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  • hiro_1116
  • ベストアンサー率30% (2396/7763)

訳して欲しいということですか? 水耕栽培されたトルコギキョウにおいて、窒素とカリウムのバランスと濃度が、生育と栄養状態に影響する。


  • 英語論文

    Balance and concentration of nitrogen and potassium affect growth and nutrient status in soilless cultivated lisianthus この論文の表の所が分からないので助けてください。明日発表なのでお願いします。

  • 質問させていただきます。 富栄養化に関する論文で、「Regenerat

    質問させていただきます。 富栄養化に関する論文で、「Regeneration within a stretch and retention by, for example, organic dams, inundation areas, vegetation structure et cetera, strongly enlarge nutrient uptake. When the proportion of nutrient uptake is known, the relation between uptake and effect on the community can be described. The variables to be known are total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total carbon present in the different biotic and abiotic compartments of the system and the uptake length of the nutrients and the turnover time.」という文章があるのですが、上手く訳すことができません。特に「turnover time」の意味が分からず困っています。 農学・環境に知識のある方、よろしければ全訳をお願い致します。

  • 意味を教えてください。

    Silicon-starvation was terminated by the addition of aqueous potassium silicate, enriched 75 or 99.8atom% in 29Si(recovered and purified in-house), bringing the initial Si concentration in the medium to a nominal concentration of 16mg L-1. ここに出てくる29と-1は何乗のところです。enriched 75 or 99.8atom%のところがわからないのです。なぜ75と99.8に濃縮するのか。理解ができないのです。 どなたか理解できる方がいらっしゃいましたら、お力添えをいただけないでしょうか。

  • 生物系の英語論文 訳してください。

    生物系の英語論文 ノニルフェノールについての生物分解性についての論文をよんでおります。 丸投げで申し訳御座いませんが、訳してくださるとうれしくおもいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。 論文の数が多く、困っております。 5. Conclusion The relationship between nonylphenol (NP) isomer structure and its biodegradability within the biological wastewater treatment process of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was investigated in this study. The GC MS method was used for detecting the NP isomers existing in the SBR influent, activated sludge and effluent. The results indicated that fifteen NP isomers were detected in the SBR influent, with significant biodegradability variations among these isomers. The NP isomers associated with retention time of 10.553 min, 10.646 min, 10.774 min, and 10.906 min in the GC– MS analysis showed higher biodegradability. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, and 10.857 min illustrated lower biodegradability, and these three NP isomers accounted for the major part of residual NP in the SBR effluent and the sludge. An increasing amount of these three NP isomers in sludge was also observed with an increasing running cycles of SBR. Through analyzing the mass spectrograms, the chemical structures of four NP isomers in the wastewater were deduced. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, 10.857 min, and 10.774 min were identified as 4-(1,3 dimethyl- 1-propyl-butyl)phenol, 4-(1-ethyl-1,3-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol, 4- (1-ethyl-1,3,3-trimethyl butyl)phenol, and 4-(1,1,3-trimethylhexyl) phenol, respectively. The correlation between the biodegradability of NP isomer and its structure was then examined through the calculation of the molecular connectivity index (MCI) and the biodegradation rate of the four NP isomers in the SBR. A higher correlation (with correlation coefficients of 0.9421 and 0.9085) was observed between the biodegradation rates and the MCI of 2vv and 4vv pc, where 2vv indicated the number of the branch chain and its carbon atom in the nonyl of NP, and 4vv represented the information of the nonyl length of NP.

  • 生物系の英語論文 訳してください。

    生物系の英語論文 ノニルフェノールについての生物分解性についての論文をよんでおります。 丸投げで申し訳御座いませんが、訳してくださるとうれしくおもいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。 5. Conclusion The relationship between nonylphenol (NP) isomer structure and its biodegradability within the biological wastewater treatment process of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was investigated in this study. The GC–MS method was used for detecting the NP isomers existing in the SBR influent, activated sludge and effluent. The results indicated that fifteen NP isomers were detected in the SBR influent, with significant biodegradability variations among these isomers. The NP isomers associated with retention time of 10.553 min, 10.646 min, 10.774 min, and 10.906 min in the GC– MS analysis showed higher biodegradability. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, and 10.857 min illustrated lower biodegradability, and these three NP isomers accounted for the major part of residual NP in the SBR effluent and the sludge. An increasing amount of these three NP isomers in sludge was also observed with an increasing running cycles of SBR. Through analyzing the mass spectrograms, the chemical structures of four NP isomers in the wastewater were deduced. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, 10.857 min, and 10.774 min were identified as 4-(1,3-dimethyl- 1-propyl-butyl)phenol, 4-(1-ethyl-1,3-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol, 4- (1-ethyl-1,3,3-trimethyl-butyl)phenol, and 4-(1,1,3-trimethylhexyl) phenol, respectively. The correlation between the biodegradability of NP isomer and its structure was then examined through the calculation of the molecular connectivity index (MCI) and the biodegradation rate of the four NP isomers in the SBR. A higher correlation (with correlation coefficients of 0.9421 and 0.9085) was observed between the biodegradation rates and the MCI of 2vv and 4vv pc, where 2vv indicated the number of the branch chain and its carbon atom in the nonyl of NP, and 4vv represented the information of the nonyl length of NP. The linear correlation analysis indicated that a more complex side branch structure (such as a larger side carbon-chain branch or more branches in the nonyl) of NP isomer would lead to lower biodegradability, and a longer nonyl chain of the isomer (such as that with retention time of 10.774 min) would result in a higher biodegradability. The understanding of such NP isomer structure–biodegradability relationship would provide valuable information for investigating the environmental accumulation behavior of NP from WWTP effluent in various aquatic environments.

