• ベストアンサー


I forgot to answer the rest of your mail just surprised about "own family" 残りのを答えるのわすれてた、あなたの”own family"メールにただ驚いたよ。 (ネイティブ) Would like to own family? 私の家庭にどうですか?? (独身ノンネイティブ) Dont cry about my love for you just smile. 泣かないで、私のハートはあなたの笑顔。 (ネイティブ) お願いします

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Shinnbone
  • ベストアンサー率42% (146/345)

これ、ネイティヴの英語ですか?う~ん。 I forgot to answer the rest of your mail just surprised about "own family" は、mail のあとにカンマを入れてその前と後で分けて解釈していいと思います。Answer は質問などに「答える」という意味で、メールに返信する、は reply です。この文だと、あなたがいくつかの質問をしたのに、"own family" という部分に驚いて、いくつかの質問には答えたけれど、rest of your mail(メールの残り)に答えるのを忘れた、という意味です。英語で mail と言うと普通の郵便の事で、日本で言うメール、つまりイーメールは、email, Email, e-mail 等と書きます。 Would like to own family? Own には、~自身の、という意味と、~を持つ、という意味があります。I own a car. で、私は車を所有しています、です。My own car で、私自身の(他の誰のでもない)車、です。この文章の ownを動詞と見ると、「あなたは家族が欲しいの?」と取れますが、それなら、Would like to have a family? の方がはるかに自然な英語です。~自身のと解釈すると、この文章は全く意味をなしません。あなたが言った事をくり返しているだけのように思えますが、あなたがそう言った事はない様ですね。 Dont cry about my love for you just smile. You の後にカンマをいれて、"Don't cry about my love for you" と "Just smile." と分けて解釈していいでしょう。



こんばんは 細かくありがとうございました。補足です。 2こめのですが、流れを書かないといけないですね。 M:I am free,you? 私:me too. M:Would like own family? このような流れでした。やはり、家族がほしいの?になってしまいますか?

その他の回答 (3)

  • Shinnbone
  • ベストアンサー率42% (146/345)

M:I am free,you? 私:me too. M:Would like own family? ここの free は、独身、という意味で使っているのでしょうか?だとすると、いずれは結婚して、子供が欲しいか聞いてるようにもとれますが・・・ それでもまだしっくりしません。 Free の使い方も変で、私にはネイティヴの英語には聞こえません。私はアメリカに住んでいるので、別の英語圏ではそう言う使い方をするのかも知れませんね。



こんにちは この会話の相手はノンネイティブです。 とにかく、いづれ家庭がほしい?という感じですね。 たびたびありがとうございました。

  • cubics
  • ベストアンサー率41% (1748/4171)




こんばんは 2番と3番の訳は、あってますか?


わかりやすいように、コンマ(,)をいれました。 I forgot to answer the rest of your mail, just surprised about "own family" 君の他のメールに返信するの忘れてたよ。ただ、「家族を持ちたい」ってのには驚いたよ。 Would like to own family? 「家族を持ちたいのですか?」 Dont cry about my love for you, just smile 「君に対する僕の親愛について泣いたりしないでね。笑顔でいてね」



こんばんは 2番目のなんですが、もち”たい”と、なるんですか!! 私の覚えまちがいかしら。 アドバイスありがとうございました


  • 和訳にお願いします!

    至急和訳にお願いします! 彼が先週にインフルエンザになってそのあと4日間くらいメールがこなかったんです。久しぶりに彼からメールが来て、『メール遅くなってごめんね。色んなことがあって。。』ときたので私が『何があったの?大丈夫?私で良かったら話してね!私ののことは気にしないで』と送ったら次のメールがきたんです。 『Im ok now oh why you say dont worry about you? oh you dont like me anymore? c i really like you now but i dont wanna break you Heart』 私嫌われちゃったんですかね?(T_T)

  • 和訳して頂けませんか?

    「I do my love!!!!! I have no idea about your money & all I want & care about is you!!!!!! Your family is mine, as mine is yours & they have opened their arms & heart to you as well.」宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Shocked to hear that his friend was waiting for a heart transplant,Robert Test decided to become an organ donor. This is what he wrote about his decision. At a certain moment,a doctor will decide that my brain has stopped functioning. When that happens, do not attempt to revive my body by the use of a machine. Give my eyes to a man who has never seen a sunrise,a baby's face, or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused him nothing but days of endless pain. Give my blood to a teenager who was seriously injured in a traffic accident,so that he or she might live and see his or her grandchildren playing.

