
  • 質問者が構文分析についてアドバイスを求めている。
  • 私は質問者にアドバイスと読書リストを提供したが、自信が持てない。
  • 私が読書リストを提案することで、彼が学者となる手助けになるかもしれない。
  • ベストアンサー


A young man wrote to me the other day lamenting his ignorance and requesting me to tell him what books to read and what to do in order to become learned and wise. I sent him a civil answer and such advice as occurred to me. But I confess that the more I thought of the matter the less assured I felt of my ability for the task. -ALFRED G. GARDINER Many Furrows 構文分析よろしくお願い致します🙏 できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです😭

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

前便と同じ方法で、以下のとおりお答えします。 >A young man wrote to me the other day lamenting his ignorance and requesting me to tell him what books to read and what to do in order to become learned and wise. I sent him a civil answer and such advice as occurred to me. But I confess that the more I thought of the matter the less assured I felt of my ability for the task. 「先日、ある青年が自分の無知を嘆き、学問を身につけ、賢くなるためにはどんな本を読み、何をすべきかを教えてほしいと私に手紙をよこした。私は彼に礼儀正しい返事と、思いつく助言を送った。しかし、白状すると、その問題を考えれば考えるほど、この課題に対する自分の能力に確信が持てなくなったのだ。」 ⇒S(A young man) V(wrote) M(to me) M(the other day) Adv.M {lamenting O1(his ignorance) Conj.1(and) requesting O2(me) O3[to tell O4(him) O5'(what books to read) Conj.2(and) O5"(what to do) M(in order to become learned and wise)]}. S(I) V(sent) O1(him) O2(a civil answer and such advice) Adj.M [Rel./S(as) V/M(occurred to me)]. Conj.(But) S(I) V(confess) O{Conj.(that) Adv.M [M(the more) S(I) V(thought) M(of the matter)] 〈Conj.〉M(the less) C(assured) S(I) V(felt) M(of my ability for the task)}. *S(A young man) V(wrote) M(to me) M(the other day) Adv.M {lamenting O1(his ignorance) Conj.1(and) requesting O2(me) O3[to tell O4(him) O5'(what books to read) Conj.2(and) O5"(what to do) M(in order to become learned and wise)]}.「先日、ある青年が自分の無知を嘆き、学問を身につけ、賢くなるためにはどんな本を読み、何をすべきかを教えてほしいと私に手紙をよこした」。Adv.M {lamenting ~ Conj.1(and) requesting …}「~を嘆き、…してほしいと」は、付帯状況を表す分詞構文で、先行の主節S(A young man) V(wrote) M(to me) M(the other day)「先日、ある青年が私に手紙をよこした」にかかります。目的語が多く出てきますが、それぞれ、O1はlamentingの直接目的、O2はrequestingの間接目的、O3は同じくrequestingの直接目的、O4はtellの間接目的、O5'とO5"はともに同じtellの直接目的です(以後、目的語の件は省略)。 S(I) V(sent) O1(him) O2(a civil answer and such advice) Adj.M[Rel./S(as) V/M(occurred to me)].「私は彼に礼儀正しい返事と、思いつく助言を送った」。ここで重要なのは、Adj.M[Rel./S(as) V/M(occurred to me)]「(私に)起こった・(私が)思いついた(ところの助言)」のasが関係代名詞で、occurredの主語であり、同時に形容詞節を導いて先行詞advice を修飾している、という点です。 Conj.(But) S(I) V(confess) O{Conj.(that) Adv.M[M(the more) S(I) V(thought) M(of the matter)] 〈Conj.〉M(the less) C(assured) S(I) V(felt) M(of my ability for the task)}.「しかし、白状すると、その問題を考えれば考えるほど、この課題に対する自分の能力に確信が持てなくなった」のConj.(But) は,直前の文S(I) V(sent) ~「私は~を送った」と、この文S(I) V(confess) ~.「私は~を白状する」とをつないでいます。O{Conj.(that) Adv.M[M(the more) S(I) V(thought) M(of the matter)] 〈Conj.〉M(the less) C(assured) S(I) V(felt) M(of my ability for the task)}.「その問題を考えれば考えるほど、この課題に対する自分の能力に確信が持てなくなった(ことを白状する)」の全体がV(confess)の目的節です。この中のAdv.M[M(the more) S(I) V(thought) M(of the matter)] 〈Conj.〉M(the less) C(assured) S(I) V(felt) M(of my ability for the task).(直訳)「その問題を考えれば考えるほど、この課題に対する自分の能力により少ない確信を感じた」のthe more ~ the less …「~すればするほど、より少なく…する/…しなくなる」は、前便の 《Adv.M1[M(The more carefully) S(nature) V(has been studied)],〈Conj.〉M(the more widely) S/V(has order been found) C(to prevail)「自然を注意深く研究すればするほど、秩序が広く行き渡っていることが分かってきた」は有名なThe more ~ the more …「~すればするほど…」構文ですが、Mに〈Conj.〉が前置されているように、これは副詞の接続詞的用法です。》と同じ構造ですので、詳細は省略させていただきます。 ※不明点や疑問点がありましたら、どうぞコメントなさってください。折り返しお返事いたします。



