bags(jm59) left. In about two or three weeks jm59 should be available again.   Please advise if you want to order something else instead or if we should note down an open credit for your next order (price of 13 x jm59 = $94,25)

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします

    But apart from of any potential payoff, I believe that the quest for knowledge for the sake of knowledge is irreplaceable. It seems to me essential that a developed nation participate in this expansion of knowledge for the good of all mankind, and that it devote to this effort a fraction of its resources, even without any film hope of material benefit in return. If unexpected applications do materialize as a bonus, so much the better. A few remarks are in other, however. This“pure”science does have an obligation. It must produce truly original results. There is no place for research which merely reproduces, expect for a detail or two, an experiment already successfully performed. But how does one judge the degree of novelty? At present, this difficult evaluation is carried out informally, by the seat of the pants so to speak, by the scientific community-not entirely without errors or injustices, to be sure, but, by and large, with fairly satisfactory results. A word of caution:it does sometimes happen that, in order to reach a particular goal, several avenues prove feasible, utilizing very different means, some quite elaborate, others much simpler or considerably less costly. Should one, for instance, send humans into space, or should one rely on unmanned spacecraft? One must constantly remain alert to the danger that research might get mired in enormous projects of doubtful utility. This is the responsibility that scientists must assume on behalf of the taxpayers of their respective countries.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Please note that we cannot enter into any discussion or correspondence regarding specific admission requirements until we have received your complete application. Application Instructions on how to apply may be found here. There are three different kinds of admission to the first semester of a Bachelor programme: Admission without entrance examination Admission conditional upon passing 'reduced entrance examination (PDF, 101 kB)' (5 subjects) Admission conditional upon passing 'comprehensive entrance examination (PDF, 109 kB)' (9 subjects) Language of instruction The language of instruction in all Bachelor programmes is German (for language requirements, see info box on right and 'entrance exam').