
  • この文章を英語→日本語化していただけませんか?
  • irrevocable letter of credit, prime bank, Swiss or German Bankにより開設される不可撤回の信用状で、私たちのために3か月間有効であり、最終支払い後の3か月まで支払いいただける。
  • 注文後30日以内に30%、発送書類に対して70%を確認銀行の窓口で支払う。
  • ベストアンサー


この文章を英語→日本語化して頂けませんか? by irrevocable letter of credit, to be opened by a prime bank and confirmed by a first class Swiss or German Bank, in our favour, valid till 3 months after the last scheduled payment at the counters of the confirming bank, payable 30% within 30 days after order 70% against shipping documents

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数6


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1442/3776)

by irrevocable letter of credit, to be opened by a prime bank and confirmed by a first class Swiss or German Bank, in our favour, valid till 3 months after the last scheduled payment at the counters of the confirming bank, payable 30% within 30 days after order 70% against shipping documents. 主要な銀行によって開設され、スイスまたはドイツの一流銀行によって確認された、取消不能の信用状により、最後の支払い予定日から 3 か月後まで有効で、確認銀行のカウンターで、30 日以内に 30% を支払う必要があり、注文後に出荷書類に対して70%を支払います。 のような内容に見えますが、正確には相手先にそれぞれの語句の詳細を確認された方が問題がないと思います。



回答頂きましてありがとうございました。 全文を日本語化することが出来なかったのですが、途中までの自分のイメージしている文章に最も近かったです。 大変助かりました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。 なるべくわかりやすく意訳します。ただし、原文に不明瞭な部分がありますので、推測交じりになりますので、誤訳があるかも知れません。その節はどうぞ悪しからず。 (訳文) 「取消不能の本信用状は、当社が容認する主要銀行によって取り扱われるが、スイスまたはドイツの一流銀行によって確認されるものとし、その確認銀行のカウンターで(の引き受けが)、予定された(料金)支払いの最終日から3か月後まで有効とする。(なお、その料金については)注文の30日以内に30%が、出荷を証する書類と引き換えに70%が支払われるはずである。」



回答頂きましてありがとうございます。 単なる文章だけでなく、概要も教えていただきまして感謝いたします。イマージが大きくわいて大変助かりました。 とても勉強になりました。


・翻訳してみた結果です。 取消不能な信用状によって、プライムによって開かれる銀行とファーストクラスのスイスまたはドイツ語によって確認された銀行、私たちが有利に、最後の3か月後まで有効確認のカウンターでのスケジュールされた支払い銀行、支払い可能注文後30日以内に30%送料に対する70%



回答頂きましてありがとうございます。 勉強になりました。


  • 日本語訳を教えてください

    (1)We have instructed The Bank of Asian to establish an irrevocable letter of credit for US2,500 valid until February 11 in our favor. (2)As soon as we receive the relative letter of credit, er will effect shipment by the first available vessel. (3)We believe these prices can compete well with those of other firms. (4)We shall be pleased to receive your furthee order in the near future. (5)Please let us have opportunity to serve you again. (6)We have drawn on you at 90 d/s under L/C No.119 and ask you to honor the draft upon presentation. 上記の英文を日本語に訳ないといけないのですが、全くわかりませんので、英語に詳しいかたがいらっしゃいましたら、教えてください。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    On the south side of the Ancre valley near Courcelette, the 51st Division took over from the 4th Canadian Division on 27 November. The division had only just been relieved from the line on the north bank, after the Battle of the Ancre (13–18 November 1916) with very little time for reSt Constant rain wet the ground so badly that horses drowned and men became stuck up to their waists; in December ropes were issued to drag soldiers out of the mud. New trenches collapsed as they were dug and the front and support lines were held by shell-hole posts, which became islands of squalor, as duckboards and ration boxes used as platforms sank under the mud; cooking became impossible and movement in daylight suicidal. There were epidemics of dysentery, trench foot and frostbite; old wounds opened.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Midday saw them in a stronger position until French artillery and machine guns opened fire on them, mistaking them for Germans, forcing them to retire to high ground west of Grandu. The remaining troops of the 36th Division were ordered to withdraw and reorganise. To give support to French troops now holding the front, they set off on a 24-kilometre (15 mi) march west. Around midday, they halted for a few hours rest near Avricourt. While there they received orders to head for a new line which would be formed between Bouchoir and Guerbigny. During the day, the Germans made a rapid advance and Allied troops and civilians with laden carts and wagons filled the roads south and west. The Germans passed through Libermont and over the Canal du Nord. Further north, the town of Nesle was captured, while south-west of Libermont German troops faced the French along the Noyon–Roye road. The 1/1st Herts having spent the night in Maricourt, "marched from MARICOURT to INSAUNE. The march was continued after breakfast across the River SOMME at CAPPY to CHUIGNOLLES, where the Bn reorganised and spent the night.”(25 March 1918) More orders were received at 3pm to move to Varesnes on the south bank of the River Oise but whilst en-route they were countermanded with surprise orders to counter attack and retake a village called Babouef. Therefore, the war worn Brigade who had been fighting and marching for four punishing days solid were about faced and moved off to the attack with an enthusiasm that is nothing short of incredible. By rights, the Brigade should have been incapable of the action yet those quoted as being there remark that it was the most memorable event of the entire rearguard action. At 5pm, with the Fusiliers on the right, the Bedfords on the left and the Northamptons in reserve, the Brigade formed up with the Babouef to Compeigne road on their right and the southern edge of the woods above Babouef to their left. The Germans had not expected a British counter attack, thinking there was nothing but ragged French units in their area, so were surprised at the arrival of three small but determined British battalions.