返信遅くなりました。 ありがとうございます。 今回は全て理解出来ました。


  • 日本語らしく訳したいのですが・・・・。

    同じ様な質問で済みませんが、以下の英文を訳したのですが、 どうも上手く日本語らしくなりません。 どう表現すればいいのでしょうか? A young man wrote to me the other day lamenting his ignorance and requesting me to tell him what books to read and what to do in order to become learned and wise. I sent him a civil answer and such advice as occurred to me. But I confess that the more I thought of the matter the less assured I felt of my competence for the task. 先日、若者が自らのの無知を嘆いて、どんな本が読めば博学で賢くなれるかをかを教えてほしいと私に手紙をよこした。 私は彼に一般的な答えと私が思いついた助言を送った。 余り自信はなかったが、私は仕事のために私の能力に関して感じた事柄を述べたのだ。 Soon Cornelia, their mother, came down the walk to speak with them. She was simply dressed in a plain white robe. Her arms and feet were bare, as was the custom in those days; and no rings nor chains glittered about her hands and neck. 彼らの母のコルネリアは散歩中に彼らと話すようになった。 彼女は、質素で平易な白いローブを着ていた。 当時の習慣だったように、彼女の腕や足は露出していた。 そして指輪もチェーンもまた彼女の手や首できらめいていなかった。 If in understanding the signals the receiver attaches the same meaning to the words as the speaker had in mind when he used them, then the communication is a success. Usually it dose not work out this perfectly. 合図を理解する際に、受け手が話し手の意図と同じ意味の言葉を受け取れば、コミュニケーションは成功だ。 通常は、こんなに完全に上手くいくことはない。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    When first I was brought into contact with the West what most immediately impressed me was the character and range of your intelligence. I found that you had brought your mind to bear, with rare success, upon problems which had not even occurred to us in the East; that by analysis and experiment you had found the clue to the operation of the forces of Nature, and had turned them to account in ways shich, to my untraveled imagination, appeared to be little short of miraculous. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。 できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです。

  • 構文分析、よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    The principal reason why he was always being asked to umpire a game―aside from the fact that he never expected to be paid for his services, saying that he liked to umpire for the good of the game―was that he never failed to try to please both teams. If one side did not like one of his decisions, he would stop the game then and there and let the players on both sides swear at him as much as they pleased and call him the worst names they would think of until they were tired of arguing aand wanted to get back to playing ball. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します できるだけ丁寧に解説してくださると嬉しいです。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    The best way to read fiction is to mix one's reading, neither to favour the present at the expense of the past nor to favour the past at the expense of the present. And do not think that if this policy is pursued, contemporary work will appear thin and trivial beside the great work of the past. It is not necessarily so at all. As a professional reader I have to try to keep abreast with contemporary fiction while constantly widening and deepening my knowl- edge of the fiction of earlier times. I am continually turn- ing from the most vital work of our time to the classic novels, and I find no opposition between them; they are not mutually exclusive. -WALTER ALLEN, Reading a Novel 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです😭

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    The happiest time of my boyhood was that early period, a little past the age of six, when I had my own pony to ride on, and was allowed to stay on his back just as long and go as f ar from home as I liked.I was like the young bird when on first quitting the nest it suddenly becomes conscious of its power to fly. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します! できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    Many times a day I realize how much of my own outer and inner life is built upon the labours of my yellow-men, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I received. My peace of mind is often troubled by the depressing sense that I have borrowed too heavily from the work of other men. できるだけ丁寧に解説して欲しいです。 構文分析や、文法など教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致します

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    His talents went into his hobbies, which were book-collecting and gardening; for his career he had accepted a routine occu pation and was quite content to be a bank manager in that town. His wife his become irritated at his lack of enterprise, and she was a little jealous and impatient of his hobbies his, which enclosed him in himself, as hobbies do, and, so she thought she got him nowhere. L.P.HARTLEY, The Go-Betrween 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m できるだけ丁寧に教えて頂けると嬉しいです😭

  • この構文について教えてください。

    この構文について教えてください。 All these things seemed to me the less important the longer I worked with him and the better I knew him. seemed to me は熟語ですか?それともto meは「私にとって」でその後にthatが省略されているのですか? この文の後はアインシュタインのことが書かれています。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    I doubt if there is my life that I regret more bitterly than I do my frequent failure as aboy to bring delight to my parents by showing them how pleased I was. Time after time, I realize now, I must have brought them bewilderment, dismay, and aching disappointment, by failing to respond adequately to some treat they planned for me. できるだけ詳しく教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。

    Whenever a person who already has enough to live on proposes to engage in some everyday kind of job,such as school-teaching or typing, he or she is told that such conduct takes the bread out of other people's mouths,and is therefore wicked. If this argument were valid,it would only be necessary for us all to be idle in order that we should all have our mouths full of bread. What people who say such things forget is that what a man earns he usually spends, and in spending he gives employment. この文の構文分析をお願いしたいです。 丁寧にしていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致します🙏