• 締切済み


The assault by the third wave was launched at 04:45, and came to a quick end as before. Brazier made another attempt to reason with Antill, as did the 10th Light Horse Regiment's second-in-command, Major Allan Love. Again Antill ordered the men forward. This time, Brazier conferred with several majors and then went forward to find Hughes, who called off the attack. Meanwhile, the troops assigned to the fourth wave assembled on the fire-step of the forward Australian trench; amidst much confusion the right hand side of the line charged before Hughes' order could reach them. The troops on the left followed them shortly afterwards, but according to Bean many of them adopted a more cautious approach, "keeping low and not running". Briefly, Hughes entertained detaching a force via Monash Valley to support the British attack towards the "Chessboard" but this was eventually abandoned. In the aftermath, the ridge between Russell's Top and the Turkish trenches was covered with dead and wounded Australian soldiers, most of whom remained where they fell for the duration of the war. Recovering the wounded during the daylight proved largely impossible and many of those who lay injured on the battlefield succumbed in the intense heat. Some troops that had fallen into defiladed positions were recovered, but mostly the wounded had to wait until night. Under the cover of darkness, stretcher bearers were able to venture out to recover some of the wounded, others of whom were able to crawl back to the Australian trenches. A total of 138 wounded were saved. Of these, one who had been wounded in the ankle made it back to Australian lines two nights later; he was among three men to have made it to the Ottoman firing line on the right. Another Australian, Lieutenant E.G. Wilson, is known to have reached the left trench where he was killed by an Ottoman grenade.A further consequence of the failure to call off the attack at the Nek was that the supporting attack by two companies of the Royal Welch Fusiliers was launched from the head of Monash Valley, between Russell's Top and Pope's Hill, against the "Chessboard" trenches. Sixty-five casualties were incurred before the attack was aborted around 06:00. The Australians charged with unloaded rifles with fixed bayonets and were unable to fire; in contrast the volume of fire they faced was, according to Bean, the most intense the Australians faced throughout the war. Of the 600 Australians from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade who took part in the attack, the casualties numbered 372; 234 out of 300 men from the 8th Light Horse Regiment, of whom 154 were killed, and 138 out of the 300 men from the 10th, of whom 80 were killed. The Ottoman losses were negligible; Bean notes that the Ottomans suffered no losses during the assault, but afterwards a "large number ... who continued to expose themselves after the attack ... were certainly shot by [Australian] machine guns" from Turk 's Point (to the north of Walker's Ridge and the Nek) and Pope's Hill (to the south).Ottoman losses are placed at around twelve dead.


  • furamanko
  • ベストアンサー率27% (565/2056)

第3波の攻撃は4時45分に開始され、前回と同様にあっけなく終了した。ブラジエは、第10軽騎兵連隊の副官アラン・ラブ少佐と一緒に、再びアンティルに説得を試みた。アンティルは再び兵の前進を命じた。ブレイジャーは、数人の少佐と相談した後、ヒューズを探しに行き、ヒューズは攻撃を中止した。一方、第4波に割り当てられた部隊は、オーストラリア軍の前方塹壕のファイアーステップに集合し、混乱の中、ヒューズの命令が届く前に右翼側の部隊が突撃した。左側の部隊もすぐに追撃したが、ビーンによれば、彼らの多くは「低くして走らない」という慎重なアプローチをとった。 ヒューズは一時、モナッシュ・バレー経由で部隊を切り離し、イギリス軍の「チェスボード」への攻撃を支援することを考えていたが、結局これは中止された。その結果、ラッセルズ・トップとトルコ軍の塹壕の間の尾根は、オーストラリア兵の死傷者で埋め尽くされ、そのほとんどは戦争が終わるまでその場に留まった。日中に負傷者を回復させることはほとんど不可能で、戦場に倒れていた負傷者の多くは猛暑の中で息を引き取った。陣地に落ちていた部隊は回収されたが、負傷者の多くは夜を待たねばならなかった。暗闇の中、担架を持った兵士が何人かの負傷者を救出し、他の負傷者は這ってオーストラリアの塹壕に戻ることができた。救助された負傷者は138名であった。このうち、足首を負傷した1名は2日後の夜にオーストラリア軍陣地に戻り、オスマン・トルコ軍の右翼射線に到達した3名のうちの1人だった。ネクでの攻撃を中止しなかったことで、ロイヤル・ウェルチ・フュージリアーズの2個中隊による支援攻撃が、ラッセルズ・トップとポープズ・ヒルの間にあるモナッシュ・バレーの先端から「チェスボード」の塹壕に向けて行われた。攻撃が中止されたのは午前6時頃で、65名の死傷者が出た。オーストラリア軍は銃剣を固定した無装填の小銃で突撃したため、発砲することができなかったが、ビーン氏によれば、彼らが直面した砲撃の量は、オーストラリア軍が戦争中に直面した中で最も激しいものだったという。この攻撃に参加した第3軽騎兵旅団のオーストラリア兵600人のうち、死傷者は372人で、第8軽騎兵連隊300人のうち234人(うち154人が死亡)、第10軽騎兵連隊300人のうち138人(うち80人が死亡)であった。ビーンによれば、オスマン軍は攻撃中には何の損害も受けなかったが、その後、タークス・ポイント(ウォーカーズ・リッジとネクの北側)とポープズ・ヒル(南側)から「攻撃後も身をさらし続けた多数の......確実に(オーストラリア軍の)機関銃に撃たれた」という。オスマン軍の損害は12名程度とされている。