  • 英語から日本語に御願い致します。

    こんにちは。こちらではいつもお世話になっており大変助かっております。ホテルを予約するにあたって下記の英語ですが・・・ (1)チェックアウトは4時でOK (2)こちらの意味がわかりません。。 (3)これは1泊につき15ドル+という事でしょうか?それとも1回の予約につき15ドル? (4)クレジットカードで払わなければならないということでしょうか? (5)サービス料込みの値段・・・ だいたいこんな意味あってますでしょう? 間違いがあれば教えて下さい。 (1)Complimentary late check out until 4 pm (based on availability) (2) Additional night will be charged at US$ 95.00 net/room/night incl ABF (2)Additional US$ 15.00 net for period July 15 – 31 August 2003 (4) Reservation must be prepaid by cash or guaranteed by valid credit card (5)The rate is inclusive of 10% service charge & government tax of 11% 宜しく御願い致します。

  • 日本語を英語に御願い致します

    こんばんは。オークションで海外の人と取引をする事になってしまい困ってます。英語に直して頂けますでしょうか。相手も英語圏の人ではないので簡単な英語で宜しく御願い致します。***** (1)お返事有難う御座います。私のパソコンでは添付ファイル付きのメールは文字化けしてしまい見る事ができず申し訳御座いませんでした。 さて・・・16800円のワンピースですが既に入札者がいます。もしあなた様が落札できましたら、同時に2つ発送致します。送料はもう1つのオークションが終了次第御連絡致しますね。お振込はJNBか郵便振替になっておりますがどのような方法でなされますでしょうか? それでは御連絡御待ちしております。 (2)落札有難う御座いました。お振込合計金額は00円になります。送金日数はどれ位かかるかご存知でしょうか? 振込確認でき次第発送致しますね。 発送後また御連絡致します。 (3)本日発送致しました。到着致しましたら御連絡頂けますと幸いでございます。宜しく御願い致します。

  • 英語→日本語 お願い致します。

    こんにちは、いつもお世話になっております。 ウエーブ翻訳をしてみましたが、イマイチ意味が不明なので宜しくお願い致します。 In regards to your message, much regret to inform that Suite Indulgence Package does not include Club benefits. Meanwhile, delighted to offer Club Intercontinental room at USD230+21% tax and service charge/room/night, inclusive of daily breakfast for 2 persons, return airport transfer, and free use of the Club lounge for 2 persons. Third person share will be at USD65+21% tax and service charge/night for an extra bed, inclusive of daily breakfast and free use of the Club Intercontinental lounge. we hope the above information and offer will meet your requirement. We have Club rooms available for period of May, except May 16 to 19 as we are going to face overbooked situation. 自分なりに解釈してみたのですが・・・ Suite Indulgence Package プランはクラブラウンジを使用できない。 230ドル+21%TAXを払えばクラブラウンジ、空港送迎、朝食付き、エキストラベッドは65ドル ・・このような意味であってますでしょうか? 最後の2行はよく分からないので翻訳お願いします。

  • 英語の添削をお願いします!

