• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
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  • ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)

イギリスの裁判制度についての文章ですね。 最初の英文、of cases に注意してください。無冠詞で複数でしょう? ですから、訴訟全体をさします。 「(イギリスでの)訴訟全体の9割が、微罪裁判で決着がつけられる」という意味です。 ※「微罪裁判所での裁判の9割は、小さい裁判だ」という意味の英文は、次のようになります。cases の前に the があることなどに注意して、教科書の文と比較してみてください。 → 90 per cent of the cases (which are) settled in magistrates' courts are small. ◆go to court は、事件を主語にして「裁判にかかる・裁判にかける」という意味です。go to trial という言い方もあります。 したがって、本文の any big case has to go to a higher court というのは「大きな事件[訴訟]はどれも上級裁判所に訴えなければならない」の意。 ◆No. 2さんのご指摘のとおり、a higher court は最高裁判所ではありません。下位の裁判所と対照して、上級裁判所を指す言い方です。  日本であれば、簡易・家庭・地方裁判所に対し、高等裁判所および最高裁判所のようなものを上級裁判所といいます。  最高裁判所は通常 the Supreme Court です。  例:This case will go all the way to the Supreme Court.   「この事件は最高裁までずっといくだろう」 ◆それから最初の英文の case は「訴訟」と訳すのが正しい(個々の民事訴訟・刑事訴訟を case という)。「事件」でもいいけどね。  「訴訟の9割は、微罪裁判所で解決される。それは大半の犯罪が、○○や××など小さいものだからだ。しかし、大きな訴訟はどれも上級裁判所で裁判にかけなければならない。この上級裁判所は国王裁判所と呼ばれる。」



詳しい説明ありがとうございました。 勉強になりました。


  • 次の訳を添削してください。

    法律の事を調べていたのですが、それを自分で訳してみたのですが至らない点あると思うのでお願いします。原文は「The Court of Session is the supreme civil court of Scotland. It is both a court of first instance and a court of appeal and sits exclusively in Parliament House in Edinburgh.[1]The Sheriff Court is the other Scottish civil court; this sits locally. Although the two courts have a largely co-extensive jurisdiction, with the choice of court being given in the first place to the pursuer (petitioner), the vast majority of difficult or high-value cases in Scotland are brought in the Court of Session. Legal aid, administered by the Scottish Legal Aid Board, may be available.」で訳は「民事控訴院はスコットランドの最高の民事裁判所です。それは、第一審裁判所と控訴裁判所の両方で、もっぱらエディンバラの州議事堂で位置します。[1]州裁判所は違うスコットランドの民事裁判所です;これは地方で審理します。2つの法廷は大部分は共同範囲の司法を持ちますが、追求者(請願者)にまず第1に与えられている法廷の選択で、スコットランドの額の高い困難な大分の訴訟は民事控訴院で起こされます。スコットランドの法律扶助委員会によって処理された法律扶助は利用できるかもしれません。」と訳しました。変な部分があったら、教えてください。お願いします。

  • 訳はこれでよろしいですか。

    英語の教科書の訳はこれでよろしいですか。 In the crown court, the judge or judges are professional. They wear special court dress: long red robes and long white wigs. The lawyers who appear in crown court also wear special dress: black gowns and short white wigs. In both America and Britain, the idea of a trial is the same. Someone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. 刑事裁判所での判決は、専門家が下す。彼らは、裁判所専用の服を着ている。赤く長い法服、それに長く白いかつらです。刑事裁判所での法律の専門家もさらに特別の服を着ている。黒い法服に、短く白いかつらです。アメリカと英国は、同じような裁判の仕方です。誰かが告発して、犯罪が有罪と証明されるまで、罪の無い人は、非難される。 すみません。よろしくお願いします。日本語が変ですけど・・・。

  • Theyについて

    下記のような例文があります。 A : I went to my company's courts. (私は会社のコートに行きました) B : Oh? Where are THEY located? (そうですか。それはどこにあるのですか) Bの”they”ですがcourtsを指していると思うのですが、仮にこれが正しいとすると、Theyはcourtsを指す代名詞として使えることになります。theyではなくitではないだろうかと疑問に思っています。 Theyの使われ方についてご教授願います。 ※辞書でtheyを調べましたがよく理解できませんでした。

  • 英文についての質問

    What is the structure of the federal judiciary? という問題があるのですが Article III of the Constitution specifies “[t]he judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish” Congress has established such courts from time to time, and collectively they are known as the federal court system, which consist of three levels. そのあとに、U.S. District Courts→U.S. Circuit Courts→At the top is one Supreme Courtとあるのですが、 この上の3つの裁判所は、質問に対する答えになるでしょうか?