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m3

    Soon after Roberto returned home to be with his family, a big earthquake hit Nicaragua on the morning of December 23. Over six thousand people were killed and another twenty thousand were injured. It was Christmas time, but hearing the terrible news, Roberto quickly organized the Puerto Rican Relief Fund for Nicaragua. On television and radio, he asked people for their help to save the victims of the earthquake. He worked so hard collecting relief supplies that he almost forgot all about eating and sleeping. Roberto gave his own money to organize three special flights to Managua. They carried the most important supplies that were needed as soonas possible. Many people thought Roberto had done all he could. However, on the morning of December 31, AN urgent message came from the rescue workers in Managua. They needed more medical supplies, an X-ray machine, and more milk for babies.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 身内についての説明文かもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 n the previous two readings I told you of your future partners Mother and then his Father In this reading to complete the picture I will tell you something of the rest of his family. His siblings or other close relatives. It is the parents who always show most distinctly and clearly, because their influence on your partners early fate and background in generally the stronger, but some details about the rest of the family do show. The reason I only reveal his background step by step, when it is there to be found, is simply that while to you it may just be one paragraph that is quickly read, it takes a long time to detangle his family relationships from the web of fate in your chart. so there is only enough time to include a fragment in each reading, if we are to allow room for other important things.

  • 英語できる方歌詞の和訳おねがいします。

    Take me on a ride inside your heart, tonight just you and me take me to live inside the truth sugar i wanna taste the way you feel inside all through the night forget about the time just close your eyes sugar always though my heart, it breaks baby oh let me be the one to come alone tonight let me be such a deep suprise as the world you know begins to cry tonight just let it be if you wanna let it grow sugar we can come alive inside your dreams tonight live to believe you are the only one for me

  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    After three days I came to the open country. Snow had fallen the night before, and the fields were all white. Then the next day I came upon a small hut. This was a new sight to me and I regarded it with great curiosity. Finding the door open, I entered. An old man was sitting near a fire, but when he saw me, he gave a cry and ran out of the hut and across the fields. This greatly surprised me, but I was delighted by the hut. I ate the rest of his breakfast and then lay down to sleep. この英文の訳が知りたいのでわかる方訳を教えてください!!自分で訳した訳は以下の通りです。 3日後に、私は広々とした国に来ました。前の晩に雪が降り野原は真っ白でした。それから次の日に私は偶然小さな小屋を見つけました。これは私への新しい光景でした、そして私は大きな好奇心でそれ(新しい光景)を見ました。ドアが開いているとわかって、私は中に入りました。老人は火の近くに座っていました。しかし、彼が私に会ったとき、彼は叫び声を発し小屋の外への走り出し野原を横切った。これは私を大いに驚かせましたが、私は小屋に宿泊できると思い喜んだ。 私は、彼の朝食の残りを食べて、それから寝るために横たわった。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    today I have heard about the tragic news about Japan. Hopefully you and your family/friends are doing fine? I am very sorry for my late reply, but I was attempt to have less contact with you, because I thought it would be better for both of us to keep going with our normal life. The farewell of the last time that I saw you was very hard, I did not want to let you cry and have heartbreak.  Do not see me wrong, because I had a great time with you. We both started to have a strong feelings for eachother, but we both also now that this could not work out. That was very hard for both of us and I want you to live a great life without missing our  time too much. Well, hopefully my thing did work out and you are doing fine, you will always have that special place in my heart. Maybe the future will bring us back together... If I have any chance to go to Japan again I will definitly contact you and be with you, only if your situation allows that, maybe in that time you will have a lovely family. Please give other men a chance if they want to be a part of your life. I will be very happy for you..

  • この文章を和訳してください!

    海外の人とメールをしていて このような長文が送られてきました 簡単な会話ならなんとか自力で和訳できていたのですが、少し長くて理解できません わかる方、和訳していただけませんか? お願いします I hope to learn more about being a father by learning this. I only have until I have my own wife and children to pass on what I have learned about worldwide culture and safety. It seem your parents very much similar mind to me, because they spend time with you. Mine never did this with me, so nothing to teach unless I teach myself about being a parent because children imitate their parents in knowledge and mannerisms. Lol, not anyone's father literally but that's why I hope that your parents comfortable with foreign person my age, texting. Are they? I cannot continue if not. But you seem really nice :-) When sitting with your family is it called Hanami party?

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    Elizabeth’s letter brought news of my family and friends and enquired anxiously about my health. Henry had hidden from them the full extent of my illness, and had written only of my recent improvement. But they wished to have the confirmation in my own hand. I wrote to them immediately, which greatly fatigued me. In another two weeks I was able to leave my chamber. この文章の訳があっているか不安なのでわかる方訳を教えてください!ちなみに自分で訳した訳は、 エリザベスの手紙は、私の家族と友人にニュースをもたらして、私の健康について心配しているかと聞いた。 ヘンリーは、私の病気の完全な程度をそれら(手紙)から隠した。そして、最近の私の進歩だけを書いた。 しかし彼らは、私の自筆の手紙でもって確認することを望んだ。 私はすぐに手紙を書いた。それは私に強い疲労をもたらした。 2週間がたって私は特別室を出ることができた。