  • 英語論文についてです。

    今、英語の論文を読んでいるのですが、訳せないところがあります。 As illustrated in Fig. 3C, site directed mutagenesis of either site 1 (S1) or site 2 (S2) resulted in a moderate but significant (P<0.0001) decrease in the expression of sseL::lacZ. Additionally, an sseL manipulated promoter containing both mutations (S1+S2) demonstrated accumulative reduction in the expression of sseL::lacZ by more than 2-fold (P<0.0001), indicating that the S1 and S2 sites are required for optimal expression of sseL, possibly due to their role as PhoP binding sites. To further examine this idea and to rule out the possibility that these positions are used as SsrB binding sites, we analyzed the expression of an altered sseL promoter harboring both mutations in a phoP ssrB background complemented with PhoP or SsrB, provided in trans. In the presence of SsrB, this mutated promoter was readily able to induce sseL::lacZ expression, suggesting that SsrB does not bind to these sites. In contrast, providing PhoP in trans did not induce sseL::lacZ expression from the modified promoter (Fig. 3D), supporting the function of S1 and S2 loci as potential PhoP binding sites. 少し長いですが、どなたか訳せる方、よろしくお願いします。 私事ながら時間がないのです!!助けてください!!

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Experience of the Exercise Group Compliance The eight exercise group subjects completed all 36 sessions. However, before completing all exercise sessions, total of 16 sessions were missed accounting for an overall compliance rate of ~95%. The average heart rate of 103 beats /min, achieved during stationary crying, equaled 82%of the exercise stress-tested maximal heart rate and 70% of the age-predicted maximal heart rate. The exercise participants used the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers 85% of the time and the Ergo-Metric models the remaining 15%. Because of the added upper extremity exercise provided by the reciprocal arm movements, the subjects achieved higher average heart rates and were encouraged to use the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers. Safety and intercurrent Illness The exercise program was safe with no apparent adverse side effects and no session were missed because of musculoskeletal complications. None of the subjects dropped out because of dissatisfaction with the program. Twp participants, both in the exercise group, were forced to withdraw from the study because of intercurrent illnesses. Results of testing at the end of the exercise program Compasidon of the first to the last exercise sessions showed that each of the men participating in the exercise program increased the amount of weight lifted in the 10 repetition maximum. Baseline weight lifted averaged 7.6 lbs for the hip muscle groups, 28 lbs for the knee extensors and 46 lbs for the ankle plantar flexors. The increase in weight lifted over the course of the study averaged 7.3 lbs (99%) for the hip muscle groups, 21lbs(81%) for the knee extensors and 37 lbs (80%) for the ankle plantar flexors. Although one repetition maximum values were measured before the first exercise session, they were not repeated at the end of the exercise program. The control subjects did not undergo baseline weight measurement determinations. Table 3 provides information regarding each of the before and after variables measured in the exercise group. The mean increase in tinetti mobility scores of+3.37 was significant (P<0.05), with each subject scoring higher after completion of the exercise program. The tinetti scale was divided into three parts, consisting of strength items (12 points), items combining strength and balance (6 points) and items that were primarily related to balance (16 points). Increases in items primarily related to strength were significant (P<0.01), while increases in balance-related item approached significance (P<0.06). Table2&3 Isokinetic strength measurements that increased significantly included overall strength combining the individual muscle group measurements (P<0.01), combined right and left quadriceps strength (P<0.05) and right- and left- handed muscular endurance (P<0.05). left quadriceps strength improvements approached, but did not achieve significance (P<0.07). post-strengthening measurements of gait and balance revealed significant improvements in left-sided stride length (P<0.005), left gait velocity (P<0.01) and average stride length (P<0.005) and velocity (P<0.05). no significant changes occurred for the other measured parameters including V02 max and balance. Experience of the control group The results for the control group can be found in Table 4. All control subjects completed the testing protocol without complications. No outcome variable improved significantly at the end of the 12-wk control period with the exception of the combined hamstring strength (P<0.05). Between group comparisons Table 5 compares the magnitude of change between the before and after test measurements in the exercise U the control group. Differences of significance included the tinetti mobility scores (P<0.005), left stride length (P<0.05), left velocity (P<0.05), average stride length (P<0.05) and average velocity (P<0.05). よろしくお願いします。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . Isokinetic muscle strength testing was performed at 60°per second to obtain concentric isokinetic strength measurements for knee flexion and extension, measurements for knee flexion and extension, utilizing the Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer (Lumex, Inc. Bayshore, NY) and single-channel chart recorder. Adjustments for age were determined by estimating a 1% decline in strength per year after age 40.30 Measurements of endurance were recorded by tabulating the number of repetitions completed at 180°per second before strength declined to <50% of peak torque. Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . よろしくお願いします

  • 論文印刷できません

    Effects of Standing on One Leg Exercise on Gait and Balance of Hemiplegia Patients という論文を印刷したいのですが、保護されているようで印刷出来ません。 何かいい方法は無いでしょうか。 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jpts/24/7/24_571/_pdf

  • 論文の 5 wt%や 20wt %とは?

    すみません。教えてください。 今論文を読んでいます。 2.1. Materials The aqueous solution of alginate (5 wt%) and PNIPAAm-NH2 (20 wt%) were mixed in various composi- tions (80/20, 50/50, 20/80 by weight) とあるのですが、この 5 wt%というのは、化学のボトルのラベルに表 示されている密度ど同じようなものなのでしょうか?