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コミュニケーションというのは、お互いの知識レベルを想定して行われます。その中には、いわゆる常識というものがあり、MCSE というのは、ある程度 PC の知識を持つ人々には常識なのです。 ある程度の知識まで訓練し資格を認定するというメーカーの制度です。(Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) しかし、そうでないこともあり得ます。 ある言葉を、相手のレベルが不確かでも使ってしまうこともありますから、当然、その場合はその言葉を使った人に説明を求めることになります。 とくにこれはビジネスでは必須のことです。契約書作成の時などは、ある言葉を互いに知っていても、その解釈のレベルが違うこともあり、徹底的にレベルを共有しないといけません。


  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My husband and I have had an intense, tumultuous, ultimately toxic four-year marriage that I filed to end upon finding a hand-shaped bruise on our 3-year-old’s behind. I filed to end upon finding a hand-shaped bruiseはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    I’m a college student living off-campus with a new roommate. I’m not scrounging for change in the couch cushions, but I’m on a pretty tight budget. I have grocery shopping down to an art with coupons, discounts, and sales, and I enjoy cooking, so I usually have leftovers in the fridge. scrounging for change in the couch cushionsと I have grocery shopping down to an art with coupons,の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • academicの意味

    I’m a graduate student in her late 20s who smokes a lot of pot. I live with my boyfriend who’s also an academic, and we have a great life together. ここでのacademicはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、in her late 20sのところはin my late 20sと言ってもいいのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 辞書に掲載されていない単語

    こんにちは。先日、ベルギーから以下の内容を含んだメールを受け取ったのですが、"epydemiology"と言う単語を調べたのですがどの辞書にも載っていません。相手の方は、何を勉強しているのでしょうか。分かる方で教えて頂けると幸いです。 "Hello.I'm a PhD student in epydemiology and health at university."

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I have a smart and beautiful 10-year-old niece who has a mustache growing on either side of her top lip. I know how cruel kids can be and have never asked if she has been teased but I think she might be old enough to get the offending hair waxed off. get the offending hair waxed offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 簡単におおよその意味を教えてください。

    In the other hand I'm sad about your decision to block me for your auctions,because as I sayed I'm an old and happy customer of yours. As you can see I'm a seller too and I want to be honest with all of my actions at ebay or in my everyday life. I could not lie to you to get back the 40$ if the razor was ok. I'm not that kind of cheep person,I have values in my life. The words you sayed to me seems more than an action of blackmail or revenge than words of a professional atitude seller.

  • 意味を教えください

    I live in an apartment building and my elderly neighbor next door has a clock that plays music every 15 minutes and chimes on the hour (12 chimes for 12:00, etc.). I’m a graduate student in a really intense program, and the noise is maddening. I don’t like confrontation, and I tried tolerating it for a few months (studying in the library, etc.), but I learn best at home and hate feeling like I’m being chased out of it. I’ve complained to management, and while he’s lowered the volume, I can still hear it. It’s not loud enough to clearly register on a cellphone recording, but in person it’s audible. being chased out of itとregister on a cellphone recordingの意味を教えください。よろしくお願いします

  • 今度英語で自己紹介しないといけないのですが・・・これでいいですか?

    はじめまして、こんばんは。 質問のタイトルに書いたとおりなんですが・・・一生懸命したつもりですが自信ないです。 ・my name is momotan12. ・I am an elementary school a student. ・I am 12 years old. ・MY hobby are listening to music and reading boks.

  • よろしくお願いします

    About a year and a half ago, I started researching study abroad. I'm an art student at a public university, so I decided to apply to a very prestigious art school in the UK to give myself a year of very dedicated art education. The program seemed like it was going to be everything I'd ever wanted. I got accepted and started in September. I'd ever wantedはなぜwouldが使われているのでしょうか?everはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • with the sign off

    I’m a 30-year-old woman whose parents got divorced when I was 15. My father has never been open about having a relationship since the divorce. I was visiting him a while ago and went to look up something on his iPad. His mail browser was open and I happened to see an email between him and another man with the sign off “love you.” with the sign offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします