The Benefits of Organ Transplants

  • Organ transplants save lives and improve quality of life.
  • Many transplant recipients are able to live normal, healthy lives.
  • Transplants not only save lives, but also enable individuals to participate in physical activities.
  • ベストアンサー


資料を参考に脳死について書いてみたのですが、こういう文どころかまともに長い文すら英語で書いたことがないのでメチャクチャな気がします...とりあえず見てみて悪ければ直して(大幅でも構いません)くださると助かります。お願いします。 For a supporter group,it is the main reasons for support that an organ transplant become possible.Therefore, this is explained. First, there aremany saved persons by transplanting.Second,those who are "very healthy" and "almost healthy" after a transplant occupy 72% on an avarage, and become 90% or more in acoordance with this about "it is healthier than transplant before" 90% or more of a transplant people are performingthe same life as an ordinary person, such as going to school, working ina company, or performing housekeeping as a housewife.If the condition after a transplant is good, the doctor will have recommendedto exercise positively and 27% of transplant persons will exercise. As a kind of movement, golf, swimming, a jogging,etc. occupy the higher rank. A transplant does not only save a life. As started now, the same life as an ordinary person can be performed , or it comes to be able todo to movement. In the present condition, since there are few chances to transplant by there being few donors about the heart or liver, an about 80-260person per a year passes away without the ability performing a heart transplant, and also turns into 2200 persons about liver.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

この英文の利用目的は何でしょう?また、この文を書いている方は、どういう立場で書かれているのでしょう?英文を書く際にはそういった情報が不可欠です。 補足要求とするところですが、こちらも今日はもうあまり時間がないので、回答にしてしまいます。 For a supporter groupというところを、「ある支援団体に属する者としてこの文を書きます」という意味合いにとると、 I would like to explain why I, a member of a supporting group, support the idea and the system of organ transplantation. And I believe, when more people understand the importance of organ transplantation, more lives can be saved. And among the lives who are saved, more than 90% of them become healthier than before, and 72% of them become "almost healthy" to "very healthy." Those who are cured, or are better than before, to say the least, are able to spend an ordinary course of life, say, go to school, to work, do householding. Many doctors recommend exercising after the treatment, such as playing golf, swimming and running. I think this is amazing. Organ transplantation saves lives, gives them back the life they used to spend and enables them to enjoy sports! The sad fact is that there are far less donors than the clients who are waiting for heart and liver transplantation. Every year, about 80 to 260 people die of heart diseases, whose lives could have been saved if there were matching donors. When it comes to the liver problems, 2200 people are dying annually. いったん書かれた英文を直訳の日本語に直し、それをもとに、英文に意訳すると、こうなる、という例ですから、もとの英文でおっしゃりたかった意味を取り違えていると、かなり違った方向に行ってしまっているということになります。 主語を明確に補足した形で日本文を作り、翻訳サイトなどで一度英文にしたものを下地にして推敲する(正確に訳されるとは限らないので)など、いろんな方法をお試しになると良いでしょう。 補足する際にもう一つ重要なのは、例えば「たいへん健康」や「ほとんど健康」とはどのような基準に基づくものか、といった情報も明確にすることです。日本語の世界では、意味が通じれば出所が明確でなくても通りますが、英語では、準拠するものが何であるか、はっきりしておかなければなりません。 取り急ぎ、お書きになった情報に基づいてのみ、意味の通じるものにしておきましたが、英文としては、情報不足で説得力のない文になっているということだけ、お伝えしておきましょう。



お礼が遅れてしまい本当に申し訳ありません!!! 大学でPCを使う時間が限られてるために中々お返事できませんでした。 情報も載せないで申し訳ありませんでした! 私は今大学生で、英語の授業で「脳死についてクラスで議論する」という講義があって、私は賛成派を指示するための文章を書く役割でした。 こんなに長く書いていただいて本当に助かりました!もう一度自分の説明不足だった点や書き直しを新たなレスで書いてみますので、お忙しいとは思うのですがもしお時間があれば再度見ていただけると幸いです!