    こんにちは 自分で出来る限り英訳してみましたが 正しいか間違っているか… 英文の添削をお願いします。 (1) お座席の予約は…ご利用の際は、運行の有無をご確認のうえ、出発時刻の1時間前までにご予約お願います。 Reservation of seats…Please make reservation at least one hour before the departure, after confirming operation of travelling. (2) 添乗員は同行いたしません。 A tour operator does not board. (3) 未就学者…小学生未満は無料です。お座席を利用の際は、料金が必要となります。 Preschool children are free of charge. When using the seat, charge is required for seat reservation. (4)天候や道路事情により遅れが発生する場合があります。その際、お客様が次に予定されている交通機関へ接続できなかった場合、責任は負いかねます。 Scheduled departure and arrival times may change due to weather and road conditions. If you have a connecting train to your final destination, please buy a ticket reserving enough time for the connection. (5)免責…天変地異、気象条件などの理由により損害が発生した場合には、免責と致します。 We shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or expense incurred by weather conditions. (6) 催行人員: Maximum capacity of up to 9 (7) 最少催行人数: minimum passenger count

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The battlecruisers were organised in the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron (Beatty) with the Lion (flagship), Tiger and Princess Royal. The new 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron (Rear-Admiral Sir Archibald Moore, deputy to Beatty) had the New Zealand as flagship and Indomitable. Harwich Force (Commodore Reginald Tyrwhitt) sailed from Harwich with three light cruisers and 35 destroyers, to rendezvous with the battlecruisers at 07:00 on 24 January. To cover the East Coast and act as distant support, the 3rd Cruiser Squadron and the seven pre-dreadnoughts of the 3rd Battle Squadron (Admiral Edward Eden Bradford) sailed from Rosyth for an area in the North Sea, from which they could cut off the German force if it moved north. The Grand Fleet left Scapa at 21:00 on 23 January, to sweep the southern North Sea but could not be expected to arrive on the scene until the afternoon of 24 January. Soon after the German force sailed, the 1st Light Cruiser Squadron (Commodore William Goodenough) and the battlecruisers departed Rosyth, heading south; at 07:05 on 24 January, a clear day with good visibility, they encountered German screening vessels at the Dogger Bank. Sighting the smoke from a large approaching force, Hipper headed south-east by 07:35 to escape but the battlecruisers were faster than the German squadron, which was held back by the slower armoured cruiser Blücher and the coal-fuelled torpedo boats. By 08:00, the German battlecruisers had been sighted from Lion but the older battlecruisers of the British 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron were lagging behind the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron. Chasing the Germans from a position astern and to starboard, the British ships gradually caught up—some reaching a speed of 27 kn (50 km/h; 31 mph)—and closed to gun range. Beatty chose to approach from this direction so that the prevailing wind blew the British ships' smoke clear, allowing them a good view of the German ships, while German gunners were partially blinded by their funnel and gun smoke blowing towards the British ships. Lion opened fire at 08:52, at a range of 20,000 yd (11 mi; 18 km) and the other British ships commenced firing as they came within range, while the Germans were unable to reply until 09:11, because of the shorter range of their guns. No warships had engaged at such long ranges or at such high speeds before and accurate gunnery for both sides was an unprecedented challenge but after a few salvos, British shells straddled Blücher.

  • 下記の英語を日本語にお願い致します。

    Subject to the company's policies. reserve duty. Work credits. leave credits. Having regard to relevant company policy.

  • 英語から日本語に翻訳お願い致します(>_<)

    イギリス人のお友達とメールしていたのですが段々文が長くなってきて自分でもうまく翻訳できないので翻訳お願い致します(>_<) It depends on how much money i have when i decide to come, I should have around £4000 which is around ¥490,000, so over 2weeks i am planning to stay :) And It's cold in Autumn, Winter, and Spring in the UK! It gets hot in the summer but not for long! :) This year the weather has been really cold and rainy :( But it's warmer more often in southern parts of England, Like corn wall, or Lands End :) 長くてすみません(>_<) ちなみに私は 『雨が降るとすぐ桜は散ってしまうから天気を調べるのは重要だね!どれくらいの期間日本に滞在する予定なの?日本の冬は場所によって寒さが違うけど京都の冬は寒いみたいだよ!あんまり雨は降らないけど。イギリスは冬は寒くなるの?』 と前のメールで返しました(*^^*) 英語が得意な方翻訳できましたら宜しくお願い致します(>_<)