  • #38 Jefferson Gets 質問03

    この文章はVOAの一節です。 学習を目的に、訳してみました。 間違いを指摘して頂きたいと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 www.manythings.org/voa/history/38.html Next, Marshall noted that Marbury had taken his request to the Supreme Court under the terms of a law passed in 1789. That law gave citizens the right to ask the high court to order action by any lower court or by any government official. 次に、マーシャルはマーベリーは1789年に成立した法律により (を条件として)、最高裁判所に彼の要求を出していたことに注目した。 その法律は、どの州裁判所あるいはどの政府当局による行動も、最高裁判所が命じるように、請求する権利を国民に与えた(保証した)。 *noted 注目した→書いた? *high court, 高級審→最高裁判所 *lower court 下級審→州裁判所 *gave citizens the right 国民に権利を与えた→保証した。 *the high court to order action by any lower court    どの州裁判所による行動も 最高裁が命じることように・・ Marshall explained that the Constitution carefully limits the powers of the Supreme Court. The court can hear direct requests involving diplomats and the separate states. It cannot rule on other cases until a lower court has ruled. マーシャルは、憲法は慎重に最高裁判所の権力を制限していると説明 した。裁判所は、外交に関する問題と州をまたがる問題を、直接聞く ことが出来る。 *requests involving diplomats and the separate states 外交と別々の州の問題に関して直接聞くことが出来る→意訳 #38 Jefferson Gets 質問04 So, Marshall said;この一節はどう訳せばよいでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (14) For every crime the courts assigned a specific punishment. For example, the penalty for stealing cattle was amputation of the nose and ears, with hard labor for the thief and his wife and children. Floggings, assignment to labor gangs, and amputation of noses and ears were the most common criminal sentences. Those who were sentenced to work in the quarries and mines suffered a fate far worse; only half of them survived the trek through the desert. The Greek historian Didorus Siculus recorded Egyptian court judgments: "The penalty for perjury was death; the reasoning being that the perjurer was guilty of the two greatest sins, being impious towards the gods and breaking the most important pledge known to man." (15) These are not the stories that cover the walls of the tombs of kings and nobles. They are written in the court documents and stored in the prison archives. They are not inscribed on the bellies of beetles. Who we are, where we are going, and what we've done are not always what we want to announce to the world. Our dark side is not something we want named. But in real life even sweet-smelling roses have thorns. So it was with real life in ancient Egypt.

  • 和訳

    以下の文章の和訳をお願いします。 4. Visual Image: 1. You must also provide a visual image for each term. The visual image is a picture, drawing, symbol, clipart, etc. that you feel represents each term. Visual images must be something other than the picture on your current event or Political Cartoon. 5. Court Case: 1. The final part of this project is to research U.S. Supreme Court Cases. A court case must be chosen for each term. Court cases may only be used once during the course of this project! Court Cases Must Be Relevant to the Term and must be no more than 25 years old! (No older than 1989.) (There have been numerous cases at the Supreme Court just in the past year!) Cases do not have to be decided. Decision may be pending, or they may be cases that the U.S. Supreme Court has accepted but not heard yet. *In order to receive full credit for this section you must: 1. Cite the U.S. Supreme Court Case. (I.E.-Roe v. Wade) You must have the “who v. who” in order to get credit. Telling me who the case is about is not considered citing the case! 2. Cite the date of the case and the source where you found the information about the case. (Exact web address you found the case!) *Example: Roe v. Wade, 1973-www.gale.cengage.com/free…/roe.htm 3. Summarize the court case in your own words, (What happened in the case?) Do not print out the case. Summary must be in your own words! 4. Explain how the court case correlates to the term. (Why did you choose this case? How do you think this court case relates to the term?) *Please do not print out the whole court case. I want this information explained in your own words! You will not receive credit for anything on this part if you print out the narrative decision or someone else’s summation of the case. ` *How to find Court Cases: Go to any search engine and type in court cases and start researching! : ) This part will take some time because you will have to research in order to find one that will correspond with each term. Pro Se Court and www.oyez.org/oyez/frontpage are two very helpful sites for information regarding prominent U.S. Supreme Court Cases that pertain to this project. Remember I want you to use more recent cases, so they can only be used if they were decided within the past 25 years. They may also be cases that are still pending and have made their way up through the court of appeals process to the U.S. Supreme Court. The best place to first look for cases would be the Official U.S. Supreme Court Website. They will have current cases being heard, decisions made within the past year, and a history of past cases. Also remember that I want a different court case used for each term, so make sure you give yourself plenty of time to do some research. This by far seems to be the most time consuming part for most students! There are some links on my teacher web site that go straight to sites that will help you with this section. Wikipedia is not a very reliable source. Please try to stay away from getting your information from their site! Research and find your own cases!! Since the explanation of case and correlation must be in your own words, I will be able to tell if you did the work or someone else! I will also be able to tell if you actually understand the case you chose and if your correlation is clear and in your words!

  • 長いですがこの文章の和訳を至急お願いします!!