  • この英文の構造を教えてください。

    ~~patients, ~~~, and where there is insufficient functioning liver remaining. where there is ... の先行詞はpatients。 と注に書いてあります。remaining の部分がよくわからないのですが、 これは、 there is (insufficient functioning liver)← (remaining 【where】 ) だから、remainingは1語で後ろから修飾できるという解釈で正しいですか? _______________ Stem Cells This would be particularly useful for patients whose livers have been damaged due to drug side-effects, or through surgery to remove cancers that have spread to the liver, and where there is insufficient functioning liver remaining. _______________

  • 英訳してください

    ATP energy The liver is the central distributing and processing organ for nutrient. Glucose 6-phosphate, the key intermediate in carbohydrate metabolism, may be converted into glycogen, into blood glucose, or into fatty acids via acetyl-CoA. It may undergo degradation via glycolysis and the citric acid-cycle to yield ATP energy or via the pentose phosphate cycle to yield pentoses and NADPH. Amino acids may be built up into liver and plasma proteins, or they may be converted into glucose and glycogen by gluconeogenesis. The ammonia formed by their deamination is converted into urea by the urea cycle. Fatty acids may be converted by the liver into triacylglycerols, cholesterol, and into plasma lipoproteins for transport and storage in adipose tissue. They may also be oxidized to yield ATP energy and to form the ketone bodies, to be circulated to other tissues. Skeletal muscle is specialized to produce ATP for contraction and relaxation. In very severe muscular work, glycogen is the ultimate fuel and is converted into lactate. During recovery the lactate is rebuilt to form liver glycogen and glucose again. The brain uses only glucose and β-hydroxybutyrate as fuels, the latter being important in fasting or starvation. The brain uses most of its ATP energy for active transport of Na+ and K+ and in the maintenance of the action potential of neuronal membranes.

  • 英訳をお願いします<m(__)m>

    There is nothing about birth control or abortion, or pulling the plug n a person in a coma, or letting a sick person die when science could keep them alive without curing them. いつもお世話になっています。これはアメリカ人からの女の子のメールです。聖書に中には書かれていない、人としてしてはいけないことについて書いていてくれてるんだと思いますが、 (1)pulling the plug n a person in a coma, (2)letting a sick person die when science could keep them alive without curing them. がわかりません... 私なりに訳すると(1)こん睡状態の人に何か埋め込むこと??(2)科学(医療?)が彼らを行き続けさせることができるのに何もしないで病気の人を死なせること。 になります。どなたか助言お願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    毎回お世話になります! 癖のようなことがかいてあるみたいなのですが、翻訳していただけませんか? 宜しくお願いします(*'ω'*) When he is drawn into conversation and forgets himself, his mannerism change subtly as he tends to unconsciously mirror the person he is talking to. Thus if he is talking to someone who’s rather glum, he too will soon take on a glum stance, or gloomy expression in his face. If the person crosses his legs, then he will soon follow. or if he is chatting to someone jovial, he too will adopt the persons jovial moments and expression.. This is an unconscious copy, a kind of an affinity struck up with strangers, that he in unaware of. As though he reflects the other person, rather than imprinting himself on the person or situation. When he sits he tends to slump down or relax himself, rather than sitting erect, stretches the legs and feet out when sitting. Tends to moon around when standing. He doesn’t like to stand still for long, it is difficult to get him to do so. He can walks well and long distances on his feet, but doesn’t like to be standing around. He must sit down, or keep moving. Difficulty waking in the mornings, its as if he dreads daylight an wants to sleep again.

  • 英訳をお願いします😰

    I understand you.and am sorry. For me there is just not the communication that a like to have in a relationship. You are a great person! I wish you the best. For me は「僕はね」で始まってますか?a like to haveは would like to でしょうか? これは一方的に文句を言って、もうあなたと会いたくないと言った後の返信です。 よろしくお願いします❗️

  • 英訳していただけますか?

    I am more of a private person who would rather meet people in person face to face. Contact is important to me. I can see a persons personality if I meet them in real life. この英文の意味がよくわからないので、教えていただけますか? 会ってコニュニケーション取ることが大切と言っているとは思うのですが。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 長文です;  英訳していただけないでしょうか?

    上司に告白され、好きな人がいるので、あなたとは友達でいたいと言った返事なのですが、 英語が得意ではなく、全部を訳せません。 訳していただけないでしょうか。 Hi ○○ That is OK for me if we will be friends and not more. But as your friend, I really need to tell you some things about what`s called the “Laws of Attraction” First of all, it does not require a lot of time to know if you are attracted to a person or not. After meeting two or three times, for several hours, that is more than enough time to know. So if you think of me like a friend, I expect that will never change. So in this case it would be me that has got ‘unrequited love`. But the difference is, I know it will probably never change, so I will accept it and not lose time, and I will not lose other chances, while hoping my ‘unrequited love` will change to ‘requited love’. I know a love feeling is very unlikely to arrive in the future, if it is not there from the beginning. So as your friend, I just want to caution you to be careful and don’t lose precious time and opportunities while waiting for something that is very unlikely to arrive. And as my friend, I hope you will understand that my idea for Friday was more like a date. Since it seems to be not reality, can I ask that we make our next meeting day Monday evening instead? That way we can spend with mikako, and Tom. Like a ‘friends meet-up’ which is the way you are comfortable. Then I can still have a chance to find a special Christmas feeling another way. As my friend I think you would understand and encourage this course of action. And as your friend, I want to encourage you, even if it is not me, you need to find your happiness without losing precious time and opportunities because of an ‘unrequited love`. Because life is short. And your young life is really short! There is no time to waste. Thanks and hope to see you Monday! with MIKAKO! Yours, ○○

  • 英訳見てください!

    第三者として社会における脳死賛成派の事を書きたいのですが、 「脳死賛成派の人の多くは臓器移植が可能になるということが主張なのでこれについて説明する」というのを、「For a supporter group, it is the main reasons for support that an organ transplant becomes possible. Therefore this is explained. 」 と書きましたが、どうも微妙なようです。正しく伝えるためにはどう書けばよいでしょうか? あとこっちは普通の英訳で 「脳死や臓器移植に対する理解が広まって、提供者も増えれば、支援者にとって嬉しいのはもちろん、何よりもこのことが臓器を待っている患者さんたちにとっては希望を膨らませる明るいニュースになるだろう」 「When understanding to the brain death and the organ transplant spreads and the number of donors increases, it goes without saying that supporter will be glad and above all it is likely to become bright news that swells hope for patients who are waiting for internal organs」 といった感じです。翻訳サイトを下地に書いてみたのですが、まだまだ甘いと思いますのでご指摘お願いいたします!

  • 英文の構造とitについて

    There is a dotted outline for every person, larger than he or she is, of the person they could be, or could have been . Hardly anyone fills up their outline— perhaps it is impossible , and no one does. And we mean not just fame and achievement and success— but wisdom, character, honor, integrity, generosity, humility, goodness, heart, and so on. Few achieve it— we are destined as people to fall short. *この英文の前半の最初の構造はどうなっているのでしょうか?↓ There is a dotted outline for every person, larger than he or she is, of the person they could be, or could have been . larger than he or she isを外して考えて There is a dotted outline for every person of the person they could be, or could have been .という繋がりですか? そうなると every person of the person they could be,となるのは変な感じなのですが。 それから of the person they could beのpersonとtheyの間は関係代名詞が省略されているのでしょうか? *後半のFew achieve itのitは何を指しているのでしょうか? wisdom, character, honor, integrity, generosity, humility, goodness, heart, and so onを指しているようにも思うのですが、単数のitで受けているのでよくわかりません。 お手数ですが教えてください。

  • 直してください。

    As for the snake, many early stage costs, too, is which is about to be high and to become sustenance cost one together with the car and the motorcycle and so on and while there is not an income, it isn't possible to breed them so. It thinks that it does a deposit while young and that it is in the 1st that it examines the information of the goal elaborately by the day about when and whether or not it is. 蛇についての発表があるのですが、原稿の1部をできる限り訳したらこんなのになりました。おかしかったら教えてください。お願いします。