    4. Visual Image: 1. You must also provide a visual image for each term. The visual image is a picture, drawing, symbol, clipart, etc. that you feel represents each term. Visual images must be something other than the picture on your current event or Political Cartoon. 5. Court Case: 1. The final part of this project is to research U.S. Supreme Court Cases. A court case must be chosen for each term. Court cases may only be used once during the course of this project! Court Cases Must Be Relevant to the Term and must be no more than 25 years old! (No older than 1989.) (There have been numerous cases at the Supreme Court just in the past year!) Cases do not have to be decided. Decision may be pending, or they may be cases that the U.S. Supreme Court has accepted but not heard yet. *In order to receive full credit for this section you must: 1. Cite the U.S. Supreme Court Case. (I.E.-Roe v. Wade) You must have the “who v. who” in order to get credit. Telling me who the case is about is not considered citing the case! 2. Cite the date of the case and the source where you found the information about the case. (Exact web address you found the case!) *Example: Roe v. Wade, 1973-www.gale.cengage.com/free…/roe.htm 3. Summarize the court case in your own words, (What happened in the case?) Do not print out the case. Summary must be in your own words! 4. Explain how the court case correlates to the term. (Why did you choose this case? How do you think this court case relates to the term?) *Please do not print out the whole court case. I want this information explained in your own words! You will not receive credit for anything on this part if you print out the narrative decision or someone else’s summation of the case. ` *How to find Court Cases: Go to any search engine and type in court cases and start researching! : ) This part will take some time because you will have to research in order to find one that will correspond with each term. Pro Se Court and www.oyez.org/oyez/frontpage are two very helpful sites for information regarding prominent U.S. Supreme Court Cases that pertain to this project. Remember I want you to use more recent cases, so they can only be used if they were decided within the past 25 years. They may also be cases that are still pending and have made their way up through the court of appeals process to the U.S. Supreme Court. The best place to first look for cases would be the Official U.S. Supreme Court Website. They will have current cases being heard, decisions made within the past year, and a history of past cases. Also remember that I want a different court case used for each term, so make sure you give yourself plenty of time to do some research. This by far seems to be the most time consuming part for most students! There are some links on my teacher web site that go straight to sites that will help you with this section. Wikipedia is not a very reliable source. Please try to stay away from getting your information from their site! Research and find your own cases!! Since the explanation of case and correlation must be in your own words, I will be able to tell if you did the work or someone else! I will also be able to tell if you actually understand the case you chose and if your correlation is clear and in your words!

  • 訳のチェックお願いします。

    The government field a suit against Otokozawa in September 1982, demanding that he stop growing rice in the paddy, because he had already produced enough of the crop. 政府は1982年9月、既に十分な作物(米)を生産しているにもかかわらず、まだ生産し続けようとするオトコザワに対して訴訟を起こしました。 The Supreme Court ordered Otokozawa to vacate the land in November last year. そして昨年11月、最高裁はオトコザワから土地を取り上げるよう命じました。 In March, the Akita District Court upheld a government demand that Otokozawa vacate the field. しかし3月に、オトコザワはその判決に対し、秋田地方裁判所に控訴しました。 After Otokozawa ignored the order, he was accused by the agricultural office of trespassing and vandalizing real estate. Papers relating to his case were sent to the Akita District Public Prosecutors Office in July. 訳のチェックをお願いします。ちなみに、最後の文は訳すことが出来ませんでした。

  • 訳をするときの基本がなってないかも

    訳を教えて欲しいです。 自分で訳そうとするとうまくいかないのですが、どうすればすらすらと訳せるようになるのでしょうか? Experience has shown that in dealing with young people under these circumstances the best results are achieved when the courts operate without a trial atomosphere. the best resultsが主語で、are achievedが受動態になっていると思うんですが 最初のthatが何のために入っているのか、どうしてthatのあとのin dealがing形に なっているのか、最後のwhen以下もうまく訳せず、困っています。 On the basis of what is found, the judge and the staff establish and carry out a plan of rehabilitation. 最初のOn the basis of what is foundがどういう役割か分からず、うまく訳せません。 a period of residence in a corrective institution, medical treatment, a foster home for the youth, probation (continued supervision by the court). a period of residence は a corrective institution medical treatment  a foster home for the youth probation のそれそれにかかると考えていいんでしょうか? 矯正施設への一定期間の入所、医学的治療の一定期間の??、青年のための里親の家の一定期間の移住 一定期間の保護観察の?? ちょっとおかしな訳になってよく分かりません。 By the late 1980s, alternative sentencing included community service, making amend to victims, and paramilitary discipline (short-term incarceration in special sections of state prisons). making以下はどこにかかっているんでしょうか? 突然出てきた感じでとまどっています。 その後のandもどことつながっているんでしょうか? ( )内が長いから、そして~と考えていいんでしょうか? Increased parental liability is another trend for such offenses as allowing a child to participate in a gang, to be truant from school, to use drugs, or to have access to a gun; punishments for the parents range from fines to eviction from public housing to imprisonment. 文章が長くて、文章を単純にして訳そうと思ったんですが、うまくいきません。 isが動詞だからtrend forは動詞とは考えない、でいいんでしょうか? as allowingはどうしてing形になっているんでしょうか? また、; ←はつまり、とか要するに、とかそういう意味でしょうか? 長くなりましたが、おねがいします。